Talbots Spring Essentials

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Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Great Graduation Gift

Hello dear friends.... I was watching the Today Show a couple of weeks ago and Willie Geist said if there was a television station completely devoted to military reunions, he would watch it all day.

I'm with Willie and not just because he's kind of cute.

Grab a tissue.

Now pull yourself together and have a great day!

Marine Cpl Megan Leavey & Sgt Rex

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. I do not have a grad this year but they look like some great ideas for the holidays.

  2. Why must you do this? I know there was fair warning but......!

  3. You just wanted to make me cry on my birthday, didn't you!?!

  4. Wow these never fail to make me ball like a baby....love it and could also watch them all day long! What a wonderful surprise for that graduate:)

  5. I cry every.single.time I see one of these reunions. Thanks for sharing! PS Isn't Willie Geist just the most sweet and adorable guy?! Great addition to the Today family!

  6. Love how you can make a grown woman cry and smile at the same time.


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