Talbots Spring Essentials

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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Technology vs. Love

Happy Saturday, dear friends.  
When I came across this video, I knew I had to share it with you.

Hope you have a weekend filled with love!


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. OK you are in trouble...I am sitting here balling at not even 8am! Not good, you know i am a sucker for anything with a baby!!

    This touched me because it shows no bells and whistles will ever replace the human touch and I wanted to reach in and kidnap that darling little cherub.....waaahhhhh! That was really sweet...going to share it with my inner circle, have a great weekend!!

  2. Wow. You find the best stuff. Thanks.

  3. And you've done it again.

  4. AMEN!!! Put the technology down and be present. With that I will get off this computer ;-)

  5. I have seen this one and I just couldn't agree more! I'm simply dropping in to wish you a happy weekend full of present moments!!

  6. LOVE this! I will share it too.
    Katie, have a fabulous time in Italy! I absolutely never tire of visiting, and each time I want to stay longer. Just so beautiful in many different ways. xx's

  7. Great post! Thanks for sharing this information. I gained quite a lot of knowledge after reading your blog thank you.

  8. Love wins out every time. Have a love filled day, my sweet friend :)
    xo Laura

  9. That baby could not be more adorable! I love the mom playing peek-a-boo in the grocery aisle. But most of all I love the look on the faces of the baby, the dad and the mom when the dad (finally!!) picks the baby up. Another awesome video, girlfriend!


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