J. Crew Factory for Fall

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Saturday, July 26, 2014

A Delightful Lunch with Fellow Bloggers

Good Morning dear friends.  Sister and I enjoyed the most delightful lunch yesterday.  We had the privilege of meeting some of our favorite bloggers.  

I was so excited.  I felt like I was asked to sit with the popular girls at their lunch table!

  The setting was far more glamorous than a school cafeteria.  The lunch was arranged by the two leading ladies of blogland, Tina, from The Enchanted Home and Sandy from You May Be Wandering.  We met at  l'escale which is set in the spectacular Greenwich harbor.

  Sandy and Tina provided a beautiful arrangement of hydrangea in a sweet blue and white teapot.  There were also party favors at each table setting. 

So are you curious who was there?  I did not take any group shots because some ladies don't have their photos on their blogs.  I didn't want to be responsible for blowing their cover.

Let's begin with our hostesses.  Tina, the queen of blue and white, writes The Enchanted Home and is positively adorable.  I have followed her blog since the beginning of the construction of her breathtaking home.  She is warm, genuine, and has a great sense of humor.  

I had the privilege of sitting next to Sandy of  You May Be Wandering, my favorite travel blog.   She is positively lovely and my Sista and I  enjoyed great conversation about our families and travel.  Sandy, who's day job is travel advisor,  gave us great suggestions and advice for an upcoming trip that we are taking.  Our next trip will definitely be planned by Sandy.  She's the best.

Karolyn, from The Relished Roost sat next to Sista.  Karolyn is exactly what I expected - pure sweetness.  She weighs about 90 pounds soaking wet and looks like she's 20 years old.  No one would ever guess that she has a daughter that age!  She is a talented decorator and I always learn something about design when I read her blog.  Karolyn owns a beautiful antique home in New Jersey.

Patricia writes PVE Design.  Not only is she a beautiful, thoughtful writer and accomplished artist and illustrator, she is a lovely lady with the most gorgeous skin.  It is practically luminescent.  I was very excited to meet Patricia because I am a big fan of her artwork.  She also writes the sweetest nice comments on my blog.

It was very exciting to meet Sue from Zhush.  I really enjoy her blog and she has fabulous things in her shop.  She is very personable and adorable looking.  Sue has a beautiful home in New York but has just recently purchased a home in Connecticut.  I can hardly wait to follow her new journey.  She gave us all a beautiful set of coasters.

I finally got to meet Elizabeth from Pretty Pink Tulips.  She is a true Dallas girl with all the beauty and charm of a southern belle.  We reminisced about all our favorite hot spots in the Dallas area.  It was so fun to meet her.

Well, Sista and I thought we looked like pretty snazzy sistas until Carolyn and Cynthia from The Buzz blog walked in.  Wow!  Such great looking, smart ladies!  The twins write a great blog of design with a botanical twist.  Along with that, they are hands-on in their mother's family business, Diane James Home.  Cynthia and Carolyn have the whole package - great looks, fabulous education, and vibrant personalities.  They brought us the darling luggage tag in the picture which Sista and I will put to good use in the very near future.

I couldn't find a photo of Cynthia and Carolyn on their site which I can't understand.  If I looked like them, I would have it plastered it all over my blog!

I also wanted to take the opportunity to thank Jeanne from I Dream of  for sending the sweet hostess gift of blue and white jelly beans, which I devoured on my drive home, blue and white flowers seeds and the prettiest package of Caspari tissues that are much too pretty to use.  Next time, Jeanne, you will have to fly in from the West Coast. 

By the way, we weren't the only table of celebs in the restaurant.  I'll give you a hint who else was there.

Looks like Michael just noticed the table of infamous bloggers!

Hope your weekend is filled with new friends, fabulous food and conversation, and maybe even a star siting!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Sounds wonderful and you did a great job of covering the event. I am going to check out some of the blogs I'm not familiar with thanks to your information. Hope puppy didn't do any damage while you were out!

  2. What wonderful opportunities you are having now that you are on the east coast! Looks lovely. Have a happy Saturday :-)

  3. Seriously Katie, It was such a treat to meet you and I hope you will tell Mister how lucky he is to be married to your super model self and then to have a sister equally as charming and beautiful. Blogging certainly helps to take us new places, meet new people and as my sister says, "To hobnob with the celebs" - so it's good to know that my family realizes that they live amidst a celebrity. I just have to hone my "runaway from the paparazzi" skills. Maybe you will share your tips with us.
    Oh, on the Jimmy Fallon show. What a pearl you are. I can't wait til our next rendez-vous. Hope it will include some "Chowda" time.

  4. What a wonderful lunch, and lucky you meeting up with so many wonderful and talented ladies!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Obviously was still having my morning coffee!! Lets try this again shall we....
    Great recap Katie.....I covered it a little bit today too. I need to send my friend over here who I know will so enjoy your blog, I was telling her about your funny humor and I know she will enjoy seeing your recap. It was such a fun day...can't wait for the next one!

  7. Oh, know the blogging lunch was just too much fun! And, the table setting were just the "icing on the cake." Enjoyable post!

  8. Lucky gals! Sounds like a wonderful meeting of brilliant and talented blog minds. I bet that Michael wasn't the only person in the restaurant whose attention was drawn to the table of lovely ladies!

  9. What fun you must have had. I have no doubt that you & Sista charmed everyone! I am familiar with most of the blogs mentioned & while they are wonderful they can't hold a candle to your wisdom & witticisms. The restaurant looked beautiful; must try it one day ( fairly close to my house & if I tell DH that CZJ eats there he will make a bee line ;) !) Maybe we can meet in CT for lunch? Be well, xoxo- Dawn

    1. Dawn.... Thanks for all your sweet comments. Let's set up a date for lunch in the Fall. Email me.

  10. Goodness, I am still waiting to sit at the table with the popular girls. You might have seen me, though. I had on my frilly white apron and cap serving your delightful lunch. They finally let up from the basement. Oh wait, for a moment I thought I was in and episode of Downton Abbey. :)

    I am so glad you and Sista had such a wonderful time, sweet friend, and can't wait to hear about your planned trip.


  11. Hi I am a friend of Tina's ( in real life) and she told me that she thought I would enjoy your blog. I can see why, I am originally from Boston (Back Bay). The lunch between the two of you sounds like such fun. She forgot to tell me about the celebrity part thought- how fun to have sat next to Michael Douglas, I want to see his new movie.

    I loved the tables, Tina is humble about her immense talents but she is my design hero, I always seek her advice. I would have loved to see a picture of her gorgeous face, not fair that some have it all, but I respect that she wants her privacy. Nice to have found your blog and I look forward to coming back again for another visit.


  12. Andrea... thank you so much for your sweet note and stopping by. I am a HUGE fan of Tina's. If it weren't for Tina and her inspiration and kind words, I would not still be blogging. Her talents are beyond compare and yet she is so genuine with a heart of gold. If you come to Boston, I would love to take you to lunch. Try to talk our buddy Tina into it too.

  13. It WAS such a fun day, wasn't it!!! Thanks for your kind words and sharing such a great recap of our afternoon. Hope you had a great weekend!! xoxo

  14. Hello Katie,
    I am so excited and happy that you met for your beautiful luncheon for lady bloggers( sorry I do mean celebrities, because that is what you are to me) You know I love all that you do, and appreciate so very much, the time, energy, gifts and talent ( and humour) you all share with us so generously.
    Tina, whose blog was pretty much the first I knew, is an amazing and very special dear person to me.
    Meeting you all... even if I never have... is like having lots of new friends.. it is wonderful and I send my love and thanks
    I hope you made a toast to yourselves
    Love from over the pond
    Sally xx

    1. Sweet Sally... thank you for always leaving such sweet, thoughtful comments. I love hearing from you. I hope to meet you in person someday. Hope your summer is full of sweetness - just like you!

    2. Thank you lovely Katie, bless you..I hope to meet you in person someday too, I would love to :))
      Summer is sunny over here so far, vacations are soon so Im happy. I hope you and your family also have a wonderful summer xxx
      ps. you are every inch as cool as Diane Keaton...and prettier

  15. Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time. The coasters are a hoot...may want to get some for Christmas gifts...look at me thinking Christmas in July.

  16. You, and your sister, and Tina, in the same room? All I have to say to that is, Lucky! Lucky! Lucky! How fun to meet such amazing bloggers. You and Tina are my fav's. The room looks beautiful. Wowza!

    1. Romi... you're the best. Love following you on instagram!

  17. Hi Katie! Well, first I have to say your blog construction is looking great and the changes look fantastic:) The blogger luncheon must have been so fun. What a crowd and so fun to meet in person! The party favors are perfect and I'm sure you all had a great time.

    We are knee deep in building a home now .. and I am a bit overwhelmed with the mess and construction folks around 24/7. With my work and the house, blogging has taken a back seat. The home is being re constructed (with us in it) so it's like living in a box. There are so many decisions to make and we are over budget ~ surprise! ;) Anyway, hopefully when things look a little better I'll be posting pics. I

    I guess I'm not getting you blog posts. Ever since I made the change to WP I don't seem to be getting the following or updates. I signed to receive update so I can stay in touch.

  18. Hi Katie! Thank you so much for the shout out! I so wish I could have joined you all for lunch, but was glad that I could at leas be there in spirit. Glad that you and your sister had a lovely time - and that you enjoyed the gift. Next time hopefully I can be there in person! Hope you enjoyed the weekend. XOXO

  19. Oh how I love you even more now.. if that is even possible!! You are too funny and so down to earth ! You and your Sista where just so much fun please give her my best! I think I did see Michael throw you a longing glance since Catherine flew out the door already! If I hit bean town you better meet up with me!

  20. I am ever so very jealous! What a wonderful group!?! I think that it would be simply lovely to meet other bloggers. I hope you and Sista had a great time.

  21. Hi Katie,
    Checking in after a very busy couple of weeks and had to smile about your description of us! We'll start posting pictures of ourselves as soon as we have some work done... Just kidding! We hope you're having a great end of summer and that you'll let us know the next time you're down our way.
    C + C

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