Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, July 10, 2014

Beach Picnic

Hello dear friends.  Hope you are having a great week.  I am delighted to report that Massachusetts is expecting another gorgeous weekend.   

One of the many great things that I appreciate about my new town is the fact that it is the home of five beaches.  Yup, five.  

How many times have the Mister and I visited the beach?  One time and it was 40 degrees.  A little chilly for my swim dress.

I'm the cute one.

One of the things that I put on my summer bucket list besides watching more educational shows on Bravo, consuming more carbs, and not lifting a chubby finger when it comes to exercise, is enjoying a summer picnic with the Mister.  I have a sneaking suspicion, the first three things will be accomplished.  
Not so sure about the last.

I scrolled through Pinterest for inspiration. Whoa!  That's enough exercise for a week! 

To me, a picnic is not a picnic without a nice bottle of vino.


Sorry to get off track, but aren't these wine sippy cups the cutest?  Great for a picnic, but also cute hostess gift with a bottle of wine.

Wish I was here!  


It would take me months to make this.  Let's just say I never won any awards for my sand castles at Fairfield Beach! 


Can you tell what my favorite food group at a picnic is?

something-everything-nothing tumbler


I wouldn't even care what was on the menu if I was seated at this gorgeous table!


When I think of the Mister and me basking in the sun at a romantic  picnic at the beach, in my mind I think we look like this....

But in reality, I think this is closer to the truth.

What's on your bucket list this summer?

BTW... I just opened an instagram account called what else but.. PREPPYEMPTYNESTER.  If you follow me I will follow you back!  

Have a great weekend!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. HAHAHA so funny....love that sippy cup! What is the beach without some good food and maybe a little wine! You can be my beach partner any day, we think alike. I am headed back to the beach after lunch, trying to stay out of the sun today, have gotten too much but I always say..how can something that feels so good be bad for you!

  2. Glad you liked the oil; I love it too...especially in the winter. So far, I love the MAC foundation I told you about, but I will let you know more later because I have actually only worn it once. If you would be so kind as to send some of your weather down here, I would appreciate it. It is supposed to be a balmy 100+ starting tomorrow through early next week. Why can't the weather in OK just stay between 55 and 70?

    Love the wine sippy cup, and the Mister needs to just get busy, suck it up and take you to the beach for a picnic. Otherwise, you and Sista will just have to spend your days shopping and drinking! Actually, that does not sound all that badly either.

  3. ROFL...love the sippy cup. The table setting dug into the sand is amazing! The closest we will come to this is a picnic in the park during one of their free summer concerts!

  4. Katie, Katie, Katie! You do make me laugh! Love the mental image vs the 'reality' image. BTW RHNJ SUNDAY!!!!!

    1. Denise... great minds think alike... I am working on a RH post as we speak! Have a great weekend!!

  5. I am so far behind on what's up in RH land! And NJ starts Sunday?!?! No time for the beach. I'll just take that bottle of wine and curl up with my DVR!

    1. Mo and Katie, Sunday night glasses raised in solidarity for the RHNJ!

  6. Gorgeous photos! Need to get my hands on one of those wine sippy cups. Genius!

  7. You just don't know how true this is for my and mine! Hilarious!

  8. Katie, so glad you stopped by my blog! I got a laugh out of this post! so fun, and I love the pictures, esp those last two, haha.

  9. I love this...too funny! Off to follow you on IG. Have a fab weekend...I hope you make it to the beach! xoxo

  10. Picnics and beaches are so much fun. Put them together and you get the time of your life.
    I love the idea of the wine sippy cups.

  11. Katie, so happy you stopped by my blog! I got a laugh out of this post! So fun and I love the pictures, esp. those last two, haha

    Picnics on beaches with partner so amazing...

    give some time to your partner with best and Cheap Domestic Tour Packages and Cheap International Tour Packages

  12. What a light and lively post about the perfect picnic on the beach! Hope you get inspired with your beautiful images; I did!

    Have a lovely weekend, Katie, and thanks for the giggles!


  13. Dear Katie, you are so funny - the last couple looks so happy... !
    Yes it`s picnic time, great images, Thank you for sharing.
    I am looking forward to you on instagram.

  14. Hi Katie, you could do stand up my friend. I really needed this post today. I am still LOL at the images on the beach. Love those beachy picnic settings. Thanks for sharing this and your fabulous sense of humor.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs from your Texas friend!!

  15. I love your blog - have I told you that? I think that beach table made of sand is awesome. And your favorite is WINE!

  16. That is hysterical.............lovely photos for sure and I like that beach table as well. Fun post! Have a great weekend!

  17. Katie, what a funny post! Thank you for sharing! And, thank you for the visit and sweet comment at The Dedicated House. It means the world. Feel free to share this at my Anything Blue Friday party. Here is the link if you want to check it out. http://www.thededicatedhouse.com/2014/07/anything-blue-friday-week-63.html Hope to see you at the little blue soiree. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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