Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, July 6, 2014

New Releases this Summer

Hello dear friends.  Hope everyone is enjoying a happy holiday weekend.  Like many others, ours was a bit of a soggy one.  We were supposed to go to a fire works viewing party from one of the tallest buildings in Boston, but it was cancelled due to Hurricane Arthur.  Can't complain though - from Saturday afternoon on the weather has been gorgeous.

We are also celebrating the Mister's birthday.  He keeps telling me that he is the boss all weekend.  What the heck - might as well let him hold the title one weekend out of the year!

Here is a list of the new releases which I'm looking forward to this summer. 


I would watch Diane Keaton read a phone book.  Can't wait to see this movie and see if there is any chemistry between Diane and Michael Douglas.  Even if the script stinks, I always love Diane's wardrobe and hopefully there will be a gorgeous house thrown in the mix.

Coming out July 11th
(Dude's birthday)

My new favorite author has two books coming out.  This one has just been released and is on its way to me from Amazon.


This novel was written by Jojo Moyes earlier in her career and is being re-released on August 26th.


I really enjoyed The Husband's Secret and am looking forward to sinking my teeth into this one that will be released on July 29th. 


I read a review on this thriller and it looks like my kind of book.


This looks like a pretty good beach read.


And when it comes to TV, this one has got to be good.  Amy Poehler's brother, Greg, wrote, executive produced, and stars in this comedy which is based on his life.  Amy is also the executive producer of this sitcom.

Watch the trailer here.

Any new books, movies, or TV shows that you can't wait to see?

Have a great weekend!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You always make me laugh....happy birthday to your partner in crime, the mister.
    The weather has cleared up beautifully here, hope it has for you too! Funny yesterday in East Hampton Diane Keaton was having an appearance and the line was all around the block, I like too but no one in my group liked here as much as I do:) This movie looks great, and thanks for the book suggestions, actually going today to a local bookstore to search for a great beach read since I left mine at home, so the list is very timely!! Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend....

  2. Happy Birthday to your hubby! Love Diane Keaton. And, the Husband's Secret is in my stack to read. Didn't realize she had another one coming out.

  3. Happy birthday to your Mister! I'm also a Diane Keaton fan - love everything about her. As far as books go, David Baldacci is one of my all time favorite authors. Also a fan of Jenn Lancaster, The Tao of Martha sounds like it would be right up your alley, if you haven't read it yet. That Chowdah is a cutie!

  4. thanks for the post since I did not know there was a Diane Keaton movie this summer!

  5. I'm so excited to see the trailer on Diane Keaton's new movie. I always love whatever she's in! We were at the beach over the weekend and I had good intentions on beach reading, but it was so much more fun building castles with my 2 year old grandson - heading to our local bookstore today for some new goodies!!

  6. Hi Katie, told you we were cut from the same cloth. Love Diane Keaton. Favorite actress ever, and my husband teases me that I'm either dressing like her or decorating to live in one of her movie houses! Two favorite movies are Baby Boom and Father of the Bride. Now that's a house I could happily lived in without changing a thing!
    Happy birthday to the the Mister.
    Cathy in NJ

  7. Woo hoo! Friday night date all lined up with the Diane Keaton movie. She's my very favorite. :)

    Haven't read the books you are showing today. I'm currently reading the new Mary Kay Andrews book.

    Enjoy your family birthday celebrations.

  8. Hi Katie, I am a big fan of Diane Keaton too and looks like this will be a good movie. Thanks for the great reviews on what's new and coming in the books too. I am currently reading Somerset by Leila Mecham. She is a Texas author and this is her third book. The first was Roses ( page turner) the second Tumbleweed and now Somerset.
    Have a great week!

  9. One of my all time favorite movies is Somethings Gotta Give. I loved Diane Keaton in that! I'll look for her latest movie...thanks for the heads up. I'm really looking forward to seeing The Hundred Foot Journey (it was a really good read) and in the fall on PBS, Death at Pemberley.

  10. Happy belated birthday to Mister, aka the boss of last weekend! I love Diane Keaton and am so anxious for her new film. No one pulls off the crisp white cotton shirt look as well as she does!


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