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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Dash Diet

Hello dear friends.  Happy Hump Day!  Hope you are having a good week.

About a year and a half ago, I wrote a post about my friend, Cindy Kleckner, who co-wrote the book Hypertension for Dummies.  If you missed it, you can read the post here.

It was a huge success and now Cindy has co-written another book, Dash Diet for Dummies.  She was sweet enough to send me a copy.

What is the Dash Diet you ask?  Dash is an acronym for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension.  After reading a couple of chapters, the book explains that essentially the Dash Diet uses food as medicine.

Between you and me, I'd rather eat these gorgeous fruits and veggies than swallow pills.

But even if you are lucky enough not to suffer from hypertension, such as myself, this book guides you through dropping pounds and boosting your metabolism.  Boy, do I ever need this after that cruise!

Dash Diet For Dummies is also jam packed with scrumptious, easy,  healthy recipes.  Here is a sample of one that I want to try.

Even I could make this delicious recipe!

So if you, or someone you know, is interested in controlling their hypertension or just wants to drop a few pounds,  pick up this book.  You can order it at Amazon or it is available at your favorite bookstore.

Stay healthy!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I will look for that book, Cuz. Will tell Mom and Dad too.

  2. Sounds like a good book...we could all use a little help in the diet department.

  3. I am a great believer in food over pharmaceuticals. I control the high blood pressure i had with the morning green juice I make. Brought it right down to normal. xo Laura

  4. As someone who has learned over the course of the year, "you really are what you eat", this is great. I would love to share this with my dad. It is amazing what a little change in diet and lifestyle can do for many diseases.

  5. That wrap with the peanut sauce looks awesome! I think the majority of us could have better eating habits for sure. I don't have a weight problem but I still could eat better. Thanks for the reminder!

  6. i'm so glad you shared this book with us Katie...i'm definately going to check it out...since i'm a (ahem) "certain age" my weight has not always been my friend like in the past so i'm always looking for good for me foods that taste good too!

    going to check it out on amazon now!

  7. I am always looking for healthy recipes to improve my diet. I will put this book on my Amazon wish list along with Sista's book; Make It All About Them. Hugs, Dawn

  8. Love good recipes. I should probably DASH out and buy it!!! xo Diana

  9. I have low blood pressure but my cholesterol is creeping up there- ugh! I started a diet too and got a book called Oh SHe Glows its has great vegetarian dishes for when I am not in the mood for fish or chicken. I should check out this one too!

  10. I hear great things about DASH! I am trying the Paleo and loving it so far! I just need a little leopard in my wardrobe and I'm all set! Food is everything. Have you read Grain brain?


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