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Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Book & A Movie

Hello dear friends.  It's a dreary day here in the Northeast and we are expecting rain.  When I was a child, my mother would often say "we need the rain."  I never understood what she meant by that. Now that I am old a homeowner, I understand the statement.  And yes, we do need the rain.

Which brings me to another thought.  Sista and I were talking about this the other day.  Did your mom or grandma ever have one of these?  My little grandma never went anywhere without her little folded  rain hat in her purse.  

There was no way that my little Gram was going to let those rain drops ruin her blue hair color and permanent.

Not my grandma.
My grandma was much hotter.

Back to topic.  I go through stages when it comes to reading.  I will read an autobiography and then that's all I'll read for awhile. 

Loved this book.
Now that I read it, I consider myself one of Rob's closest friends.

I went through a historical fiction stage for almost a year.  I could not get enough Phillippa Gregory.

Thanks to Ms. Gregory, I had nightmares for years that I was going to be beheaded.

And then I went through the true story murder stage.  It  usually involved spouses.  The Mister would get very nervous whenever he saw me taking notes.

The past couple of books I have read were romances.  I'm a sucker for love stories.  For some reason, I have found myself reading books about teenage love.  I can't really understand it because I can't stand teenagers have a hard time understanding the teenage brain.  I couldn't even stand myself when I was a teen.  

If the love story makes me cry, all the better.  I enjoy a good solid sob that is prompted by a book or a movie.  However, I prefer to enjoy my cry in the privacy of my own home and all alone.  For almost 25 years, the Mister has asked me the same question.  Why are you reading that book / watching that movie if it makes you cry?  

If I Stay was very well written and well worth my tears.  I am waiting for the movie to come On Demand so I can watch it in the privacy of my own home while the Mister is at work. 


The Mister and I truly enjoyed This Is Where I Leave You.  The casting is superb!  The movie captured all the complexities of adult children coming back to the family homestead and dealing with a parent's death.  It had some very funny moments as well as  a few touching ones.

I thought Jason Bateman was a stand-out in this ensemble.  But the real star of the film was Jane Fonda's body!  Holy guacamole she looks great for being in her 70's!  She looks great for any age!  

If I go dark for a few days, I will be in my basement opening all my moving boxes which haven't seen daylight in twenty years.  I will be knee-deep in crap collectibles in search of all my old Jane Fonda VHS tapes.  By the way, I don't think they have ever been opened either.

Hope your Thursday feels like a Friday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. I love a good teen romance. Makes me laugh about some of the things we did or fretted over when we were younger. LOL Need to pick up If I Stay, but have so many on my nightstand already waiting to be read. Haven't read a good biography in a while.

  2. I wish I still had my Jane Fonda workout tape! I actually tried to find it on Amazon a few years ago because it's a great workout, but it's not available. She really knew what she was doing!

  3. LOL- I am the same way. I only like to watch sad movies in my own home AND I do the book thing, too. I just got on a kick and read all of Anne Rivers Siddon's books- mostly old ones..She is a great "story teller". Before that I re-read a lot of Catherine Cookson's old books.

    Have a great time looking for your tape- maybe you can work in a few bend & stretches whilst searching. lol xo Diana

  4. Thanks for visiting our blog! Glad you stopped by. Woof! Woof! Woof!
    Hunter, Dixie & Jenna

  5. Good to know about the movie...I heard mixed reviews...now I will definitely check it out.

  6. Thank you for the rundown...I wanted to see if I stay but so many things are making my cry and I didn't want to go to a theater where I would be sobbing like a hyena before the previews even begin so thought it best to wait till it comes out on DVD:) Its keeping me from seeing A LOT...and is a bit of a problem!! How great does Jane look......amazing! I love Justin B. I had a feeling he would steal that movie, I want to see it...maybe this weekend. And I like Rob L. too...maybe next time you guys hang out, you can invite me, plus he has superb taste in homes and decor but I am sure you already know that:)

  7. I truly hope that you leave those boxes and get to writing your own book to be made into a movie. I think you have such a way of crafting words that make me laugh and cry at the same time. You have a gift.

  8. I smiled when you said "watch in private" because my husband says the same thing about watching movies that make you cry;) I met Jane Fonda a few times back in the seventies when she opened up her Jane Fonda workout studio in "the valley" .. that's Encino CA to be exact. Aside from her eating disorder earlier in life, she's taken good care of herself over the years and it shows. Like Tina, the feelings of a movie stay with me a while so I have to be careful what I watch. Thanks for the movie/book review Katie! Have a nice weekend ahead. xxleslie

  9. Katie, you kill me! A few weeks ago as I walked into work on a rainy morning, I asked some coworkers if there mother's ever used those little plastic rain bonnets. We all had a good laugh recalling our mother's starched up dos and how places like funeral homes had the bonnets (gratis) in decorative bowls by the exits.
    I've been binge reading novels lately about the wives and partners of famous men. Try Z, a Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald, truly one of the best reads ever. I would have underlined that book title, but I don't know how to do that on my tablet (dinosaur!). Always looking forward to your next blog. Write back if you'd like.
    Cathy in NJ

  10. Hi Katie, how are you my dear? I am just writing to make sure you are still smiling after 'death in venice' this weekend.
    I must admit I have been reading and following a little...they looked happy I guess..... You are right that he is a bit old for you now :) time for Rob Lowe methinks !!
    It has been a beautiful weekend here, lots of fall sunshine, very nice
    Love to you xxxx
    ps Phillipa Gregory gave me nightmares too..eek

  11. I loved Rob Lowe's book, too. I kept wanting to be annoyed by all of his name dropping but he's just so adorable and sincere I just couldn't. I'm sorry that he left Parks & Recreation - I litter-ally loved his character.

  12. Katie - I have a book suggestion, not that you asked. Snobs by Julian (Downtown Abbey) Fellows. Published in 2004, I’m flabbergasted it has not become a movie. Jane Fonda would do wonders with the Lady Uckfield character. Cheers ~ Juliet


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