Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, September 22, 2014

Day By Day Giveaway

Hello dear friends.  Hope y'all had a good weekend.  The Mister and I had a very relaxing couple of days.  We did a little shopping, lunching, movie watching, and also went to a birthday party.  The surprise guest was a belly dancer!  I'm thinking about making belly dancing my new hobby.  I'm not doing anything, just thinking about it.

Awhile ago, I wrote a post about my new favorite beauty product. I still use Day by Day Vitamin C Serum faithfully twice a day.  It continues to do a great job shrinking my pores and plumping up my skin. You can read my blog  here.  And if you want to read all the information on the website, you can find it here.

So when Day By Day came out with a new product this summer, I was excited to try it.  I ordered the hyaluronic acid from Amazon.  I am on my second bottle and I am absolutely thrilled with it.  This little miracle in a bottle is a gel substance that is quickly absorbed into my skin.  My skin instantly feels smoother and tighter.  But the best part was it totally got rid of my milia - which is small flesh colored bumps on my cheeks.  You can read more about the benefits of this life changing product here.

Another great thing about these products is the price point.  Very reasonable and they also have a VIP program on their website that issues you a code for 20% off of every purchase.

I was so thrilled with Day By Day Hyaluronic Acid that I wrote a note to Pamela, the owner.  I asked her if she would be willing to do a give away on my blog.  She happily agreed to do a very generous one.  The give away is a bottle of Day By Day Hyaluronic Acid to three readers.
All you have to do to enter is:

* Leave a comment about the biggest issue you have with your skin.
*"like" PEN on facebook
*"like" Day By Day on facebook  

I have not been compensated in any way by Day By Day.  I just wanted to spread the word on one of my new favorite things.

The give away begins today at noon and ends on Wednesday at noon.

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Good morning Katie! What a generous giveaway from Hyaluronic Acid. I would love to try their products to fight the signs of aging! The Day by Day sounds amazing. I like you and Day by Day on Facebook!

    The Arts by Karena

  2. Katie,
    To have you endorse anything is a sure fire sign that it must be GREAT! You have beautiful skin and your smile radiates joy. I did everything you asked, like, like, and like.
    I guess we all need a little beauty in a bottle, day by day! I love my skin that I am in, but always welcome a little extra support.

  3. this sounds silly but my heart rate just went up...I LOVE THIS! apparently I have milia. it has a name and I have it! those little bumps drive me crazy and now I can get rid of them. are you kidding me? who KNEW????? off to order now! thank you thank you THANK YOU!

  4. I would love to try this. Having an olive complexion means it is uneven, and being part Lebanese means I have horrid dark circles under my eyes. Thank you for this opportunity.

    1. I am envious of olive skin, dear Lori. You always look healthy - people ask me if I got enough sleep. When I tell them 12 hours - they look at the ground and just feel sorry for me.

  5. I would love to try this product. I struggle with dryness and wrinkles. I love your blog! Thanks!

  6. Rule follower here waited till noon to comment. As one becomes a certain age, nature does cruel and unusual things to ones body as well as her skin. Dark spots as well as laugh lines are my nemesis.

  7. OK by all means count me in!! First of all you have gorgeous skin so if you say its good...its good enough for me, even if I don't win I will still try it because I am a product junkie and we are all looking for the next great thing! Sounds like a winner!

  8. I'm really gorgeous and all, but these sun spots/damage are starting to bug me! Would love to try this out!

    1. They're not sunspots just bad lighting. You'll love Day By Day anyway!!

    2. Excellent point, I'm going with that explanation, bad lighting indeed.

  9. quick question...do you use the vitamin c first then use the HA?

  10. Your skin always looks so radiant...if you're happy with this product, I would LOVE to try it!

  11. Your skin is so lovely in your pictures. This product sounds a lot better than the makeup counter gal who suggested I use a cleanser that felt like heavy grit sandpaper in liquid form followed by a vat of oil to calm my burning skin. She suggested I should not be afraid to really lean into it and give my skin a good scrub. All I wanted was an eye pencil so I guess my skin issues are bigger than I thought! I'm looking for a skin treatment that's a little less painful!

    1. You went to the same cosmetic lady as me!! Been there, done that.

  12. dryness and age spots!
    love your blog - it makes me laugh every day!

  13. I can't seem to win the fight with my splochy, aging skin. Maybe this is the ticket! I would love to try it! Love reading your blog every day!

  14. Would love to try this product; it sounds wonderful. Loving your blog..... Linda (Lindasryan59@yahoo.com)

  15. Still get a zit now and then...really age 51. The zit days should be long over....hope I am a winner.

  16. I'd love to try this- also have an issue with milia, among other things! Thanks!

    1. Dear Joan... I thought I was the only one with milia... Hope you win!

  17. With your gorgeous skin, I'm all in!! Can't wait to try winner or not!!

  18. I'm such a product junkie! I'd love to try the Day by Day Hyaluronic Acid. I'm turning 60 next month and I think that says it all. Thanks for the opportunity, Katie.

    1. Thanks for always making sweet comments, Susie. I hope you win too.

  19. Hi There PEN!

    Pores.Po re s.Po re s.......I need shrink action asap.

  20. What bothers me about my skin?? The fact that when I look in my bathroom mirror at home, it looks good. Smooth and wrinkle free. Then when I walk outside and happen to look in my rearview mirror......aaaaaaaaaaaccccckkkkkkkkk.......they're everywhere! Wrinkles...creases......old age. Blech. Why can't we just carry around a perfectly lit reflector with us all day long to shine on our faces. Good lighting is one of God's miracles!!!

    1. I hear ye, jmac! What's with the rearview mirror? Who needs it anyway? good luck!!

  21. Milia!!! I have battled these little bumps for a long time! I hit the like button and crossing my fingers for a little miracle in a jar :)))). Amy. (Amywpracht@yahoo.com)

    1. Amy... milia seems to be the name of the game! I'm glad I'm not alone. Day By Day really helped mine. Good luck - hope you win!!

  22. Just ordered a bottle of each and can't wait for them to arrive! Always on the hunt for something to help with the lines and wrinkles that seem to appear daily! Hoping that my skin will look as radiant and beautiful as yours does.

    1. Lisa... You are the best. Hope you love Day By Day as much as I do!!

  23. I have one dark spot on my left cheek that I'm convinced came from sun exposure with benzoyl peroxide on that exact area during a college trip to Jamaica. I have tried so many products to fade it (I'm 45 now!) but no real luck. I'd love to try this product to see if it could help with that and also with the fine wrinkles I'm getting around my eyes (ack!)

  24. Some dark spots, large pores - wrinkles!

  25. I have uneven skin tone, from huge sun spots and the beginnings of crow's feet and mouth wrinkles! Oh, and large pores on my nose. So excited to try this product out! missashleigh at juno dot com

    1. I think you will love Day By Day... Hope you win, Miss Ashleigh!

  26. I struggle with milia, as well. I’d love to try this.

    1. Merrymac... I think I'm going to start a milia support group! Who knew I had so much company. I hope you win!!

  27. I have brown spots. I think this would help!

    1. The Vitamin C serum faded my spots. Good luck, Marly - hope you win!!!

  28. I'm trying to age gracefully, but finding it hard as gravity seems to be winning...between puppet lines around the sides of my mouth and sun spots Ive been trying a lot of brands lately I'd certainly a give it a try.

  29. I never knew the name, but I have the same bumps on my cheed along the bone line. I don't like to wear bronzer or blush because it emphasizes the bumpy patch. I would love to try this (even if I don't win I'm going to buy some and give it a try) . BTW I love, love, love your blog...I found it just before you moved from my home State of Texas :)


    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Jamie. I'm crossing my fingers that you win. It really helped with my bumps.

  30. My name is Kathy, I am 62 and my skin is schizo (no insult intended), but it is oily, still breaks out on occasion, plus I have wrinkles, particularly on my chin, even though I have never been a smoker. I also I have those flesh colored bumps.So, these 2 products sound awesome! Would love to give them a try.

    1. Kathy... better your skin is schizo and not your brain!! I hear ye - I got it all and I have to say both products helped me. Hope you win!!

  31. Hello Katie!
    Being a skin care fanatic, clear, radiant skin is always a priority. Lately, my skin looks dull and a brown spot has moved in and taken residence on my forehead.. Could this be the result of being a member of the five oh club? Please accept this comment as a way to enter this delightful giveaway. Thank you!

  32. Our facialist is always trying to make us take better care of our faces so this would be right up her alley! We'd love to show her better skin the next time we have an appointment.
    C + C

  33. Skin still breaking out from time to time at the ripe older age of 41 . . . see no end in sight! Love today's dawg pic!

  34. On your recommendation I purchased the Vitamin C Serum in hopes that my pores would miraculously shrink. The jury is still out on that but, frankly, it may be too big a job for any product! In any event, wondering how you use the Hyaluronic Acid in conjunction with the Serum - suppose I should read the product web-site to figure that out. Love your blog which I discovered late Spring. While you were on vacation I went back and read your posts from the beginning and love it all the more. And, yes, I know what you're thinking. No, I don't have anything better to do. Being a recent Empty Nester as well as recent relocatee I'm trying to figure it all out. Thank goodness for your bi-weekly moments of levity. Thank you!

    1. Welcome to the club Anonymous Empty Nester! I am so flattered that you went back to read my posts. You are supposed to use the Hyaluronic Acid after the Vitamin C. Be careful not to use it too near your eyes. The Vit C - I use near my eyes and it was fine. A recent empty nester AND a relocatee - double whammy. I know how it feels. Was just on line searching Newcomer Clubs. Good luck with getting settled. Thanks so much for taking the time to read my blog.

    2. Oh my gosh, I replied to your reply and then my reply went into the ether. I was going to say that I'm so thrilled you replied to my reply! And, I don't intend to me Anonymous - but it does make me feel mysterious - however, I've no idea how to reply any other way. Best consult with one of the twenty-somethings in my life. Newcomer Club is a good idea, thank you. And, off I go to week two of puppy obedience (ahem, puppy-mom training) class. Cheers! Juliet

  35. I am not entering this time since I won this the last time! I love this stuff - I used up the whole bottle I won from you and just re-ordered. The ironic thing is that I had JUST placed my order when I saw this post! Hope you are having a wonderful week, my dear! xoxo

  36. Thanks for entering Ellen and I hope you win!


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