Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, September 29, 2014

Don't You Wish They Were Your Neighbors?

Hello dear friends.  I hope everyone had a good weekend.  The weather here was positively gorgeous - blue skies and warm temps.

Needless to say, my weekend was not the rosiest.  A certain someone, who will remain nameless, decided to throw his life away and get married. My only compensation is the fact that he seems to go for the same type as me - statuesque, painfully thin, breathtakingly gorgeous, and beyond brilliant.  It's not my fault that he was lucky enough to find my doppelganger who just happened to be single. 

I chose to wear my mourning outfit for the entire weekend.  I needed to make a statement in my own way.  The Mister was proud to have his arm candy by his side.

To get my mind off all the silly hooplah in Italy, I took the liberty of finding some Halloween decorations that I can only hope will be an inspiration to you. 


What cute little 4-year-old pirate or princess wouldn't want to climb their way through this yard for a bag of m&m's?

Forest of Mirrors

My favorite part of this pic is "Ye Olde Pumpkin Patch."

Tell me you wouldn't want your youngsters to knock on this trailer's door.

Vintage Bag Lady

I don't think the kids would have too many nightmares after meeting these clowns.  Their kid's cute too. 

Vintage Bag Lady

And for Mom and Dad... nothing says trick or treat like an open bar.

Vintage Bag Lady

This is a house that took the Paleo diet a step too far.

The staff must have been pretty busy getting this house ready for the big day. 

Times Union

Is this Chucky Cheese's house?  I knew he was making big bucks!

Times Union

How long do you think it took someone to light all those pumpkins?

the Digest

A lot going on here.  Not sure what they were shooting for, though.


Can you imagine picking up your date for the first time at this humble abode?


OK, if I drove up to my house and my neighbor had this displayed as his "decorations"  I would be on the horn with my realtor within thirty seconds. 

Daily Caller

Happy Monday!

Amazing Creatures blog
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh, my gosh! You and I think alike! Poor George knew I was taken, so what else was the poor guy to do?
    You crack me up even more than a yard full of plastic bodies!

  2. Oh my word! That last one is just WRONG!!! I would not want to try explaining that to a little one. And yes my dear, George settled for second best as you were already spoken for!

  3. The Mister is one lucky man to have grabbed you long before GC....I am "loving" the mourning outfit you have chosen...I hope you will be able to move on quickly...dealing with the paparazzi gets old fast.

  4. Your commentary, Katie, is hysterical and you had us on the ground laughing! Thank goodness we don't have neighbors like these - all we need is a pumpkin or two and a big mum plant. Had such a busy weekend that we didn't hear about the wedding!
    C + C

  5. Oh Katie, i feel your pain about George !
    But my girlfriends and i are certain it,s not love,but old George wants to go into politics and needed a smart and goodlooking woman at his arm ...
    So we keep saying to ourself ;-)

    1. Exacty, Esther. It wouldn't look good for old George to be chasing a married woman all over the state of Mass.

  6. Well, I needed the laugh today and I got it...starting with George and ending with the "dead people" on the driveway. lol xo Diana

  7. Too funny I posted about that house in Saratoga (TImes Union)which is down the street from Skidmore, we took pictures of it last year I just couldnt resist!! As for George oh cest la vie!! xo K

  8. Your posts always make me laugh! I think George couldn't wait any longer for you to come available. True, he settled for a less superior trophy wife, but at least he has someone to keep him warm this winter. I'm sure if you ever leave your mister he will dump her like yesterday's garbage.;)

    1. I'm with you Dee. She can sure keep him warm because she is so darn fat.

  9. I thought you were Mrs. Clooney! I like a festive neighbor - as long as they take it down in a timely manner...

  10. Katie Clooney you are too funny! xo/Kiki Clooney

    1. Thank you sweet Kiki. My husband may beg to differ at times.

  11. Isn't her nose kind of big? I think he panicked when he could see from your blog your marriage is solid, and just went for the next thing that walked by. Poor guy.

    1. Carol.... so true! At last I have found someone on the same page!

  12. Bonjour Katie! Dou you Americans realize how lucky you are with Halloween, even if it is so kitsch... So much fun! In France, nothing until Christmas! I can't speak in the name of all French people, but I think we are less "festive" (?) than you are. Make the most of it! Bonne journée et à bientôt.

    1. Caroline.. we may be more festive but you french women are far more chic!

    2. Hou la la! It depends... But thank you Katie, I like this flattering reputation!

  13. I think they are THE most beautiful couple don't you? Yes indeed, I think gorgeous George has finally met his true love match! Thank you sweet Katie for keeping us laughing! Hugs to you!

  14. i remember driving to work in Atlanta many moons ago...it was early in the am, like 6am, the sun barely coming up and i spotted a car with something hanging out of the trunk. i got closer and saw that it was part of leg. now where i used to work was in a very sketchy industrial part of Atlanta...cell phones were still in the early days and i didn't have one then. i started freaking out trying to write down the plate numbers so i could call the police when i arrived at work. so i'm following this car, thinking the worst thoughts about this person in this car's trunk and i'm tailing this guy on I-20 when finally i guess the headlights hit the leg just right and i could see that it was a fake leg. Thank goodness right? Only then did I calm down long enough to figure this guy had the worst sense of humor in the world and the worst sense of timing because he was decorating for Halloween way too early for my liking. your photos above reminded me of that leg...still not a fan of scary Halloween stuff. wishing we could side step the decorations for that and just go straight to thanksgiving :)

  15. I love those houses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And no I do not want to live by old George!

  16. Mr. Clooney is in love like always - and he will find special tasks for Mrs.Clooney.
    Halloween is growing more importand in Germany. We love it.:-)!

  17. CRAZY decor....some people just don't understand the less is more theory in Halloween decor I guess, that last one should be illegal....way too violent, I cannot imagine young kids having to walk past that....that is nuts! Sadly I am resigned to mums and little pumpkins this year since..sniffle sniffle there aren't little ones to decorate for any more:(

    Its about time George made an honest man out of himself...geez he waited long enough. He wasn't going to wait forever for you to snap out of it and do it so he had to move on......may he grow old and happy with his new bride.

  18. Where do you find these pictures?!?! That group of clowns is just so disturbing but not as disturbing as the crime scene. Seriously?! I'll just jump ahead to cornstalks and turkeys, thank you.

  19. Katie -- I must tell you that I had dinner once with George's dad (and 6 others) and if George is half the man his dad is, his is worth fighting Alma over! So nice, smart, funny, good looking, seemed to love his wife (she was at the table too), etc.

    London soon? I'll trip her and you grab the Clooney...

  20. شركة صيانة افران شركة صيانة افران;متميزة في تقديم جميع خدمات صيانة الأفران، خبيرة بجميع أنواع الأفران، ولديها القدرة على التعامل مع جميع الأعطال، وحل جميع المشكلات.شركة صيانة افران.شركة صيانة افران الغاز والكهرباء، نخدمكم بكل ما أوتينا من خبرة ومهارات وإبداع وإتقان، ونمتاز بما يلي: 1) فني صيانة افران بالدمام. لدينا فنيون متخصصون في صيانة الأفران، ومستعدين للتعامل مع جميع أنواع الأفران، وإصلاح جميع الماركات، في فترة بسيطة، بمنتهى الجودة والإتقان. 2) مهندس صيانة افران;تخضع جميع عمليات الصيانة لدينا لإشراف هندسي دقيق، وملاحظات مهندس صيانة الأفران، وذلك من أجل الحصول على النتائج لا يعلى عليها. 3) قطع الغيار متوفرة وأصلية. لا نبالغ إذا قلنا إن قطع الغيار هي أهم شيء في عملية الصيانة، وذلك فإننا نوفر جميع أنواع قطع الغيار الأصلية، وليست القطع المقلدة التي لا تغني ولا تسمن من جوع. 4) أسعار تفوق الخيال. كل هذه المميزات التي نقدمها، بسعر معقول يناسب الجميع، فنحن نسعى لاكتساب ثقة العملاء، وولائهم، والعمل على خدمتهم وراحتهم. 5) مواعيد دقيقة. لأننا نؤمن بأن الوقت من ذهب، فإننا نهتم بالمحافظة على وقت العملاء، وإعطائهم مواعيد دقيقة، تُضبط عليها الساعة، وتسليمهم العمل في الوقت المحدد. 6) الاستعانة بأحدث التقنيات. صيانة ثلاجات بالدمام

  21. لا يمكن في ظل هذا التطور الرهيب أن نقف بمعزل عن التطورات الجديدة، وألا نستغلها في عملنا. ولهذا فإننا نحرص على استغلال كل ما هو حديث ليخدمنا في شركة صيانة افران. صيانة غسالات ال جي;صيانة فرن جليم غاز. يعد فرن جليم غاز من أكثر الأنواع استخدامًا وتفضيلًا عند العملاء، لجودته ومتانته، وصناعته المتقنة، وبالرغم من ذلك فقد يحتاج إلى صيانة، وهنا يأتي دورنا، فنحن نهتم بهذه الأفران اهتمامًا بالغًا، ولدينا الفنيين الذين أصلحوا مئات من أفران جليم غاز، إلى جانب تواجد جميع قطع غيار الفرن الأصلية، كل هذا بسعر مميز جدًا، غير قابل للمنافسة. صيانة افران سيمنس. لا شك أن افران سيمنس من الأنواع التي يفضلها كثير من المستخدمين، وذلك بفضل كفائتها وجودتها، ولهذا فإننا نولي هذه الأفران قدر كبير من الاهتمام، ونعمل على صيانتها مستخدمين أحدث التقنيات والوسائل، على يد أكثر الفنيين مهارة وخبرة وكفاءة، ونقوم بتركيب قطع غيار أصلية لزيادة عمر الفرن الافتراضي. أماكن تصليح الميكروويف لقد أصبحت الكثير من السيدات العاملات وربات البيوت يعتمدن على جهاز الميكروويف، وذلك لأنه يسهل عملهن، ويعطي نتائج مميزة، مما جعل الكثيرات يرضين على أدائه، ويحرصن على اقتنائه. وعند تعطل الميكروويف أو حدث أي مشكلة به، فإنهن يسارعن بالبحث عن من يصلحه، حتى يستأنفن أعمالهن من جديد. وهنا يقع اختيار الكثيرات على شركة صيانة افران، لما تتمتع به من المميزات المذهلة والخبرات العظيمة في مجال صيانة الميكروويف، والقدرة على تصليح جميع أعطاله بسعر مناسب جدًا. تنظيف افران الغاز. إن تنظيف افران الغاز والكهرباء أمر لا يمكن الاستغناء عنه، وبخاصة أنه يجعل الفرن يعمل بكفاءة أفضل، فعند إزالة الدهون والزيوت يقوم الفرن بتوزيع الحرارة بشكل متساوٍ، كما يعطي مظهرًا أنيقًا وجذابًا للمطبخ، وكذلك فإن هذه الأوساخ قد تؤدي إلى حدوث أضرار للفرن. ولذلك فإننا نقوم بتنظيف الأفران باستعمال أفضل المنظفات وأكثرها جودة، وعلى أيدي خبيرة ومحترفة في التنظيف، مع المحافظة على نظافة المكان، وعدم ترك بقع أو زيوت أو أوساخ على الأرضيات، كل هذا بسعر يرضي الجميع.إن شركة صيانة افران تجعل عملية الصيانة تجربة ممتعة، وذلك بفضل الجودة، والسرعة في التنفيذ والسعر الجيد، والنتائج المرضية، فلا غرو أن أصبحت اختيار الكثيرين.شركة تنظيف افران https://siana-ksa.com/


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