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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

A Love Letter to my Anonymous Readers

Dear Wonderful Anonymous Readers,

I want to begin this letter by thanking you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my silly little blog.  I treasure every comment that you make.  Some of you have written me lovely letters that I have enjoyed tremendously and I have done my best to write back when you give me your email address.  

So I have a question for you, anonymous readers.  I'm nor sure I know the protocol for this.  When you leave a thoughtful comment as you always do,  do you check back on that post to see if I made a comment back?  If you do, I would be more than happy to do so.   And if you don't - that's fine too.  Just leave me a comment on this post and let me know.

And to my not so anonymous readers - I love you too - but you are a lot easier to correspond with.  Many of you have become friends, and for that I feel truly blessed.

Thank you all again for reading and leaving heartfelt comments.

Happy Tuesday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Katie, you asked, I'll answer. Yes, I do check to see if you, or even another reader, responds to a comment (mine or others).
    Love seeing dialogue and actually wonder if you or other blog writers read comments on a regular basis.

    1. Thank you dear Denise for being the first to respond! I always read the comments. It keeps me going. Now I know that it is important to answer in the comments. You are one of the few anonymous readers that I have been lucky enough to meet in person. Let's plan a lunch before you fly the coop to warmer temps. Email me.

    2. Hi Denise and Katie, I love the comment about checking to see if another blog reader responds. I am a blog writer and had never given that extra piece much thought. That said, I wanted to chime in on the 'conversation' and I know Katie you will agree with me. As blog writers we love comments, we read each and everyone and it tends to be our barometer for writing. Comments keep us going! Thanks for letting me chime in here. Loved this post Katie!
      xx, Heather @ Stylemindchic Life

  2. Katie, I sometimes check to see if there are additional comments after I leave one.

    Hubby and I saw Boyhood this weekend. Loved it!

  3. Yes, I look. I just don't have a profile or know how to have my name appear. And, your blog is anything, but silly. Fun, interesting, family and all other things come to mind. I do know how to bookmark & and you top my list:)

    1. Here is how you do this; Where you click "Reply," it will give a drop-down menu that will allow you to choose "Name/URL." (It is the same drop-down menu where you select "anonymous"). Use that choice. It will then allow you to provide your name and a URL if you have one; I don't, so I just skip it. You then can click "continue," and it will allow you to type in your comment in a box. You click publish it just the same way as you do now.

    2. If you don't have a profile, just leave your name and email addy at the end of your comment!! We love connecting even with those who do not have blogs!!

    3. Hellooo sweet anonymous.... thank you for your sweet words about my blog. I will definitely respond on this page!
      Helloo Lori... thanks for your comment... When URL is mentioned... i hate to admit it...my eyes blur - way over my head. I will press reply and hope for the best. thanks again for commenting.
      And Lauren.... you're the best.

  4. I very rarely comment so the question might not be applicable to me. If I did comment I would certainly check back on the post to see if there was a response. You have such a peppy writing style and cute way of looking at the world that is fun to read. So, thank you.

    I stumbled on your blog and found that my daughter graduated in 2009 from the same college that your # 2 attends. I miss those parents week ends in October. I never met a parent there that I didn't like.

    Thank you again for your most entertaining blog. I also love the pictures you use. I can't imagine how you dig those up.

    1. Thank you Miss Margaret for leaving your sweet comment. We have a lot in common - our daughters' college as well as the fact that Margaret is one of my favorite names (#2's name)! My #2 is having the time of her life at school. Thanks again for your sweet words.

  5. You know who I am girlfriend!!! But, I too understand. I love being able to connect with each and everyone who leaves a comment on my blog, but if they do not have a blog, or leave an email it is hard. The only thing we can do is respond to the original comment and hope they know we heard them!

  6. I so enjoy your blog Katie! It is a fun ride to hear of your travels and seeing pictures of your darling Chowdah! I commented only once before and have been a follower ever since! We crossed paths as we moved from Maine to Texas, as y'all were relocating from Texas to Mass. Thank you for sharing such colorful stories!!! I always try to respond to the sweet bloggers who leave me comments, as I so appreciate them taking time to read and share their own stories! Hugs!!

    1. Estelle - and I love your blog. I put you on my blog roll so I won't miss a single post.

  7. Katie, your blog is my favorite! I love your stories about your family. I occasionally leave a comment, and yes, I do check back to read any comments from you or additional reader comments. But I certainly don't expect you to respond to each person. Thanks for the little bit of joy you bring to my day.

    1. I appreciate all your comments, Susie! Thanks for letting me know that you check back and also your kind words. Have a wonderful rest of the week!

  8. I have to say the only way to blog is to leave your name and address!!!!!!!!! Blog families are real and you are a friend to me! I will never forget your prayers and candles for me at church.

  9. I know that is a tough one I do leave a comment for anonymous readers but I never know if they get it.
    Well you know where to find me!!xo K

  10. Hello lovely Katie
    Im not an anonymous reader...just a long long lost one! ! :)..... I missed you very much while being 'unconnectable' while away on hols., and to laugh and be with friends (and that is very much what I consider you to be)..you are a sweetie

    I will enjoy catching up on everything.....Usually I read as often as I can...I don't always comment but I really, from my heart, appreciate.....you and the other gifted girls ( and chaps) who write blogs..and those days when I first found you all....amazing,.. you have given me so much happiness
    sending love as ever, over the pond,
    and I will be back soon, hopefully with our beloved uk still in one piece
    Sally x x x

    1. Sally.... whenever I read your comments I read it with a British accent! You always leave the sweetest comments which I appreciate very much.

  11. I stop by often. Busy with my last son. I love reading your post and your style.

  12. Hi - I'm one of the (occasional) anonymous readers and won't miss a post. If you're ever in Beverly Hills, I'll call George and we'll get together for a cocktail. But could you hurry, I think he's getting married at the end of the month and we need to talk him out of it. xo/Kiki

    1. Kiki - love your name btw - I'm booking my flight now. I think we still have time. But in the event I can't tell you personally, thanks for reading my blog and commenting on this!!

  13. Truth be told when I check it is usually the next day...if there is a new post (new stimulus) I actually forget that I was checking back because I am so excited to read the new post. Now I am feeling a little Catholic guilt and will need to check on previous comments.

    1. Lol Beemie hope you check back to see if Katie replied! I found you through her and love your similar upbeat style. No one but a Catholic who has been through that educational system will get the reference. Sadly I get it.

    2. Amen...anonymous reader...
      And yes I have been checking...now feel guilt free

  14. Hi Katie,
    I've commented before and I think it is so sweet that you take the time to write back to your readers. Your blog is one of my very favorites! I am an empty nester with two grown daughters (and I like to consider myself preppy...) too. I love your personal style and your interior design style. And of course your witty commentaries!! If you ever find yourself in the Cincinnati area and need a tour guide please let me know.

  15. Sadly enough, I don't come back. I get my comments via e mail and respond to the writer that way. But totally understand about the Anonymous writers. What a great question I will check back on this one to find out the answer.

    1. Gert - I always enjoy your comments and for some reason some comments, such as yours, come through my email and some don't. Technology has never been a strong suit of mine. thank you so much for reading my blog and commenting.

  16. Hi Katie,
    This is an interesting thing to talk about! I always love it when people leave comments on my blog and do try to answer each one when time permits. I like seeing the dialogue that a post can create and usually will read through the comments on other blogs just to see what others are thinking. So I say talk away!

    1. thanks, Marsha. Besides your great blog, I love your pics on Instagram.

  17. I love everyone's comments too, but had to stop allowing anonymous comments when the spammers took over. What a shame that they spoil it for so many. xo Laura

  18. Dear Katie, I have already left some comments here and sometimes I have come back to see your answer... I am anonymous because I don't have any blog and I don't know what is my profile!!! Well, I am Caroline, 48, from France, sharing her time between Charente and Paris and a new empty nester. I love your country where I have been several times and your blog is very interesting and very funny. My English vocabulary is quite poor and I try to improve it by reading you. I hope it will answer your question.

    1. Caroline... so nice to meet you! You have my dream life! I've taken 10 years of french - all being French 1!!! Never had the ear for it but love to hear people speak your beautiful language. Thank you for reading my blog and commenting. I hope to visit your country some day even though I can only speak 12 words! Au revoir!

    2. Merci beaucoup Katie pour votre réponse! YOU have my dream life too!!! Si vous venez un jour à Paris, je serai très heureuse d'être votre guide! You shouldn't have told me you learnt French for 10 years, ha ha. It will be easier for me...

    3. Caroline - I took first year french for 10 years!! Lets just say I wasn't the sharpest pencil in the box!

  19. Hi Katie, I am Becky and follow you on instagram. I have thoroughly been enjoying your blog since its beginning! You truly remind me of one of my dearest friends! I too am an empty nester with a daughter, Meredith (beautiful name!) and a son, Blake. Thanks for adding a little joy to my mornings! (I probably check for comments)!

    1. Oh Becky... thanks for commenting. Telling me that I remind you of one of your dearest friends is the highest of compliments! So glad we have the same great taste in girls' names! Hope you are enjoying empty nesterhood! Thanks again for reading my blog and commenting.

  20. Katie - we don't really check back to see if you've responded to our comments since you always are so lovely and comment on our posts! Isn't it fun to meet fellow bloggers and get to know them through their blogs? We do hope we'll be seeing you next month!
    C + C

  21. Katie - I'm an enormous - yet recent - fan of your blog and would love to comment, but haven't figured out how to do so without a Google email address. Perhaps I should throw caution to the wind by abandoning my old-school comcast.com email and getting with Google. Looks like I am comment now albeit at Anonymous. Hmmmm ... ~ Juliet

    1. Juliet.. I know exactly how you feel. I read blogs for years and never knew how to go about getting an account so I could do so. The whole thing was -and kind of still is - over my head. But so nice to meet you Juliet - love that name. thank you so much for reading my blog and commenting.

  22. Well I am hardly anonymous but I am not a "checker backer".....how I wish I had extra hours in the day.....oh the things I would do:) I feel lucky on the days I am able to comment on my favorite blogs but always make my top 10 a priority (and yours would be on that list)!

  23. I love to read you postings, enjoy every one of them, and the adventures of your family. You make me smile on a daily basis. I don't usually have time to check back, but every once in awhile I will "check back".....

    1. Cindy.... thanks for your sweet words! Have a great week.

  24. so funny that you posted this today for I was thinking the very same thing when I read your sweet email today.....wondering if I should go back and check to see if there was a response to my comment....hahahaha...great minds!
    I think that's why I bookmarked your blog....we seem to have a lot in common. Mostly the TX part! and I still scratch my head in amazement that someone who lived in TX could move so far north and have to experience those cold temps!!! much less buy coats! hahahahahahaha Had to buy one when I went to Cape Cod last yr .....
    Love Love Love your Chowdah.....I think I found your blog right when you lost your other one and I hung on.....my lil SophieJane is 14 and I'm relishing every dingle dangle day I have left wit her.....

    1. jmac... I can hear your cute little Texas accent right through your comment. Speaking of cold temps, I've been out shopping for some new warm stuff for this year. Last year the transfer snuck up on me and all the good stuff was gone. Take care of that SophieJane and thank you so much for your sweet words.

  25. Well yes, I do sometimes check to see if there are additional comments or replies, but not always... I seem to read posts at
    night (Pacific Time) and it's usually after the fact or the next day that they're seen anyway. So Katie, you needn't reply back... :-)....your style of writing is so clever and enjoyable to read...I love how you line out your hesterical comments!

    1. Sue... even though you may not check back, thanks for your sweet words. Have a wonderful weekend.

  26. Dear Katie, I enjoy very much to read your postings - I always check for comments. :-)
    Have a wonderful day
    Eli from Germany

  27. Katie...I don't know how I found your blog, but once I did, I had to read every single post from the beginning! Really! I did that! Love, love, love your homes! Although I may not be that preppy, I love your style! I also love, love, love Boston! I can't wait to see some beautiful fall pictures of Boston/New England! Keep up the great work...funny posts and pics of Chowdah!

  28. Well, I have been following you since you moved to Boston. I am from Boston area so I thought your blog was really interesting. When I started recognizing some of your photos I realized I live in the next town over, Scituate. Welcome to the South Shore! Try Orro or The Galley in Scituate Harbor, great fun.

  29. Katie,
    I am going to check back to see your comment. I guess I am guilty of that, checking for comments and of course your witty ways keep me laughing. Love your sense of humor and of course your tech smarts too. (ha ha) I so feel your pain. Thank goodness my 15 year old can assist me, when "she" feels like it.

  30. These comments are making me laugh. Hope you didn't bother responding to any that don't check back, lol. So many nice compliments in one place. Here's a weekend toast to you, cheers!

  31. I am just catching up on my blog reading, and yours is one of my favorites! And, I do check back! Thanks for your likes on my Instagram posts today! Love your sweet Chowdah too!

  32. Not sure if I have ever commented before, but have enjoyed reading your blog for the past year. A lifetime ago I lived in Boston when I worked as a flight attendant! I have lived in Houston for the past 30 years and am a partial empty nester; daughter in grad school, son a senior in high school (college app stress) and a daughter just starting high school. Look forward to your posts and great stories. I'm also following you on Instagram.

    1. Hi Katie! I'm Pam from SW New Hampshire and I love your blog and your sense of humor. We are also empty nesters with...a formerly little Golden Doodle named Lola who turned 2 this summer! Best part is that she is crème color and looks just like Chowdah...when I see that Chow has done something goofy it's like deja vu and I crack up because it's MUCH funnier when it's someone else's Doodle :-) I enjoy seeing what you've done with your home, your beautiful family, travels, and especially the gorgeous food that your husband makes, would you consider sharing recipes for any of those yummy feasts?


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