Talbots Spring Essentials

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Thursday, September 11, 2014

A Day To Remember

Hello dear friends.  This morning I ran to Mass.  The Priest read these words during the homily.

At the end of the Mass, the Priest turned to leave the altar.  One sole parishioner stood and began to sing America The Beautiful.  Everyone chimed in.

What a way to begin the day.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. What a loving gesture from that parishioner.

  2. How beautiful...so hard to believe this is the 13th anniversary of this horrible day, it seems just like yesterday. I can only imagine how it feels for those who lost loved ones that day. Thanks for sharing.

  3. How moving that must have been! Morning mass always starts my day on a great note :-)

  4. Wow. I don't think I took one breath during that video. The man shown at the beginning of the video was in my class at Lafayette--Neil Levin. He was 47.

  5. Thank you for this moving post & for remembering Katie. I knew many people who lost their lives that tragic day. I know it is very important to the families of those who perished that people remember them. Thank you again my dear friend. xoxo, Dawn

  6. A nice message to remember the day.

  7. How moving. I'm so glad you shared this and were at mass. God bless America.

  8. Bonjour Katie. So sad... but a lot of hope too.

  9. Katie, Goodness....what a way to begin the day. I just love a good cry in the morning over tea. I had never heard that and can't imagine how moving it was to have your priest read it during mass. Singing God Bless America must have been cathardic, giving a feeling of community to such an horrific memory. You must have a good church. Well done.

    Warmly, Kathleen

  10. That gave me chills......I do love that even on one of the most solemn days it has a way of bring perfect strangers together, it just seems like people try to be a little nicer that day...maybe thankful that they are alive and grateful for their freedom.

    I know its a day that is forever etched into my memory and will never be forgotten. Hey is that a new picture of you to the right?? Great shot!

  11. I`ll forever remember this day! It was the first day I have known I`ll be a mother and the tragedy of the Twin Towers.
    Each year we speak in our family about it. We will never forget.

  12. So beautiful and so heartbreaking. I've never seen this video or heard this piece before. Thanks for sharing.
    On a much happier note, I love the new picture in your sidebar!


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