Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Anyone Up For A Movie?

Hello dear friends.  I have been taking care of my Chowdah all day.  The poor guy is so miserable with that awful elizabethan collar constraining every movement he makes.  We started using the donut but Chow is very flexible just like his Mama, and managed to get to his wound.  I also feel that he is Houdini reincarnated because no matter how secure I fasten the stinkin' collar, it is off in a matter of minutes.

My kids used to give me the same look.

Anyone who has been reading this blog for awhile knows that the Mister and I enjoy going to movies.  We usually take turns choosing the movie.  After the movie, the Mister usually gloats that his choices are always better than mine.  Sounds like fun, huh?

The Hundred Foot Journey was the Mister's choice.  I have to hand it to him - it was phenomenal.  

The Hundred Foot Journey is a story about love.  Paternal love.  Maternal love.  Sibling love.  Young love.  Not-so-young love. Love of cultures. Love of cooking. Love of spices. Love of food.     
And by the way...I fell totally head-over-heels in love with this movie.  I highly recommend it.  And if you don't like it, blame it on the Mister.

And now these are the films that will be my picks this Fall. 

This Is Where I Leave You comes out next week sometime.  I think it holds all the elements of a very entertaining movie.  Tina Fey and Jason Bateman are two of my favorites.  And by the way,  Jane Fonda really looks great!  I'll have what she's having! 

I am so excited to see Gone Girl.  I adored the book.  And double bonus - Ben Affleck in the lead role!  Rumor has it that the movie has a different ending than the book.  That's fine with me - never liked the ending anyway.

The Skeleton Twins looks like my kind of movie.  I can't resist another awkward family film!  I love everything that Kristen Wiig is in and Bill Hader fits the bill as the sardonic brother.

Any movies that you're looking forward to this Fall?

Hope your day is filled with great entertainment!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I adored "Hundred Foot Journey"...and also can't wait to see all of your picks! Hope you are having a great week and Sir Chowda feels better soon! xoxo

  2. All of these movies look so good! Especially the Tina Fey one. Markus is dying to go to a movie...it has been a while! :o)

  3. Hmm..how did I miss the Hundred Foot Journey....I usually think I am so up on current culture....will have to check it out.
    Oh and I definitely know who to blame if it is a stinker....sorry Mister finger has to point somewhere.

  4. My girlfriend just gave me the book to read!

  5. The Hundred Foot Journey is the best movie I have seen in a very long time, fabulous!

  6. I loved the 100 Foot Journey, and I'm also looking forward to the others you mentioned.

    My little Lois Lane had to wear a cone of shame for a few weeks so she wouldn't chew her tail off. She has a case of princess allergies, so I'm sure Chowdah is cut from the same cloth.

  7. Have to agree with your mister on the 100 Foot Journey. I've seen it twice. You should check out the soundtrack too....it's wonderful.
    And all of your picks of new movies are also mine......looking forward to some girlfriend movie times!

  8. I also LOVED Hundred Foot Journey, so beautiful and inspiring and heart warming...proof you don't need blood, nudity and profanity to make a great movie!!
    I have a few on my list as well...will have to check out the others you suggested....happy movie watching! Did you see Magic in the moonlight? If so it was fabulous! So beautiful.....

  9. I would love to see the Hundred Foot Journey but my gals are at college and I am not sure I can convince my MR to go! ;( K

  10. Poor puppy and poor you! I too am looking forward to Gone Girl and am curious about the new ending!

  11. You may also wish to add "My Old Lady" to your list. I saw the trailer during the coming when we went to see "The Trip to Italy". "My Old Lady" stars Kevin Klein, Kristin Scott Thomas and Maggie Smith and is set in Paris. Not a bad combination in my book.
    "The Trip to Italy" is very funny and stars Steve Coogan and Ben Brydon. These guys are on an eating road trip through Italy and you'll want to go straight the North End afterwards.
    Im really looking forward to "This Is Where I Leave You". The book was a really fun read.

  12. Awe, poor Chowdah. If you keep having problems with him getting to his wound, the big plastic cone worked fantastic for Annie when she was injured. She didn't like it, but it worked. Give him a sugar to make him feel better.

  13. Looks like Chowdah needs to see a comedy stat! We love your picks and hope to catch those, too, if our boys let us see anything that isn't a fast pace action flick. Perhaps a girls' movie night out is in order!
    C + C

  14. Poor doggie :( Panda and Mocha, my Tibetan Terriers, hate wearing those big collars. They send hugs to Chowdah!!

  15. The first two movies - I want to see so bad! Thanks for the referrals.

  16. Collars up for Chowdah!
    Lights, camera, action and movies are just what the Dr. Ordered!
    Nothing like having a personal movie guide! I'll buy the tickets!


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