Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, September 12, 2014

A Gesture of Kindness

Last week I received the sweetest note from one of my former neighbors in Texas.  Trish and her beautiful family have since relocated to California.

You probably don't remember but you brought me this platter as a hostess gift (with something delicious on it) to one of my Super Bowl parties years ago. It has been one of my all time favorite platters and I use it probably on a daily basis at dinner time. Well,  last night I was washing it and it slipped and the handle hit the side of the sink and cracked off. Tried gorilla gluing it back on and it didn't take so today I'm officially calling time of death at 8:41 PST on my favorite, beloved platter from my beloved Texas neighbor....lol. 

This act of kindness made my day.  To be thought of by someone every once in awhile is that greatest compliment of all.

It got me thinking.  There are several things around our house that remind me of the gift givers.  One in particular comes to mind.
 I received this bowl and platter at my wedding shower from my friend Cathy.  She also enclosed a recipe card with her famous 7-layer dip.

This platter and bowl have served us well for almost 25 years.  It is our  go-to platter for chips and dip, crudite, and the Mister uses the platter to carry meat in and out to the grill, just to name a few.

This little platter and bowl have survived 8 moves, 6 states, and numerous memorable parties.  It has withstood both of my girls' childhoods.  And I thought of Cathy every time I used them.    But I never took the time to write her a note.  So, Cath, today is the day. I did initially write her a thank you note after the shower - I don't want you to think that I am that much of a loser.

Thank you Trish, for the darling note and reminding me how a gesture of thoughtfulness can make someone's day.

Do you have something in your home that gives you great pleasure, and yet you never mentioned it to the gift giver?

With gratitude,

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. You are a kind soul too! I hope little Chowda is on the mend!! Hope to see you in October! K

  2. Katie- I am always remembering certain people when I use items they gave me. Maybe I need to do a little note writing! xo Diana

  3. I love the way you think! I too think of the people who gave me certain things...which is probably why I could be considered a hoarder of certain things because I cant seem to get rid of things that people give me because it feels like i'm disrespecting them if I do. ha! nice problem to have I guess. hope you have an awesome weekend!

  4. I love this! The things I love the most in our home are those given to me by special people in our lives. But yes, how quickly we forget to mention it to the gift giver. I have a dear friend who is so good about mentioning past gifts I have given her that she enjoys using when I visit her home. I need to remember to do that more often!

  5. Mxxxxxx, I mean Katie, My seven layer dip is still being served by me in a dish given to me by Auntie LaLa at my bridal shower, 29 and counting! I think of her everytime I take it out of the cabinet! I am so happy and complimented my dish is a part of your family memories. One big question, has George eaten from it?

  6. I try so hard these days to do just that! Its funny how these things stay with me and then the relief and joy I feel when I take the time to say how much something means to me. So great that you both heard from a friend and then returned the favor!

  7. This is just the best! I'm loving Trish! What a fabulous way to let someone know that they cross your mind, here and there. I agree…to be remembered/thought of by folks that we don't often see or haven't seen in years is such a compliment. I know I have many things that fall into this category and I'm going to work at letting people know.

    xoxo Elizabeth

  8. Katie - how sweet and also sad for the platter... :( You have inspired us to reach out and say thank you again. We should always be mindful of the little kind gestures that get us through the day. Have a wonderful weekend and thank you for this gift of a post.
    C + C

  9. This proves that it really is the small things that mean a lot.....those small gestures that we think will go unnoticed but actually can make someones day. Love it!

  10. What an excellent sentiment...I often think of the people who gave me something when I use it, but maybe it is time to have a little reconnect. Good thoughts. Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. What a sweet story of gratitude!! It is so thoughtful to reach out to friends even over the little things. Hope you have a fantastic weekend! xoxo

  12. All the more reason to give a gift to cherish and not just cash that is often forgotten. My neighbor has given me dishes that reflect every phase of my decor which I just love. She loves seeing them being utilized when they come for parties! So special to use our pretties and be reminded how fragile life is. Gratitude too.

  13. It's so funny, but I think of the giver if items most every time I use them. Love the idea of letting someone know…

  14. So sweet! You're right - what a great reminder to let people know how important they are in our lives...sending a little hug from afar!


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