Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, November 18, 2012

thanksgiving tables take 1

Sista called me this morning to tell me she had two ideas for my blog.  The first one was that I should write about that "crazy Petraeus mess" and the second one was Thanksgiving table scapes.  
No brainer.
So, I spent some time in Paradise on Pinterest and put forth some awe-inspiring Thanksgiving table photos - for which I take no credit. 
 Love the modern take on the horn of plenty.
 Great colors in this one.
 What a great idea for a buffet table.
Nobody does it better than Carolyn Roehm.
Such a romantic setting for Thanksgiving. 
StoneGable is one of my very, very favorite blogs.  Everything Yvonne does is pure eye candy.
Tres elegant! 
 Shades of Grey Thanksgiving.
 Not only looks pretty, I'm sure it smells positively delicious.
There are many things that I am thankful for this season.  Embarrassed to admit it, but Pinterest does make it into my top twenty!
Hope you're taking the week off and if you're not... hope your boss is!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Hi Katie, I LOVE the photo with the pumpkins grouped together in front of the fireplace. Gorgeous! Yes, you must go to Nantucket - You would LOVE it!! I actually got to meet Elin Hinderbrand one year while on vacation at a book signing. She was very sweet. I love all of her books too because it gives you a feeling of what life on the island is like. For me it just feeds into my incessant desire to live there one day! xoxo

  2. Wow talk about gorgeous Thanksgiving inspiration and I agree Caroyln is the ultimate hostess, love love love her style! This almost makes me wish I was hosting Thanksgiving. Almost, but this year I will enjoy being a guest. Wishing you a very happy and healthy Thanksgiving!


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