Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

My favorite things - Take 3

Every time I think of another "favorite thing" that I have discovered, I write it down wherever I am. I then go searching for the piece of paper, napkin, receipt, or parking ticket that I wrote the idea on and can never find them.  The Mister calls my purse the Bermuda Triangle.
  I don't want to hear from any of you "whippersnappers" out there who will suggest I enter my favorites in my iPhone. It takes me about 20 minutes to text my girls the word "ok." Even Siri loses patience with me.

So here is a list of my favorite things that I can remember. 


I absolutely love this thing.  It gives me the same feeling of clean  to my skin that my Sonicare toothbrush does to my teeth.  It gets right in there and scrubs my pot holes pores until they are squeaky clean.

Speaking of pores...this is a  pure miracle in a tube when it comes to camouflaging  my unsightly miniature pores.  It goes on smoothly and makes my make up look practically flawless, especially when I'm looking in the mirror and I don't have my glasses on. 

I have been wearing this lip color for years.  It stays on all day and never bleeds.  I put a clear gloss on top and it looks great.  I wear the color "coral" which compliments every color that I wear, or at least that's what Sista tells me on skype after a glass or two of wine.

I only buy 3 wick candles because they are the most potent.  These candles last forever and they have a wide selection of scents.  They are $20.00 but every month they offer a special of two for one.  I stock up and give them as gifts. 
If I happened to give one of these to you as a gift and you are reading this, I paid full price.
I get serious peanut butter cravings.  My #2 bought this at Whole Foods and I fell in love with it.  It tastes even richer than regular peanut butter with 40 percent less calories.  I am getting thinner by the minute. 
I received these mats from Sista for my birthday this year and I love them.  They are custom made for the make of the car and come in lots of colors.  My car always looks clean because they do not show the dirt.  It makes the Mister happy - when he's happy Mama gets more jewelry. 
Now I have to go and clean out my Bermuda Triangle.
Have a great Friday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. We could be great friends...I am a total scribbler. Have notes EVERY WHERE, lists are "my thing" and you will find little pieces of paper with all kinds of funky notes on them because thats what I do. There IS a method to my madness:) I also love my iPhone but do not "write" anything on it, I do things the old fashioned way and I like it that way!
    So funny about to order a clarisonic.....everyone I know that has one loves it. I have been blessed to have good skin but have taken advantage of it with minimal upkeep long enough. A friend whose skin literally glows swears by this thing so she talked me into getting it! Good to know you are happy with it. The car mats are too cute.
    Fun post, wishing you a great weedkend!


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