Talbots Spring Essentials

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Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sista's Thanksgiving Table

Sista is spending Thanksgiving in her beautiful home with her family, which includes her two handsome, brilliant sons, and her Mister's family.  I hate to admit it, but she puts Martha Stewart to shame in the entertaining department.  Not to mention, she's a lot nicer than Martha.  If you are new to my blog, you can catch up on Sista here and here.

Her Mister is a culinary gourmand.  Their home always smells like there is something positively delicious in the oven.  Wish I could be there, but I will be with our father who art in Austin.  We refer to him as Senior Bachelor - believe me, for all you RHONY fans Aviva has nothing on me when it comes to taming her amorous father.

Anyway, Sista was kind enough to share photos of her beautifully set Thanksgiving table.

Such a pretty place setting.


Love, love the tortoise horns in sterling silver holders with the gorgeous ostrich feathers and mercury pumpkins that illuminate the gorgeous table scape.

The china is Christian Dior. Love Sista's place card.  Wish it said my name.

Darling sterling silver baby cups hold a small arrangement at each table setting. 

Sterling butter dish and sweet bunnies and artichokes. 
Stunning horn of plenty.

 Love this picture from last year of the buffet. 

Every year the fireplace is lit to set the tone for a beautiful holiday. 

Happy Thanksgiving, dear Sista and Family.  Will miss you. Maybe next year.  Just wear your Mickey ears.

Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Gorgeous table! Miss Martha should be VERY worried. While she was a guest of the federal government in that big house in West Virginia, your sister was honing her domestic goddess skills. Good luck with your dad. You're experiencing the delights of being the sandwich generation--when you have to worry not only what your kid is up to but what your parent is up to as well:) Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Gorgeous! I love the ribbon detail and the idea of using silver baby cups for flowers. Wish I had known you all these years your parents lived here.


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