Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I was prepared to be enthralled by Steven Spielberg's Lincoln.  I expected to learn more about Abraham Lincoln's life and increase my knowledge (what little I have) on the Civil War. 

I was even excited to see the talented Sally Field (with an extra 20 pounds) portray Mary Todd Lincoln. 
I looked forward to observing the true-to-life scenery of that very grey time in history. And as always, I couldn't wait to watch another film directed by the one and only Steven Spielberg.

What I wasn't prepared for was falling head-over-heels in love with President Abraham Lincoln.  Daniel Day Lewis' ingenious performance as Lincoln  portrayed the 16th President of the United States with warmth and reverence.  I learned that Abraham Lincoln was an affectionate father and a patient husband. The film revealed how much President Lincoln loved to use charming antidotes and funny stories to get his point across to his colleagues and constituents.  And when he smiled...I smiled along with him.
I highly recommend Lincoln not only for the powerful film, but more importantly, for Daniel Day Lewis' masterful performance.
It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.
- Abraham Lincoln 
Happy Hump Day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Just got back from seeing it in a packed theater on a Tuesday evening! Lincoln is one of the best movies I've ever seen.

  2. I do want to see this and hubby does not really want to. May go by myself.

  3. I would love to see the movie just for Daniel's performance.


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