Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Thanksgiving and The Bachelor

Here are some pictures from our Thanksgiving break with our girls.  It was a great holiday and as always, we shared lots of laughs. 
It all started when our #2 arrived from Virginia. 
The trip started off a little shaky when #2 underestimated the holiday traffic, and called us from the car telling us she was sitting in a traffic jam and didn't think she would make the flight.  Twenty-five minutes and 400 Hail Mary's later, she boarded the flight.
She worked on her "favorite things" for her Mama's blog. 
#2 loves working in the kitchen.  I know who she gets that from and it's not her old Mama!
Making a chicken vegetable soup. 
Our family's eternal optimist, Miss Gypsy.
The Mister just asked #2 if she's got her eye on any boys at school.
The next day, our #1 came home and we hopped into the car to see our father who art in Austin, otherwise known as Grandpa.  We had a beautiful suite that had a spectacular view of the city. 
The next morning the bridge looked like this packed with a bazillion runners.
There was one girl that wasn't there, though.
We enjoyed a sumptuous brunch at the Four Seasons.  It was a beautiful, mild day and the grounds are beautiful.

 Since the girls were home for only a short time, I tried to get a picture of the girls for our Christmas card. They actually cooperated for about 40 seconds and then all hell broke loose they decided to make the task more challenging for their Mama.


Moving on....

Here we are with Wild Bill  Grandpa.
Bachelor Bill ,Wild Bill's wing man and our adopted family member, joined us as well.
And speaking of bachelors... guess who was seated at the table next to ours?  None other than The Bachelor (Season 5) Jesse Palmer.  The girls forbade me to take a picture. Looks like he is still single because he was at a table with not a bachelorette in sight.  A stag table!  We later saw him on TV commenting on a football game.  Don't ask us who was playing - but I will tell you that he is adorable looking and very polite.  
Let's just say that this Thanksgiving, Grandpa did not get as much attention as he would have liked! 
 Happy Thursday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Your family is so gorgeous!! Looks like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Looks like a perfect holiday....you have a beautiful family, and "wild Bill" looks quite dapper!! Onto Christmas......

  3. Your girls are so sweet! My mom loved holiday homecomings when we were in college. I can't wait to read about their favorite things! The Four Seasons Thanksgiving is a good idea. Texas Tech plays Texas next year so we might be headed down there! Our family will get the villas to share at Barton Creek, but my sistah and I slept at the Four Seasons the night before her wedding and I loved it. The morning coffee car with espresso is the best way to wake up!

    Thank you so much for your encouragement about my trip. I showed it to my mom and sister because it was so touching. I call you my "Internet Aunt," and they both love your blog as well!



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