Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, April 25, 2015

My New Hobby

Hello dear friends.  I hope y'all are enjoying your weekend.  Although the temperatures are crisp, the sun is bright with blue skies.

Remember my new bff, Anne?  Well, the last time we had lunch she mentioned that she belongs to group that meets monthly.  Anne says the ladies are all so lovely and warm.  She asked me if I would like to attend the next meeting with her.  I immediately said yes.  There was one caveat, though, the ladies all meet to work on their needlepoint projects.

Needlepoint projects?  One problem, Anne.  I don't needlepoint.  Anne told me that it was no problem - there is a shop in Hingham where I can buy my supplies as well as take a couple of lessons.

Last week, I visited Hingham Square Needlepoint Shop and chose my project under the advice of the owner, Joan, soon to be known as Saint Joan for reasons that will be revealed shortly. 

Where else would a preppy little needlepoint shop be located but over a J. McLaughlin shop?  

I was on pins and needles with anticipation as I climbed the stairs to  Hingham Square Needlepoint Shop.

I walked into the cute little shop and was overcome by all of the darling prospective projects!

Who needs Smathers and Branson when you have me behind the needle and thread!

The store was featuring a trunk show of Kate Dickerson designs.  What a talent - I wanted to make everything that she designed.

This is her collection of Herend style fishnet animals.  I wonder how many lessons I would need to tackle one of these projects.

This is Cheryl who ordered this beautiful purse.  She has been enjoying the craft of needle point for years. 

This is the owner, Joan, who is the guru of picking out the exact colored thread for the projects.

This is a finished project of Joan's that is on its way out to get framed for the shop.

This project is on its way soon to a lovely 80 year old woman who is going to turn this colorful flamingo into a  needlepoint chair. 

Maybe someday...

Joan helped me pick out my first project.  I told her that I needed the smallest project available with HUGE holes.  We decided on this Lilly dress ornament.

I thought of asking Joan if I could just buy this one and fake it with my new friends, but I didn't wanted her to think that I was a slacker.  

This is where Joan's canonization comes in.  I spent about 3 hours at the store with my mentor, teacher, and new found friend, Saint Joan.  I practiced threading the needle (FAIL!) and two basic stitches.  Let's just put it this way... no needle is sharp at both ends. I can't be a supermodel, trophy wife AND have sharp needling skills.   Through it all, Saint Joan displayed the patience of Job.  

This little square is my practice square.  I have a lot of practice to do before my next class with Saint Joan on Tuesday. 

If you live or visit the area, and are interested in needlepoint, stop into Hingham Square Needlepoint and say hello.  St. Joan and Linda are great ladies.   

Wish me luck.  I've got to be "needle ready" to meet my new friends on Friday.

Until next time...

My next project for you-know-who.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. OMG, shades of the past come to mind. I learned to needlepoint many many many years ago, and bargello. I still have everything I made as it was a labor of love. The first thing I made was a pillow cover like 14 X 14" sq, with my initial in the middle. You may find you learn how to do it and move on to something else. I takes a huge amount of time, and I used to do it when we were all watching TV in the evening. Good Luck, my friend !!!

  2. I bought a needlepoint pillow kit at Michael's about 20 years ago. It actually looked pretty good on the front, but the back was a disaster. I certainly could have used lessons.

    1. St. Joan is very picky about the back of the project. Who looks at the back???

  3. I am so envious! I would love to belong to a needlepoint group. Don't sell yourself short, Katie...in time I'm sure you will be an expert needle-threaders in addition to being a supermodel and trophy wife :)

    1. Thank you for your confidence! Enjoy your week, Julie!

  4. I have been a lurker, er reader, for several months now, (I think I discovered your blog from Ellie's great Have Some Decorum blog), and am just now commenting. When my children were small I needlepointed my way through many long car trips. This kept me from having to drive, and, looking back, I realize that maybe it had a residual disciplinary effect on the kiddos. As in: "We better behave, Mom's got a needle in her hand!" Somewhere after the nursery school days, life got a lot busier and I set my needlepoint aside. Now, you've got me itching to pick it up again, although I worry I can't see well enough anymore. Still, the allure of all those patterns and belts and monogrammed pillows and glasses cases . . . . Your Lilly dress ornament will be adorable! And you get a new group of friends to boot! Have fun and keep us posted!

  5. Love your Lilly dress ornament. Sitting on the floor beside me is a rabbit I must have started 15 years ago. I brought it out at Easter and keep meaning to finish her. You've given me some impetus to get going.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My comment never goes the first time so I typed xx and then deleted it because of course it went thru this time. Anyway, love the Lilly ornament. You should make the Mister one of those cool preppy belts!

    1. I'm afraid I don't have enough years left in my lifetime to make one of those belts! Enjoy your week, dear Gina.

  8. Katie...you had me at "y'all"! Now I know for sure you could move to NC and fit right in!
    How wonderful you have a new group of friends AND and new hobby! I loved to needlepoint BC (before children).
    Keep us posted on your projects!

    1. Jean... Yesterday I talked to one of my Texas friends, and after living in TX for 15 years, her husband has been transferred to Raleigh-Durham. She is soooo excited!

  9. Oh my gosh....I have an old and incomplete blue and white needlepoint sampler I have worked on for years...off and on, but more off! It is huge. i need to get back with it and finish the thing! Ha! Good luck. I have bifocals to see the holes now! Ha!

  10. Katie, surely there is an easier way to make friends!
    I must say that I am impressed with your enthusiasm. I look forward to your future needlepoint updates.
    My college roommate had an intricate decorative needlepoint pillow on her bed. She said that her mom "sort of" made it - and by "sort of" she meant that, with all her needlepoint projects, her mom starts the work, continues until she is sick of it, and then pays someone to finish it. This sounds like a good option for you to keep in your back pocket - in the highly unlikely event your enthusiasm wanes.

    1. Paige... believe me, I have checked all avenues out. Have a wonderful week!

  11. LOL- I used to do all kinds of needlework- including cross stitch on 22ct fabric and crewel...SO much crewel...but I have NEVER done needlepoint. lol IF you learn let me know how much you like it and maybe you can make something for me. Barring that-you could always drop that group and join a WINE drinking club.....just a thought- xo Diana

  12. Bonjour Katie ! It's a good way to meet new people. I would just recommend you to have good glasses... My eyes were so tired after several years of needlework that I preferred to stop. Furthermore I didn't know where to put my "chefs d'oeuvre". I hope you will enjoy and I am looking forward to see your first work . Bon dimanche!

    1. Bonjour Caroline! I picked up a pair of readers that are a little stronger that I usually use. Don't know whether it's helping though. I still manage to miss a few holes! Enjoy your week, sweet Caroline.

  13. I can't wait to be dazzled with your finished product...Lilly was a great choice...love the shop and all shops in "downtown" Hingham.

  14. Hi again, Katie. Thanks so much for adding me to your blogroll; I've added you to mine as well. Also, thanks for recommending Dear Carolina--it sounds like a great read! Happy Sunday! Paula

  15. Oh wow! I used to needlepoint as a child, I loved it then but havent done it in years!! Those designs are fantastic have fun!

  16. I love your Lilly ornament and also love to needlepoint. That looks like such a great little shop and with a patient instructor ready made. Good for you and I hope you enjoy your new hobby!

  17. Katie,
    hope you have fun with your new hobby and new friends! I met my 2 BFs, Judy no 1 and Judy no 2 thru a cross stitch shop when I moved to WI from NC. Robin, the owner insisted I call her new customer, Judy no 1 when she learned we lived on the same street, we met Judy no 2 when we went to her Thursday night cross stitch group. The 3 of us had some great times and crazy adventures. We've all stayed in touch after I moved to TN and Judy no 1 moved back to her home state of IA. Have fun and let you stitches be the start of some great times!

  18. Oh, I bet you have the hang of needlepointing in no time. It's such a beautiful art but I have never learned to do it. Keep us posted!

  19. Katie,
    What a darling store. I'm not creative but started scrapbooking when my boys were babies. Meet some nice ladies and had fun putting together scrapbooks.
    Just wanted to say that like Gina, my comments rarely go through the first time. There are times that I don't have a chance to go back and retype my comments but want to tell you that your blog always makes me smile.

  20. Hi Katie -

    You are now officially "hooked" on a hobby that is so much more than an addiction. It is the way I pass my mornings, watching the news and having my first cup of coffee. I also needlepoint everywhere I go in the car (when my husband is driving - lol!) Needlepointing is sooo much fun!!

    Thanks, also for including a link to my site. My designs are definitely on the preppy side! : )

    Happy stitching, and I look forward to following your progress! - Kate Dickerson


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