Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, April 19, 2015

We Need More Target Practice

Hello dear friends.  What a gorgeous weekend we are having!  Unfortunately, tomorrow does not look as good for the Boston Marathon.  Am I ever glad that I am not running this year!  Or for that matter, any year.  

Friday night, I was sitting in the sunroom as usual, glass of wine in hand, reading my book when I heard the Mister come in.  He stood at the doorway and then stepped aside and guess who was standing right behind him!  My #2 in all her glory!!  She came home to surprise me for the weekend.  

What a great way to start the weekend!

My girl making one of her crazy concoctions, with her sous chef, Miss Chili.

We woke up on Saturday morning to a gorgeous day.  We took Chowdah to doggie daycare to rid himself of some needless digging energy.  We took our Chili on her first shopping expedition to one of my favorite places, Derby Street.  

I came out of one of the stores and the Mister waved me over to the bench where he was Chili-sitting.  He told me that a very nice lady came over to him and said she recognized him from my blog.  I ended up meeting beautiful Dianne from Hingham in J Crew.  She even recognized my #2 in there.  She was so sweet and that meeting was like the cherry on my sundae of a weekend!

On Sunday morning, my #2 and I got up bright and early to hit Target for some Lilly Pullitzer loot.  I went to the Kingston location because my guess was that the Hanover store would be packed. The News was reporting that the Target site overnight was a mess.  It was straightened out by the time I went on at 6AM, but most of the stuff was sold out.  I did manage to buy this pair of shoes, though.

We arrived at Target at 7:45AM for the 8:00AM opening.  I guess we weren't the only ones who had Lilly on their minds.

Note to self:  you might want to show up a little more than 15 minutes ahead of time for the next designer collaboration.

This is where I wished I had a megaphone.  I would have yelled "Why aren't you people at Church?"  I figured I could guilt a few people to leave the line.  Or if that didn't work, I could try "Free Jack Rogers sandals at Nordstroms!"

I've never seen so many Lulu leggings in my whole life.  Get out of line, ladies.  If you're willing to pay full price for Lulu, you shouldn't be taking my place in line at Target!

We ran in behind the cast of thousands of Lilly lovers and came upon this.  

And this.

8:01AM and it was stone cold empty.

 It was the saddest sight that I have seen in a very long time. 

And then... out of the corner of my eye I spotted one lonely pair of
flip flops... AND THEY WERE MY SIZE!!!  

The only thing that would have made it even better is if they were my #2's size.  She didn't seem to mind though.

We passed a few of these carts being pushed by skinny, glowing, shopping over achievers fantasizing how great they are going to look this summer in their new Lilly wear.  

Suddenly, I had a light bulb moment.  I told #2 to distract this lady and I would steal her cart.  My #2 wasn't so keen on the idea.  Somebody's got to have a moral compass in the family.

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Well shame on you for raising a daughter with integrity! Just goes to show how it might backfire.
    Enjoy the rest of your time with #2!!!!

    1. Denise... when are you coming back to MA? Let's do lunch!

    2. Lol, another month or as soon as all the snow is gone. Lunch sounds great.

  2. How wonderful to have your daughter surprise you!! I was up at 3am (not an unusual occurrence for me) and had my "cart" filled with goodies, only to have all the good stuff (including the darling beach chair) become unavailable before I could check out. I did snag the exact same flip flops as you, along with a couple of other things. It really was madness!! xoxo

  3. i'm not a morning person so I got to my Target (in CT) around 9:30 (very early for me!). I really didn't think the Lilly craze would hit my area but I was wrong. There were a few candle holders and a string of lights!! Interesting to see all the different takes on the Lilly for Target. Lovers and haters!

    1. Hi Cathy.. the News has been loaded with sour Lilly stories. Enjoy your week.

  4. Yay for #2 surprising you! That is always fun! And, I love that kind of Target practice! I think you saw on insta how ours was; we got in there and after fifteen minutes, the racks looked like yours, bare! I did score some great beach towels! They are so adorable. I also got some swizzle sticks, a bar set, and a great pineapple platter. I wanted those mugs, but my store didn't receive any.

  5. What a wonderful surprise to have your #2 come home for the weekend! Love doggie daycare, it sucks the energy right out of them ;). The only thing I had my eye on were the espadrilles. You'll have to let us know if you like them, if they put more out I'd like to get some. Have a great week Katie!

  6. Your #2 was a wonderful surprise...so sorry you missed the Lilly opportunity, but you gave it your best effort. I may have spotted my nephew's wife in one of your photos...then again it may just have been her Lulu leggings...I have two nephews who live in Deluxbury and they too may have been church skippers ahead of you.

  7. OMG, I had no idea LIlly was so, so popular! The closet Target is 25 miles from me so I don't get there near as often as I would like, but have such fun when I do go. My daughter was home this weekend too and we enjoyed her so much. Happy new week!

  8. Read another blog from GA and her store had a four item limit on clothing and it couldn't be the same item. No limit on home goods. Seems a bit "fairer" than people grabbing armloads and then selling on eBay at almost triple the price.

    1. They just talked about it on GMA - people selling stuff on ebay at triple the price.

  9. My daughter and I went as well this morning. We went to a smaller Target and were able to get a few things as there was not a huge crowd. It was fun just hanging out and enjoying the craziness. The majority of the people were very nice ....swapping things and giving things to others that did not fit. We loved your post .... you always make me literally laugh out loud !!

    1. At least the people were nice. My store was filled with a bunch of grabbers and gloaters. Have a wonderful week Joani.

  10. This was hysterical!!!!!!! Thanks for making me laugh out loud at not even 6am, its going to be a great day afterall. How fun that #2 came home..what a great surprise!! Was that line really the line? That is crazy!!!!!! I was envisioning you with your megaphone, too funny. Glad you got at least one memento from this adventure, guess its safe to say Lily and Target were a match made in retail heaven:)

  11. So glad you had your #2 for the weekend. The Target craziness is apparently cross country!! Most of the stories I have heard are very similar to your experience. Have a great week!

  12. Although I am not too surprised.....it's all so shocking that women behave this way! Good lord...what happened to society? I think Miss Lilly herself would be shocked!!! However, I hope you are a proud wearer of those darling shoes.....and that you left Target on safe ground....I know the flip-flops will look darling on you! I know the Target puppy must be thinking, "What the heck just happened?"

  13. I was basically up all night working the computer and ended up with five dresses at 4 AM. I had started with seven, but during the hour it took me to check out, two of the dresses sold out. They kept shutting down the site during my ordering, but I stayed persistent! Took my granddaughter to the store at 7:45 AM and we, too, ended up with zero because we were at the back of the line. Our store here in Venice, FL was totally sold out in all areas by 8:05.

  14. Do you mean to tell me with all your FAME that they did not esort you to the front of the line at Target.
    They should be ashamed of themselves.....I heard this was the case everywhere. I wonder if Target had Hermes, if it would be the same scenario?
    Hope you enjoyed no. 2 and all that praying you did on your Sunday.

  15. How funny! We were leaving town early on Sunday morning, and drove right past the Target, but do you think my husband and son cared enough about me to stop? Noooo! I'll remember this when Bass Pro offers a big sale.

  16. What a fabulous surprise having your #2 for the weekend!! There is no better treat for a mom. I thought about you yesterday wondering how you fared at the Lilly for Target event. I think that your experience was the same as thousands all over the country. The worst part is that many of those loaded cart, Lulu leggings wearing, non-church goers are going to sell their haul on eBay - probably to make money for more Lulu stuff! The ugliness of that scene does not match the classic beauty of the Lilly line.
    I'd still say that your weekend was a "win" - #2 by your side and blog fans popping up everywhere!! How fun!!!

  17. Oh- I know- I know- I know! Darn those other pukey shoppers! lol Not a SPECK OF LILLY anywhere in our store! I used to wear Lilly when Lilly was REALLY Lilly -when the old gal herself was alive and kicking in Palm Beach. We live in Palm Beach Gardens and I loved her stuff! There were great stores there that had resale shops and on occasion I would get lucky to find something spectacular. Her children's clothes were wonderful, too.
    I am sure there will be a restocking in Target soon...there better be! xo Diana ps. Glad #2 made it home for a surprise visit...and glad you hadn't had so much wine that you didn't recognize her....just sayin'......xo Diana

  18. I always enjoying reading your blog because you are my early morning comedy show. So excited your daughter came to visit, what a treat.

    The Lily for Target debacle is ridiculous. On-line sales were opened at midnight, sadly they did not beef up their site because it crashed for many and they lost their stuff in the cart. The store is a joke because many of the stores did not get all of the items and of course I heard it was a free-for all.

    I did not go but my sister went in IL and she said at 8:05 the shelves were bare. People had 2 and 3 carts of stuff that clearly they had no intention if using but of selling. Frankly for the prices they are selling the stuff for you can buy the real deal on the lily's on site.

    I think thus is just one more reason that Target sales are declining.

    Don't get me wrong, I am not bashing Target. I just think when you hype a sale this big as they did Missoni than you should have a plan.

    Happy for the people that went and wanted something and managed to get it.

    Have a great week!

  19. What fun that your daughter popped in for a surprise visit! Sorry about the near strike-out on Lily. I've never heard of Lilly. Evidently she hasn't yet made it to Goodwill. Lol Sorry none of your tactics worked to thin the line, but they were certainly clever ideas. :-))

  20. What fun that your daughter popped in for a surprise visit! Sorry about the near strike-out on Lily. I've never heard of Lilly. Evidently she hasn't yet made it to Goodwill. Lol Sorry none of your tactics worked to thin the line, but they were certainly clever ideas. :-))

  21. Target practice! I made it to two stores Sunday morning and ended up with soooo much Lilly I am almost (!) embarrassed to write about it. But I will say this, if you live in California, I am taking back most of what I bought (sizing issues) so go check for returns!

  22. So glad to hear that someone was able to find something cute at the Lilly Target. I on the other hand bought nothing. Nothing online or at the store. OH well. Perhaps when Lilly site has their sale later on this year I will be able to obtain something I would like.


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