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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A "Taxing" Hodgepodge

Hello dear friends.  It is another gorgeous Spring day here.  I hope that you are not spending hours in line at the USPO mailing your tax forms.

If it's Wednesday, it is time for Hodgepodge.

1.  Speaking of April 15th... what's the most "taxing" thing you've done recently?

The most taxing chore that I have had these days is keeping this guy in the house while the painters and brick layers are working on the outside of the house.  Chowdah is constantly causing havoc with our very patient workers.  His favorite activity is sneaking up on them and stealing their work gloves and paint rollers and just about anything else and hiding them in one of his favorite mud holes.       

He stares at me with his big brown eyes and tries to convince me that the guys want him to help them outside.

2.  When did you last take a taxi somewhere and where was that somewhere?

I think I bored you with my impression of mentioned Istanbul in last week's Hodgepodge.  When we departed the ship in Istanbul, my Sista's family and my family caught cabs next to each other.  We told the drivers that we wanted to go to the market.  Sista's cab took off in one direction; ours in another.  We eventually did find each other after paying an exorbitant amount of moulah which felt more like a ransom than a cab fare.   

3.  What's something you can do today that you couldn't do a year ago?

I just joined Instagram during the past year because I read on someone's blog that it is important to use all the social media in promoting your blog.  I don't know if it has helped my blog or not, but I do enjoy the instant gratification of Instagram.  

I have a twitter account thanks to my girls, but I haven't figured that whole thing out and frankly, I don't think that it's quite as much fun. 

4.  How often is chicken (in some form or fashion) on you menu at home.  Which of the following would you most like to see on your table tonight... a chicken salad sandwich, your mom's fried chicken, a Chick-fil-A meal, Cracker Barrel's chicken and dumplings, a roast chicken dinner with all the trimmings, or 'hold the chicken, I'm a vegetarian...?'

We eat a lot of chicken at home.  I positively adore a roast chicken with crispy skin.  I actually love the skin more than the meat, I am ashamed to say.  I know it is incredibly fattening , but it's worth every greasy calorie.

5.  What was your favorite program when you were a kid?  What characters do you remember the most?

When I was about nine years old, my mother and I would watch The Farmer's Daughter every week.  My Mom would ask me if I wanted to play "T-R-I-C-K"  which meant that I would go to bed at the appointed time with my Sista, who was a few years younger, wait until she fell asleep, and then I would sneak in to watch this show with my Mom. 

Sista still hasn't gotten over the fact that we did this.  I tried to explain to her nicely that that's what happens when you are your Mom's favorite child.

The premise of the show centered around a U.S. Congressman who just happened to be a very handsome widower and his beautiful housekeeper/nanny.  Inger Stevens played the lead and I thought she was the most beautiful woman in the world.  I wanted to be her.

The congressman's mother rode up and down the stairs on a automated chair lift.  I put "chair lift" on my Christmas list that year.

6.  What's the last piece of 'art' you made?

The last time that I did anything artistic was a few years ago when my #2 and I spent some time at a paint your own pottery place.  It was her last day of summer vacation and she was bound for freshman year in college within days.  We made each other coffee cups with a surprise message on the bottom.

I will cherish that cup and thoughts of that bittersweet day in my heart forever.

7.  What frustrates you most about the Internet?

For being a blogger, I am incredibly tech challenged.  This drives my assistants family crazy.  When I come across a problem while I am working my fingers to the bone on my blog, and I call them to beg for help, and promise them the family jewels, I am most often faced with their recordings.   

I have a sneaking suspicion that they ignore my calls a lot of the times...    

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I knew I would get your attention with this picture.  Even if you skimmed all my mediocre answers, I bet you just stopped to read  this one.

I have added Rob Lowe's Love Life to my repertoire of audio books that I listen to on my walk.  I positively adored his first book and this one promises to be just as good.

The worst part of listening to an audible book is that you don't get to drool on stare at the cover all the time.

Until next time...

This little cutie pie is "Boston" who likes to read my blog every morning with his Mom, Dianne.

You've got great taste, Boston!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. YIKES on the Istanbul story! I've thought about Instagram, but just don't know if I'd have time to keep up both a blog and the whole Instagram thing. Do you find it very time-consuming? And please, FYI, you're killing me with photos of that CUTE DOG CHOWDAH! (and don't tell Boston I said that). ;-)

  2. Thanks for the smile this morning and the reminder that I must go stand in line to mail the darn taxes...I am SUCH a procrastinator! xoxo

  3. First of all, I don't know who is cuter, rob lowe or chowdah. My teenaged boys most likely comment is "Chicken again"

  4. I have to ask about the Dramamine picture on your sidebar? Dramamine is my friend whenever I travel. Motion is not : ) I'm on Instagram and Twitter both. I tend to link my blog (when I remember) on Twitter, but not Instagram. It's in my profile, but that's about as far as I get. I am Daleyshots on Instagram. Its my favorite. It feels low key, just lots and lots of pretty pictures. Also-I loved The Farmers Daughter! My sister and I used to try to copy her accent.

  5. My friends keep asking me if I'm on Instagram, but no I'm not. When I tried to sign up it appeared as if you need a cell phone to do so, and I don't have one. Yep, I'm one of the few Americans that doesn't own a cell phone. :)

  6. I love Chowdah trying to help, maybe you should let him. I'm sure the painters would love a comical dog running around :)

    And a chairlift- made me laugh!


  7. I'm new to Instagram too. With the wedding coming up I knew I had to get on it to see the pictures posted.... it's going to be at #Levesque425 - after next Saturday. I'm also on Twitter. I don't post on Twitter really, but it's my place to scan and read what some of my favorite country music people post. I follow a bunch of them. Since I don't go there often, when I do I have hundreds of posts! Overwhelming!!!

  8. I read every word and my reward was seeing that cover at the end. lol I am on Instagram but have not really used it yet. I may have to look into that! I am amazed that I don't remember that show at all! I thought I knew all of them. Love that you played TRICK with your Mom. xo Diana

  9. I can't believe I've never heard of The Farmer's Daughter! I love old TV shows and this one sounds like a cute premise. Of course a show about a congressman back then was probably a lot different than it would be now!
    Happy Wednesday to you, and cheers to the Rob Lowe pic!

  10. I've never heard of The Farmer's daughter. I did like Petticoat Junction and The Patty Duke Show though.
    Chicken has always been my favorite protein. I have 101 chicken recipes, and roast chicken is one my family's top five favorite dinners.
    Poor Chowdah; he just wants to help.
    SpRiNg! SPriNG! sPRINg!

  11. The Farmer's Daugher!!!! Haven't thought of that in YEARS!! I, too, loved it!

  12. I don't do Instagram, but I do have a Facebook and Twitter. I have not figured out the point of Twitter, but it is amusing and quite handy when watching my Thunder basketball. It is like an outlet for people with Tourette's! It is a tie between roast chicken and my momma's fried chicken...both with skin; don't make that bird die in vain!

    1. You are too funny, Lori!!! We can't let the bird die in vain!

  13. Those dogs of yours are so precious....that pic of one sitting in your daughter's boyfriend's lap in last post just made me chuckle so much. I just want to snuggle with those pups! My sophiejane is a miniature of chowdah and looks like she could be C&C's sibling!
    And I hear ya about the family not taking your computer calls....I think mine do the same. My son's now say...."mom, if I just tell you how, you will never learn." I say...."I don't wanna learn. Just fix it and do it because I am your mother!!" and I wonder why they don't answer my calls...heh! I don't do any social media except blog...they do not understand that. Heh!

  14. Whats not to love about life when you are Rob! LOL I cant stand the computer- I still don't know why my comments on blogs don't go to peoples emails..grrr!

  15. I haven't had to take a taxi in awhile; however Katie I have had experiences like that you described! Yes I am on Instagram and still learning the @'s and #'s and when to use, etc, basically just posting, hey that is an accomplishment though! I feel badly for poor Chowdah looking out the window so forlornly!! Soon he will be able to run and run to his hearts content! I did a painting for my friend Denise's family room recently and her family was quite pleased; me too since I had not created any art in awhile!

    The Arts by Karena
    Designer Matthew Patrick Smyth

  16. Did you ever see the movie - The Bone Collector with Denzel and Angie? One of the first scenes is a couple who are "hijacked" by their taxi driver/serial killer! I think of that almost every time I'm in a taxi… That's so sweet that your mom did that with the Farmer's Daughter. I always tell my husband, I'm not tech savvy but he likes to remind me I have no trouble with online shopping! I just love Chowdah (and Chili) that's so funny that he thinks they are there to play with him! Didn't get to post earlier this week, but your daughter is just beautiful!

  17. Oh my goodness, I used to watch the Faremer's Daughter too! I had forgotten all about that show until I read your post!

  18. You are too funny, Katie, and it means a lot to make people smile on Tax Day!! When we renovated our house, the pups thought the workers were there just to play ball and drove the guys crazy. No wonder they completed the project in time. Chicken is a staple in our house - so much so that when the kids ask what's for dinner, they always guess chicken. Hope you're enjoying this beautiful day!
    C + C

  19. I love Instagram...I post, on average, 5 times a week! I'm curious...how did you come up with your dog's name? He isn't named after Clam Chowder, perhaps? Such a cutie pie!

  20. Well, I have an Instagram account but never use it but perhaps I should get with it. Yes, Chowdah is adorable and I can't believe you did not let her go help the guys. :o))) Always fun to stop by!

  21. The Hubster keeps telling me I need to get Instagram...Laughed out loud about the favorite child comment...I can't believe it, but I have never heard of the Farmer's Daughter...Take care...

  22. Always fun to see what you have to say and I can always count on you for some fun morning entertainment! I always leave with a smile on my face. Chowdah is such a ham, love how he is "keeping watch" over you! And yes chicken is a regular over here too......

  23. Are we friends on INSTAGRAM?? I better go check that out!LA CONTESSA was TAKEN.........by a porny GAL!SO, I am ANTIQUE GODDESS on IN.I couldn't think of anything else!GOddess NO.........heading in the direction of ANTIQUE YES!!!
    Looks like your getting my email notifications for my blog??Is it the wordpress email...........having a terrible time with my subscriber list.

  24. Stopping by from the Wednesday Hodgepodge - it's my first week and I'm amazed at all the awesome blogs. So nice to find bloggers who are in my age bracket - the "favorite television show as a kid" was the giveaway! Love your blog, read your About Me and your house is beautiful! We lived in Rhode Island for five years and loved it there. Chowdah - so cute!

  25. I got teary-eyed seeing the mugs that you and #2 made the day before she left for her freshman year. I would have been unable to paint because I would have been sobbing instead. I don't remember The Farmer's Daughter at all and I thought that I watched ALL the shows! And finally, Rob Lowe... IMO the prettiest (in the best sense of the word) man alive. Another great job with Hodgepodge, my friend!

  26. Katie, I'm working on dislodging the big lump in my throat left by your handmade coffee mugs. My sweet daughter's name is Maggie, and we call her Magpie. She too is away at college and I miss her every day. What a coincidence! Oh how our children lay claim to our hearts!
    Cathy in N.J.


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