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Monday, April 27, 2015

My Birthday & Happy News

Hello dear friends.  I hope that everyone enjoyed their weekend.  Mine was better than good - it was great for two reasons.

Sunday was my birthday.  I am officially in my late 50's and headed to the next decade with volume speed.  I continuously stare the next decade down with the ugliest stink I can muster.

The Mister planned the day.  After doing research, he decided to take me to a part of Cape Cod that we haven't been.  He said he wanted to make it a blog worthy day.  He's learning.

We went to Mashpee, which is nestled in the western portion of the Cape.  It is about 6 miles southeast of the Cape.   

That's it for the geography lesson.  
As a point of interest,  Rachel Ray was born and raised in Mashpee.

We arrived at a beautiful outdoor mall.  It encased some of my favorite stores.

This Mister even made reservations at  a restaurant called  Estia.  I positively adore Greek food and it was quite good.

We spent some time walking around Pottery Barn and looking at all the summer table ware.

I bought a couple of pairs of shoes.

And the Mister bought some spices and olive oil to add to the pantry. 

Love this home accessory shop.

I did a lot of ooohing and aahing  in this MacKenzie Childs shop.  My buddy Kate the Great sent me the prettiest MC bangle for my birthday. 

Don't drool too much.  
These are for doggies.

And as if I didn't have enough excitement for the day, we hit a Marshall's and a Homegoods on the way home!

But the cherry on my birthday sundae happened when I got home.  I talked to one of my nearest and dearest, Susie B.  Do you remember Susie?  She is the one who went to a party at the Kennedy Compound and wrote a fabulous blog about it.  

Anyway, Susie is the absolute greatest girl and for as long as I have known her, which is all of her life,  I have never seen her without a smile.  Well, Susie broke the news that she is engaged!  She has never been married and she met the love of her life, Mike, a couple of years ago.  I couldn't be happier!  What a great birthday present.

A perfect blog worthy day and wonderful wedding news!
Life is good in Preppy Empty Nesterville!

Until next time...

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Congratulations to Susie and Mike! And your weekend looks fabulous. I love it that you included a map. I have a great need to know where things are on a map, so thank you! I won't hold it against the town that Rachel Ray was born and raised there. ;-) Hope you have a wonderful week. Isn't it great that husbands can be trained to look for blogworthy opportunities! LOL

  2. First, belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear Katie! Let the celebration continue!
    Lol the Mr. Is certainly catching on - as soon as you said Mashpee I immediately thought Maspee Commons! Great in lovely weather and only slightly less so in undesirable.
    Congrats to Mike on capturing the delightful Susie B. Best wishes for a blissful future!

  3. Happy, happy birthday! It sounds like the perfect day with your husband. I hope in addition to the delicious lunch that you had a nice big piece of cake!

    Congratulations to your friend, Susie B. as well.

    Have a great week!

  4. Happy belated birthday! Looks like the Mister did a wonderful job planning your birthday. Definitely blog worthy. Happy Birthday from one empty nester to another!

  5. Happy belated birthday, Katie! So nice that your husband planned a special day for you.
    Many terrific restaurants on Cape Cod.
    May your birthday bliss continue throughout the week!

  6. I have CHILLS going up and down my legs from YOUR NEWS!!!!How WONDERFUL for your FRIEND!
    My youngest SON owns a FOOD TRUCK and will be WORKING THE CAPE this SUMMER...............if it is close to YOU I wonder if you could go say HELLO!!!He has tacos and corn on the cob with feta cheese and cilantro!Sounds delicious!Anyway, it isNOT A GORGEOUS TRUCK but be on the LOOK OUT!JOEYS FOOD TRUCK with a kangaroo on it!I will give you more INFO once I know!HIs name is NICHOLAS but JOEY is his friend and they are PARTNERS!!!! I would LOVE for YOU to arrive and say YOUR MOTHER SENT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XOXOX

  7. Happy Birthday Katie and cheers to your hubby for planning a great day!

  8. Happy belated birthday Katie! The mister did a good job planning! Congrats to your friend, they look very happy together!!

  9. Happy Birthday dear Katie!
    Best wishes!

  10. Happy Birthday! Looks like a great day!

  11. Happy Birthday. I can't believe Mashpee has all those wonderful shops and restaurants. I've passed by on the way to the Vineyard (hurry up and we could make an earlier boat) more years than I care to think about, and never stopped. This year I hope to make a visit to all the places I've missed on the cape.

    1. These shops are at Mashpee Commons-at the rotary of route 28.

  12. Joyeux anniversaire Katie and thank you for the visit!

  13. Congratulations to Susie, and so happy you had a fabulous day. What a charming place to shop!

  14. Well, Happy Birthday Katie! My wish for you would be more joy and happiness than your sweet heart can hold. Enjoy your special day!

  15. Happy Birthday, Katie! The Mister did a great job of planning your day.

  16. What a very happy birthday.....big hugs Katie!

  17. Happy birthday Katie! Welcome to the Late 50s Club!

  18. Well a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! What a perfect day you had, shopping, good food, getting treated like the trophy wife that you are, good friends....doesn't get better. Tell the Mister we are impressed! Hope you have a fabulous year:)

  19. Happy belated birthday, sweet friend. Looks like it was a perfect Katie kind of day. Congratulations to your friend. How wonderful. xo Laura

  20. Happy Birthday, Katie! I hope the year ahead is full of blessings--it's certainly off to a great and blogworthy start! Paula

  21. Birthday Girl!!!!!! So happy you had a good one and I hope that man of yours treated you like a queen....sounds like he did....and that you ate lotsa cake! Lots and lots of cake WITH vino!!
    That is the cutest lil town. Cannot believe we didn't find that one when my girlfriend and I were there. One more reason to go back!! I wanna see your new shoes!!

  22. Happy Birthday from the west coast!

  23. Happy belated birthday my dear friend! Best wishes to Susie! Hugs, Dawn

  24. Well first ...Happy Belated Birthday...just so you know according to the infamous "they" it seems that 60 is the new 40 so you still have a LOOOOOOOoooong way to go before you are even 40...Mashpee looks like a marvelous place to spend the day and the MIster deserves a few kudos for his attempt at making your day "Blog-worthy-est".

  25. Happy Birthday and Beemie is right, just yesterday someone told me that 60 is the new 40 so there! What a lovely day you and the Mister had on the beautiful Cape. It has been too long since I visited there and you have me wanting to plan a trip. Biggest congrats to your friend Susie!

  26. Happy, happy Birthday!! It sounds like you had a wonderful day...and to top it off with the fabulous news about your friend!! Hope your week is just as lovely! xoxo

  27. I love that you checked out the Marshals and Home Goods! All those shops looked like so much fun, but a girl can't beat a good run through Marshals and HG on her birthday! Happy Birthday!

  28. I hope you stopped at Cupcake Charlie's while shopping at Mashie Commons. We love their cupcakes. (They have other store locations that might be closer to your home). The next time you come to the Cape, I think you should visit Osterville, a village in the town of Barnstable. A cute village, preppy shops and right near the ocean. --Niki

  29. Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday to you.. Happy Birthday DEAR KATIE, Happy Birthday to YOU!! (well that was out of tune but had to do it)

    Sounds like you had a fun weekend and now you need to keep the party going through the week;)

    Congrats to your friend Suzie!


  30. Happy Birthday...sounds like an exciting birthday and on top of it getting fabulous news about your friends engagement...a perfect weekend!

  31. Happy, Happy Belated BD! Sounds pretty fantastic to me! I always love seeing photos of places you visit. That's exciting news about your friend, too!

  32. Oh I hope you had a fantastic Birthday my friend!

  33. Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like you had a lovely day. Congratulations to Susie as well.

  34. Hope your birthday was the happiest, Katie!! What a sweet gesture for your hubby to plan a wonderful day for you, it sounds like he spoiled you up perfectly, you are such a sweetheart and deserve the best!!!


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