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Monday, April 6, 2015

TV Talk

Hello dear friends.  I hope you all enjoyed your weekend.  We had a great time with our #1 and Adorable Jonathon.  I've got lots of photos to share with you at a later date.

Here are some of the TV shows that are on my radar this month.  

Remember I told you how excited I was about this new show? Well, I watched the first 2 episodes and I thought they were confusing and slow as molasses.  But at least I had my boyfriend, Kyle Chandler to stare at.  But I didn't give up.  I plugged on and watched the third episode, and that's when it started to get good.  Really good.

I think what makes this show so captivating is its stellar casting.  The actors that play these roles are so darn good, you would swear they were playing themselves.  

The critics love Bloodline - they call it the next Sopranos. Netflix has renewed it for a second season and I don't know whether I can wait for season 2.


  I'm coming late to the party on Mr. Selfridge, but so glad I finally arrived.  It is in its third season, and I just began its first season on Amazon.  Jeremy Piven is positively brilliant in the title role.  If you enjoy Downton and miss it as much as me, Mr. Selfridge is the perfect replacement.

I have only been allowing myself to watch Mr. Selfridge on the treadmill.  I have made the tough decision to ONLY watch it there so that I will be much more apt to get on that wicked torture machine and lose some lbs.

Just like an ice cold Mint Julep on a hot day, Southern Charm will quench your thirst for beautiful, young, entitled, spoiled, Southerners.  I can't get enough of this show.  I told the Mister to ask his boss for a transfer to Charleston.  He answered with an eye roll. 

When I saw the ad for The Slap, it didn't really intrigue me.  I wondered how the writers could come up with eight or ten shows about a kid being slapped.  And then my buddy, Suzette from Texas wrote me a note and asked me if I had seen the show.  She said that it was quite good.  Suzette has great taste so I watched it On Demand.  She was right - it is compelling.  To me, it is an edgier Parenthood.  It examines the complexities of family ties, adultery, and a spoiled rotten child whose mother's head is in the clouds. 

If you love historical fiction like I love historical fiction, Wolf Hall is the show for us.  Throw in a little Anne Boleyn and a generous dose of King Henry VIII, and I'll make the popcorn and you bring the wine.

She's baaaaack!  Julia Louis Dreyfus as Senator Selina Meyer becomes President Meyer.  I can hardly wait to watch President Meyer and her team of whack-a-doodles at the helm of running our country.      

Don't tell Don Draper, but I have a confession to make.  I didn't watch the last season of Mad Men.  I don't really know why.  I probably had too much other stuff to watch.  I am planning on watching the new season, though, because it is the final season and I need to give Don a proper good bye.  

I am listening to this book on tape during my walk.  It is very entertaining and is chock full of funny stories about Amy's years with SNL.

I also realized something about myself.  I enjoy listening to autobiographies more than fiction.  It is an added bonus if it is read by the author.  I really liked Tina Fey's book as well as Mindy Kaling's.  Any suggestions for my next book on audible?

Enjoy your week!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love Southern Charm! It's reality tv with a touch of class ...and Martinis :-)

  2. Hubster and I have watched all of Bloodline...we loved it and it always makes us feel better that there are more dysfunctional families than our own...I have been a fan of Selfridges from the beginning and I was shocked about the sudden death in the first episode of this season...Watching Wolf Hall right now...we DVR'd it so far so good...Ok Southern Charm...I watch it in bits and pieces...I cannot believe these people get away with so much...a second Christening , really.

    Thanks for all your suggestions...Mad Men is DVR'd also..we will watch that next.

    Glad your #1 and her adorable were able to join you for the Easter holiday.

  3. Entitled, beautiful, spoiled Southerners? Honey, that's in my front yard! I watched Mad Men last night and am getting sad it's going to end soon. I met someone who was visiting this week from England (oddly enough, she was in my front yard), and she raved about Mr. Selfridge, so I think I 'll watch that this summer. Not as disciplined as you, I'll watch it from the sofa with cookies and wine. (That's why I can't hang out in the front yard with the beautiful people anymore).

  4. Just ran into Southern Charm and enjoyed first 3 episodes of season 2. Need to find season 1. YES I love autobiographies and drive around a lot it seems so always have 2-3 misc. library books on cd in my car. Listening to Jane Lynch book now, read by her (reader is so important, can really make a book!) and it's a great listen. I'm completely into reality tv, can't seem to enjoy following too many other shows these days. Happy Easter!

    1. Carol - I love Jane Lynch! So glad to hear she has a book. I'm going to download it. Thanks for the tip. Have a great week.

  5. I need to start listening to books and walking...thanks for the recommendations! Have a delightful week, my dear!!! xoxo

  6. While not a book on tape, I'm a big fan of Alex Baldwin's podcast, "Here's The Thing" that you can find on WNYC.org, New York's public radio station. There's an interesting mix of people and he's not a bad interviewer.

    1. Thanks Kiki!! Didn't know Alec Baldwin had a radio show. I will definitely see if I can download it. Have a great week.

  7. Can't wait to start Bloodline. Now that this pesky basketball is over it can happen! Loved Wolf Hall, although I found the book a difficult read. And Outlander? Oh my gosh…the stars are beautiful, the scenery, the music…it's a little steamy…perfect!

    1. Ethel... You are the second person in a week that has said Wolf Hall was difficult to read. The other one was a book store owner. I never tried to read it - I stuck with Phillipa Gregory and Allison Weir. Outlander is another show with big fans. I will have to tune in. Enjoy your week, Ethel.

  8. I anxiously awaited the final episodes of Mad Men. I watched it last night, and I was disappointed by (1) Roger's mustache and (2) Don Draper's continual sexual escapades (they've gotten old). I will continue to watch though, because I have faith that Matthew Weiner will wrap up the show in a tidy package.

    My favorite characters on Southern Charm are arch enemies (too-cool-for-school) Whitney and (hillbilly-femme-fatale) Katherine.

    1. Haven't watched Mad Men yet. Don's escapades do get old. I love that Roger though. Katherine's facial expression are positively priceless!! Have a great week, Paige.

  9. I suggest both of Rob Lowe's books to listen to. "Stories I only tell my friends" and "Love life" are the litles. They are both equally entertaining books. He tells a Bigfoot story that is laugh out loud funny!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Titles, not litles! Sheesh!

    3. Romi... I read his first book and absolutely loved it. Thanks for remind me about the 2nd one - I will download it for my walks. Have a great week!

  10. Hi Katie! So much to watch and so little time! I love Mr. Selfridge and agree that it fills the Downton void. If you like World War II era I just listened to 17 Carnations and couldn't put my headphones away! Wolf Hall and Bloodline are next in my queue. Have a great day!

  11. I have a little tidbit for you about "Southern Charm". My husband went to The Citadel in Charleston with Thomas Ravenel..T-Rav. So, we never miss an episode!

  12. Of course if it is on BRAVO, it's in my wheelhouse so I do love Southern Charm but I really, really, really love VEEP. There are not many shows which make me lough out loud but this sure is one!

  13. I am so out of the loop with whats new and good on TV but knew i liked you for a reason...well a few reasons, but now i have another new one....Southern Charm, I love that show too!!!! So entertaining a total guilty pleasure, we will need to talk about that!! Fun show....I agree! I actually had gone to a party at Pat Atschuls house when she lived on Long Island...it was a beautiful home!! Hope you are doing well on this dreary spring day....at least theres no snow!

  14. I have been dvr-ing Mr. Selfridge for more than a year (on advice from my mom) without ever watching it. I haven't watched because I didn't watch season 1 -- thank you for helping me to find it on Amazon! I also watch SC (as you know) and The Slap was good -- wonder where it will go next (if at all). I have to say I was kinda excited about The Royals on E, but after watching episode 2 last night, I'm quitting it. I am watching Younger on Lifetime and it is cute. I love a 30 minute show for the treadmill. Hot In Cleveland is my fav. Sorry to dump so much info on you, Katie, I just know that you like everything I like... Have a great day -- Paige

  15. New one coming on Netflix. Google Jane Fonda and Netflix. Wish I could add the link here but it won't let me! I'm not really anonymous...in a hurry and my google ID isn't working! Ellen

  16. Thank you, Katie, for the recommendation for Bloodline. My hubby and I watched the final episode last night. We loved it. You can't beat Netflix.


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