J. Crew Factory for Fall

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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

True Confessions Hodgepodge

Hello dear friends.  Happy Wednesday.  It is a beautiful sunny day here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

On the home front, we are having some work done out on our patio.  Even though the weather has been lousy, the guys have showed up every day and put in at least nine hours.  After having dealt with contractors with less than stellar work ethics, we consider ourselves very lucky. 

We are also fortunate that they like dogs because Chowdah considers himself their #1 helper. 


If it's Wednesday it is time for Hodgepodge. 

1.  Besides left over Easter Goodies, what's something currently kept in a basket at your house?

You will find any type of dog treat known to man in the baskets in the nursery laundry room.

2.  "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it."

So which one are you... the one who aims too high or the one who aims too low?  Have you ever see The Sistine Chapel?  Did you know Michelangelo's surname prior to answering this question?

I hate to admit it, but I have a tendency to aim low because I don't take disappointment well.    

As far as Michelangelo's surname goes, I was not aware that he had one. 

I just thought Michelangelo grew up in the same family as these two ladies.

3.  April 7th is National Beer Day.  Hmmm... wonder how that's celebrated?  Do you like beer?  Have a favorite?  If you're not a beer drinker, do you have any recipes you enjoy cooking that call for beer?

I have a weird allergy to beer.  Something in it makes my throat close up.

I have been known to use it on my hair, though.  The nuns in school weren't so crazy about that idea.

4.  When did you last travel somewhere new?  Tell us where?  How'd it go?

Last summer we went on a wonderful cruise.  There was only one stop that we didn't enjoy and that was Istanbul.  We went to the Market and it was packed with some scary looking characters.  The Mister and I had our #2 walk between us.  We couldn't get back to the boat soon enough.

It reminded me of a movie that I had seen.

5.  The value of __________ is greatly overrated.

The value of fame is greatly overrated.

Ask him.

6.  What's a pet peeve of yours when it comes to restaurant dining?

My biggest pet peeve is an apathetic wait staff.  I would rather suffer bad food than poor service.  The Mister calls waiters with an attitude food carriers.

7.  It's Poetry Month... share a favorite poem, either the title, a few lines you find meaningful, or the whole kit and caboodle.

This poem is dedicated with much love to the Mister.

A Word to Husbands

To keep your marriage brimming
with love in the loving cup,
Whenever you're wrong, admit it
Whenever you're right, shut up.

~ Ogden Nash

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

True Confessions

Remember when I told you in my last post that I save a very special TV show for the torturous treadmill?  And I promised myself that I wouldn't watch it anywhere else?

I broke my promise.

Last night I watched my beloved Mr. Selfidge ON Demand in bed because I was all out of juice on my iPad.  Not only did I watch one episode, I watched two.  And I had to pay for them - $2.99 each.  Don't tell the Mister - that's my full week's allowance.

I have two confessions...

I am weak and flabby.



Move over, George Clooney...
there's a new sheriff in town.

Happy Hump Day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I'm a fan of Mr. Selfridge too! #4-I've never been to Istanbul, but my oldest went to a resort in Turkey on her senior trip. Everyone made it back safely, but there was a whole lotta praying going on while they were away. That was '06...pretty sure they wouldn't plan a trip there now. On the bright side-Turkey has beautiful pottery : )

  2. Selfridge is a favorite here also...envying your baskets in the laundry room...never tried beer on the hair and at present no desire to go to Turkey. Can't wait for the patio reveal.

  3. Good answer to what's over rated. The value of fame is not very valuable!

  4. What a fun post, Katie. I always love reading this thing!!!! I have to say I have never had ANY desire to visit Turkey. Sounds like you won't be getting a return ticket either. Hope you have a great day---xo Diana

  5. I love this post! I would agree with your answer that fame is overrated, it seems as if the famous loose more than they gain.

    I have not been to Turkey but I felt much like you did when I visited Morocco!

    What are you doing to the patio? New pavers, stones or something else?

    Have a great day.

  6. I chuckled several times throughout this post. Beer in the hair brought back memories. I went to a Christian school in the 70s and 80s. Back then there was a shampoo called Agree which was popular with us because it was the rebellious thing we could do with alcohol without getting expelled!

    I'll have to check out Mr. Selfridge.

  7. I chuckled several times throughout this post. Beer in the hair brought back memories. I went to a Christian school in the 70s and 80s. Back then there was a shampoo called Agree which was popular with us because it was the rebellious thing we could do with alcohol without getting expelled!

    I'll have to check out Mr. Selfridge.

  8. I just adore your writing style! Love your puppy with his dirty nose and paws...quite the "helper", indeed! My husband has been to Turkey and one thing he said about it...DO NOT drink the water!

  9. Is weak and flabby a condition? I thought it was an exciting way of life. Chowdah looks like he is thrilled with all that life has to offer. xo Laura


  11. LOVE your boy Chowda!!! He is quite the little helper. I am disappointed to hear about Istanbul. Didn't JFK jr honeymoon there as well as his parents? Glad u had a wonderful Easter celebration. Be well my friend. Hugs, Dawn

  12. Go easy on yourself, true confessions and all, 2 episodes in bed, gasp. You sure don't look flabby. Anyone else love what Candace Bergen recently announced on her book tour...I'm FAT. I think she said she gained 30 lbs in recent years/decade...and she loves food. I adored reading about he attitude on that. That said, it still takes a fair amount of work to gain wait slooowwwllly or maintain weight at this age! Enjoy your chatty blog.

    1. Carol... I did see Candace on one of the talk shows. I just adore her. I never missed a Murphy Brown episode. Thanks for giving me the idea for one of my books on tape. I think I'm going to look hers up. She had a facinating childhood and what a true beauty. This weight battle is no fun. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Hope you have a great weekend.

  13. I enjoyed your post today. I always look forward to a picture of Chowdah and an update on his latest adventure. I started watching Mr. Selfridge during the first season and I have been hooked ever since. You might enjoy, "Call the Midwife" also. It comes on at 8PM. And if you are wondering why I am responding to your blog at 2:40 a.m., well, I can't sleep. And yes, I have even taken an Ambien. I might as well eaten an m&m for all the good my little pill has done for me. The good part, KLG and HODA are on right now. It is today's show, but hey, I can watch and giggle again with those ladies. You know KLG can't sleep....I wonder if she is awake right now???????

    1. I think "Call the Midwife" is going to be my next treadmill friend. I have heard so many wonderful things about it. So sorry you couldn't sleep. I have one of those night once every couple of weeks. No fun. At least you had KLG and Hoda woman to keep you company. Hopefully you'll be able to sneak in a nap today!

    2. I think "Call the Midwife" is going to be my next treadmill friend. I have heard so many wonderful things about it. So sorry you couldn't sleep. I have one of those night once every couple of weeks. No fun. At least you had KLG and Hoda woman to keep you company. Hopefully you'll be able to sneak in a nap today!

  14. Haha! Enjoyed this post all the way through!! You can keep Mr. Selfridge, however. I'm more of a George Gently gal. So true about fame and I love your example. We need to replace our decking this year and I'm trying to come up with ideas. One is, where to get the money! Chowdah stole my heart!!

  15. I am now following you on GFC and the ever-so-much-more-convenient Feedly! :-)

  16. I'm just loving your answers and great poem…need to remember that one!! Can't wait to see your patio come to life - it's going to be amazing!

  17. I adore reading you.How long does a POST take you to write?I feel it all just rolls right out of you.I have the piglet in my arms again!He is back so hard to type...........
    You make me smile and laugh..........with every post!!!
    Thank You for that gift!

  18. I LOVE Mr Selfridge as well and the store in London is so cool! Good luck my dear with the patio I am sure it will be great! xo K

  19. So glad that the work is progressing along due, no doubt, to Chowdah's help and supervision. Love, love, love the poem. If I was a needlepointer, I'd make that into a pillow and give it to my husband for our anniversary. I'm certain he would be amused...

  20. Katie I'm loving your blog, as usual:) I have to agree with Elizabeth regarding Morocco; several years ago my son and I convinced 'the hubs' to visit Morocco as we were on vacay in Portugal, Southern Spain and Gibraltar anyway...YIKES! We thought we'd never escape from the Casbah in Tangier ~ there were some very scary-characters glaring at us! Now my son (grad student) would like to visit Istanbul and backpack with some friends in Turkey ~ not on 'Mom's' watch;)!


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