Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Celebrating a National Holiday!

August 1st is designated  

National Girlfriends Day.

Who knew there was such a thing?!?

In honor of my sweet girlfriends - near and far, in blogland and in the real other world - 
this one is for you.

Thanks for always bringing me the smiles!!


Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wedding Wednesday Part 2

Welcome back to Wedding Wednesday!  
I am having so much fun putting this together, I may have to suggest a vow renewal to the Mister.  I think he would be about as excited about that idea as he would be sitting through a Real Housewives marathon on a Saturday afternoon.  It would be a toss-up which one he would choose.

Back to Wedding Wednesday.  Here is a another edition of drop-dead gorgeous wedding dresses that I found on line.

I also got a little whisper in my ear from my buddy Susie (yeah, I party with the Kennedy's) B who suggested to me that I should do a post on curvy brides.  So that's what I'm working on now for next week.  If you have any suggestions for great websites, drop me a line.

Without further adieu...

Here comes the Bride... 

Sooo pretty.

Love the bodice on this one.


Fairytales Bridal
Is it just me, or did Taylor Swift get a second job?

Fairytale Bridal
Yowzaa!!!!  If I were her perspective mother-in-law, I would be worried.  Gorgeous dress, though.

Vera Wang
Darling... the bride and the dress!

The Knot
No back-boobs on this lady!

Love the splash of purple!!!

I love everything about this photo.

Simple and elegant.

Love the necklines on this one..

Wedding Dress Business

and this one...

the knot

and this one...

jenna sais quois

And I leave you with a photo of one of my favorite brides...

Hope your day is filled with love!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Best Friends - a kid, a dog & a puddle

My #2 taught me how to load a video on my blog today.  I saw this on facebook and it brought a smile to my face.  Hope you enjoy it.  And I hope I am a good student!  

Hope your day is filled with sunshine!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Frisco Mercantile II

Yes, I do realize this is a SECOND posting on the Merc, but I took so many photos of this incredible menagerie of must-haves, I had to split it into two posts.  If you missed the first one, you can find it here.

Very Texas!!

I took this picture for two reasons.  The first and most obvious, is that mannequin head.  Just love her.  Didn't buy her because I was afraid the Mister would like her better than me.  
The second is that print of the infant on the dresser.  I grew up with that print in my room.  My mother told me it was me.  When I was about 5, I noticed the duplicate in my pediatrician's office.  I was very flattered that he had a picture of me!

Unbeknownst to me, Gypsy must have been doing some modeling on the side!

Here's a statue representing all the food groups.

Empty nest times two!

Very sweet booth.

Love the hutch and the plates!

Great idea!

Thought of all my clever DIY friends.  I'm convinced they would do great things with this sweet table.

Boy, if this red wagon doesn't bring back memories.  I can't believe my big rear-end could fit into one!

Love this chandelier but where are the lights/candles?

I bet this chair would be darling reupholstered.

Gotta love a dish towel with a ruffle!

I took this because - as you all know - I could write a book on wine.

Almost bought this for #1 for her bedroom.  If anybody could get her up in the morning, this guy would!  

I fell in love with these dog bowl containers.  Although, they were on the pricey side...  I figure since Gypsy's doing some modeling on the side, she can afford them!

If you are in the Dallas area, I highly recommend spending an afternoon at the Frisco Mercantile.

Hope your day is full of treasures!

Friday, July 26, 2013

21 Reasons

My dear friend KTG was sent this link by her #2.  The original post is on a website called BuzzFeed and  the author is Jessica Misener.  Below is a highlight.

For some reason, this reminded my girls of moi.  Hmmm....I don't get it...

You can find the entire post here.

 Hope today brings you a few chuckles!


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cruisin' 3

And so begins the final edition of my Cruisin' trilogy... Did I hear some cheering out there...?  If you missed the first two posts, you can find them here and here.

I'll make this simple, here are a few random pictures I took throughout the week. 

I just loved being on the water, except for the day that I was seasick.  I really miss being around the water in Texas.

The Mister's smile is that much brighter knowing that not a lot of shopping was done on this trip!

This was our view every evening at dinner.

Catching up on their reading.  #1 read three books on the ship!  Who needs Facebook and Instagram anyway?!

We passed this sculpture every evening on our way to dinner. The girls named him Waldo.

The Mister reflecting on how darn lucky he is to be married to moi.

We spent 9 hours in the United lounge.  I could do a separate post just on all the people-watching in there!

Back to the world of technology!

It's not easy being a jetsetter!

Hope your day is filled with smooth sailing!

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