Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Cruisin' - Part 1

The Mister and I recently took our girls on a cruise to Bermuda.  The Mister and I love cruises for many reasons.  The top reason, though, is that it is technology-free.  No iphones, ipads, computers, Real Housewives or Kardashians.  Nope, just good old chattin'-it-up the old-fashioned-way with the family.

We were suppose to leave the house at 4 a.m. to catch a flight to Newark because our ship was leaving from Bayonne, NJ.  Everybody was up, dressed, and ready to go, suitcases in hand; everyone except one person.  The limo driver.  Evidently, he decided to sleep in.

We switched to Plan B when we realized he was a no-show.  We had three cars in the garage and one in the driveway and not one of them had enough gas to get to the airport.  So we packed up the biggest car and headed to the nearest gas station.

Fortunately, we did make it to the airport on time and we also arrived at Newark on time.    

Took a tour of our new home-away-from-home.  I staked out my territory chair - front row center.

My first friend on the ship! Her presence was slimming...

My #2 starting the day with a little zumba.

Lovin' her zumba!!

Meanwhile... #1 catching some rays and dreaming of Adorable Jonathon.

This book wins the award for the most popular piece of literature.  The funniest part was that the readers that we caught looked like they were the least likely to read this book.

Our "getting-to know-each-other-without-technology" dinner the first night.

They're thinking, "our text-less fingers are growing numb."

Hope y'all are having a great week!!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. LOL...I really want to give it a go, but get serious sea sickness! Even hubs and Elie were a bit queasy on the last company cruise. I just might have to stay on dry land. LOL

  2. Your family is gorgeous. I would love to visit Bermuda. I always decide that in the winter when it isn't super warm there and forget about it come the summer months. Can't wait to read more.

  3. I have to admit that I have a major fear or cruises! But your beautiful family looks like you had a wonderful time:)

  4. Beautiful family! Love the picture of you and your Mister, and your daughters are just lovely. We have wonderful tech-free vacations too...once the initial 24 hour withdrawal passes...LOL. What is your favorite cruise line?

  5. You have a lovely family - and another vacation - I am green with envy! Have fun. sandie

  6. So fun!! I love the Botero sculpture! What stops did the cruise make? I love zumba as well...how fun to do it on a ship!

  7. So happy you finally made it...it looks like an amazing time!!

  8. So, so cute! I am glad you got there in one piece!

  9. Beautiful place! (on my bucket list:) Your pictures are AMAZING..beautiful family. So glad you are having this time together!

  10. I love the dazed look the girls have in the last photo. Definitely tech withdrawal. I am afraid to cruise because I suffer from extreme seasickness. Looks like you all had a great time.
    xo Laura


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