J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Bargain Buys

I used to have a neighbor that would just love telling me how expensive everything was in her home.  
I am the total opposite.  
If I brag about a price tag it's because I got a great deal.  (Envision the "Start the car" IKEA commercial.)
Anyone who knows me could easily tell you that my favorite stores include: Marshalls, TJ Maxx, Tuesday Morning, and - the true love of my life - Homegoods.  I like to check in at my little heartthrobs at least once a week.  Now that I am an empty nester, I can usually squeeze my appearances in twice a week.  Don't tell the Mister... 

I found this antique wooden bowl down on The Square and got a great deal on it.  Although, I think the apples were more expensive than the bowl itself!  Not quite... but I told the Mister that!

In the Fall, I'm going to fill it with mini pumpkins and gourds.

It was my lucky day when I found two of these lamps last week at  Homegoods for my boudoir.  They are the perfect size, too!

I was so darn excited, I had to call Sista to brag share the good news.

I also found this darling bench at Homegoods to place at the end of the bed!

The Mister went to Home Depot and purchased another a super duper staple gun to upholster the cushion.  He will use any excuse to buy another tool.

Hope your day is filled with good bargains!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Love all of those stores! I also happen to like a few thrift stores that have the best finds nearby. My sister introduced me to thrift stores by luring me in to just look at the book section, pretty soon I was branching out to furniture and paintings. My kitchen curtains are made from the same fabric as your table runner! You have excellent taste!

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE the blue and white lamps! We just got a Homegoods in Richmond a year ago and I also try to visit weekly! You bedroom really is just lovely!

  3. Nice! I love bargains myself. Estate sales are also a great place to find great stuff for not much money.

  4. I love Homegoods. The original one here just closed and moved to a bigger and better location and is now reopened. LOVE IT! sandie

  5. Katie,
    nice to see we have the same taste in shops! Homegoods is my fav also, sadly, we don't have one here! There is a wonderful one in Hilton Head that I hit when visiting my BF who lives about an hour from there. Surprisingly enough, the island also has a ton of the best thrift stores ever! Love your wooden bowl, perfect to decorate with and the bench is adorable! The lamps are perfect for your bedroom, great scores!
    PS. I really enjoy the pix at the end of each post, you have quite the sense of humor!

  6. I have been looking for a bowl just like that - I am super jealous that you got a good deal because the ones I have seen have been rather expensive. The key is to go often - but I'm not good at that lately. Have a great weekend :-)

  7. Katie I love Home Goods, and Marshall, oh and Tuesday Morning!! I know I love a bargain as well!

    Love the bench at the end of your bed!! The dough bowl as well!

    2013 Designers Series & Giveaway

  8. I looooove a great bargain1 I love your dough bowl and all the other blue and white finds...gorgeous!!

  9. GREAT finds! I'm like you, I love to brag when I get a deal. Sometimes I have to hold myself back because I get so excited.

  10. Love, love, love bargains. That bowl is gorgeous.

    P.S. My lips are sealed. Mister will never hear it from me. :)

  11. What fabulous finds. And yes, those are my favorite haunts as well. Hubby cringed when they opened a Home Goods within walking distance. LOL

  12. Appearances twice a week?! (I'm doing the same thing at my favorite spots too ~ it's an empty nest thing;) LOVE to bargain shop and looks like you found some great things. I like the dough bowl! I have one two and they are wonderful for displaying seasonal things. Your b&w lamps are so pretty!

  13. You really scored with these finds! I always appreciate a bargain and it makes the occasional splurge feel much more affordable. I live in a smaller university town, Chico, and we have either high end boutiques or the TJMaxx, target experience. I like a good hunt like you girl!
    xx, Heather @Stylemindchic

  14. GREAT old wooden bowl! Wow- I love it. It WILL look great in the Fall with pumpkins and gourds in it, too. I have curbed my trips to Home Goods because I was starting to scare myself!;>) xo Diana

  15. I'm so jealous! I've been looking for a bowl like that for quite some time. Beautiful!

  16. I used to work with a Braggy McBrags-alot, and it drove me crazy! I LOVE the wooden bowl. So rustic but would look great in a modern decor also. You have a great eye!


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