J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

Now that Princess Kate has finally given birth, I can get back to work!  Her pregnancy seemed to go on as long as mine.  I always tell people that my #1 was a year late.  She was expected on December 22nd but she arrived after lots of help from a magic potion called "petocin" on January 3rd.

Which helps me to segue into my next topic:  the circle of life.  I am beginning another stage of life.  It began a few weeks ago, when my nearest and dearest, KTG, called to tell me that her #1 daughter got engaged.  Wait... whaaat??  Aren't we too young to have kids getting married?  I know I am - but KTG is much older than me - by 10 days.

When I became engaged to the Mister a mere 23 years ago, I was holding 6 bridal magazines in my sweaty little palms within ten minutes of saying "yes."  Brides today are so fortunate. Along with being young, possessing supersonic metabolisms, fantasizing about the beautiful, bright, promising future ahead of them, they have Pinterest.  I think the Pinterest part bothers me more than the other stuff!

So anyway, in honor of KTG's adorable #1 and her upcoming nuptials,  I am beginning a weekly series.  Wedding Wednesdays.

Beautiful dress but it would be a lot prettier if she had a smile on her face!


Wow!  Love her hair too.

Details in the dress - very pretty.  She should eat a sandwich at the reception, though.

Love the neckline.

Is this the same girl in the picture before?  She's a little young for a second marriage....

Fairy tale pretty!

Reminds me of something Sarah Jessica Parker would wear.


Of all the wedding dresses I found on Pinterest, this one is by far, my favorite.  So elegant in a Grace Kelly way.

More dresses next Wednesday.  

May your Wednesday be full of l-o-v-e!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Too funny. My #1 was due December 28th, we thought she was coming December 24th, but decided to wait and arrive on January 3rd!! Pinterest can be a brides best friend, but most likely a parent/wedding planners worst nightmare!! Love the same dress...very classic.

  2. Katie,
    how funny, those babies come when they are ready and not a moment sooner! When Kailyn was ready, their was no stopping her, my daughter pushed twice and she was here! She sure didn't wait on me to get there, I was 5 mins to late! The dresses you showed are all gorgeous! My daughter, Kate, will be getting married in October, I love pinterest, lots of good ideas for fall weddings. She's got her dress, simple and classic, somewhat on the order of some of the ones you've shown.

  3. Katie I love the idea of wedding Wednesdays - I think that is a great idea. You have some very lovely dresses picked out and I have to tell you that you have some great taste. Love, sandie

  4. OMGoodness. A wedding and before you know it grandkids! Your friend may be 10 days ahead of you though!

    I love the Wedding Wednesday idea. It will be fun to follow along as you give us highlights. xo Diana

  5. how timely for me. My youngest (33) is getting married in Vegas on the first weekend of August. Small wedding, but she picked a lovely simple white dress with a circle of roses in her hair. Looking forward to seeing your Wednesday's posts on weddings.

  6. Thanks for this. I could see my son's fiancée in any if these except the Sarah Jessica one. As mother of the groom, I am on a need to know basis which is a lot easier than when I was the mother of the bride. Both my son and his future wife are 36, and this is the first ( and last) marriage for both. It will be next Memorial Day.

  7. I think you and I had the same first pregnancy, Katie and I think my daughter would still be clinging to the womb if they hadn't forced her out three weeks late. I say she is still a procrastinator. She says she just likes to thoroughly think things through before doing them, Uh Huh!!!! Love the wedding series. xo Laura

  8. Beautiful dresses. The first young woman needs to use the LOO

  9. My first was late too and ended up to be 10 LBS. when he finally arrived! Cute idea for the wedding Wed. series. XO, Pinky

  10. ..and I have a December 17th baby (he's 24 now:). He took 36 hours to come out. After having the same magic potent you had, the Doctor kept telling me to push and I kept yelling pull .. and then finally he arrived. On a serious note:) I'm entering the same cycle and I seem to mark my days/years by the age of my kids. Girls ARE fortunate in that they have lots more to say these days (my mom did everything 30 years ago) and there are endless magazines and as you say.. Pinterest. Ya just have to go with it:)

  11. So many beautiful wedding dresses!

  12. Wedding day is one the most beautiful day for bride, groom and their family members. So they should celebrate this day and wear on the most elegant and attractive dresses.

  13. Why are most of the models wearing these beautiful gowns look like they're either ready to fight or throw up?


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