J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekend with Adorable Jonathon and #1

Last weekend, #1 came home with her adorable boyfriend, Jonathon, for dinner and stayed the night (in separate rooms).  KTG told me to keep Meet the Parents playing as the background music to our evening; as always, I heeded her advice.

  We were going to dine al fresco but 100 degree temps forced me to move the dinner inside.  My table looked sooo much cuter on the patio.  Oh well...

Whenever I invite friends or family for dinner, everyone's first question is, "What is the Mister cooking?"  Not for a moment does the guest ever ask, "Katie, what're you preparing for us?" leaving no question as to my culinary "gift." Okay, that, and I am married to a former professional chef. Because of this, I've never cooked a day in my life. If this isn't your first time visiting Preppy Empty Nester, I apologize for repeating myself; my girls tell me I do that a lot.

Best deal of the day.... my ten dollar bouquet from our farmer's market.  #2 and I have made it our regular Saturday ritual to stop by and pick up fruits, veggies, and flowers for the week.

#1 and adorable Jonathon in his cute little Vineyard Vines shirt.  Meet the Parents playing in the background.

Our chef, the Mister, who is also partial to his VV shirts. 

 With cocktails, we had a platter of buffalo mozzarella, roasted peppers, tomatoes, red onion and spinach accompanied by an olive  and artichoke tapenade.   It was topped with globe basil from the "Mister's" herb garden
It was accompanied by toasted crostini.  

First course:  watermelon with peach and habanero salsa and micro greens with queso fresco and candied pecans. Orange olive oil from the farmer's market and a drizzle of the Mister's favorite balsamic vinegar added just the right touch.

The entrée consisted of grilled chicken wrapped in pancetta over a bed of spring field greens, all complimented by heirloom tomatoes courtesy of the farmer's market.  Served with and herb vinaigrette and homemade cornbread croutons. 

Dessert topped off the evening with a sweet trio of s'mores in a shot glass, roasted Texas peaches with maple syrup and vanilla ice cream, and, finally, finished with a ginger snap and a dusted amaretto cookie - adding a little crunch.


When our girls were younger, they loved having sleepovers.  Me... not so much.  The Mister was in charge of the food and I was in charge of making sure everybody got at least 10 minutes of sleep.  
The Mister took his job very seriously.  Me... not so much.  He would make up doorknob menus the evening before and each girl would check off what she would want for breakfast.  

He didn't make the menus this Sunday and took his chances preparing the following for breakfast.  (He did buy a couple of things).  By the looks of our empty plates, and our full tummys, he made all the right choices.

Hot apple danish with fresh strawberries!

Fresh raspberries and vanilla yogurt.

Homemade granola breakfast cookies... because cookies are a great way to start the day!

Cranberry scones, and #1's favorite light breakfast - CHEDDAR, BACON AND JALAPENO BISCUITS!

So, here I am on Monday, I have spent the past 2 hours on the phone begging Jenny Craig to take me back just one more time. I told her that I would never stray again.  She told me she's heard that before! 

Hope you're having a delicious week!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Love it! Hubby is the SAME way. Those two would rock the kitchen. Would be perfect for us...sit back, drink a nice bottle of wine and let them do all the work!!! LOL We just might have to set a date girlfriend!!!

  2. I am bowled over, Katie. What a wonderful presentation of food and dinner service setting. Your "meet the parents" boy is pretty darned cute!
    We have role reversal here- MyHero has NEVER fixed a dinner in his life (that I know of)...lol What a gift to have a chef in the family! xo Diana

  3. Your hubby puts us all to shame with that beautiful presentation! I bet everything tasted just a good as it looked. What a wonderful dinner and breakfast :-)

  4. Just love the story of how your hubs put the menus on the doorknobs for sleepovers....precious! My hubs loves to cook but is not home for me to take advantage of his culinary skills, although he is nowhere near as fabulous as your husband!

    Jonathan is ABSOLUTELY adorable and your daughter is beautiful...what a wonderful weekend!

  5. Oh my gosh this is amazing. Who knew that real people ate like this? When I am on my best behavior Markus makes me nachos. One time I had a birthday brunch and we made a checklist where my friends could pick what they wanted in their pancakes and he custom made them. Maybe he could be the Mister's apprentice!

  6. I'm truly jealous. I don't even know what half those ingredients are. I bought stock in Lean Cuisine, and my daughter claims that I fed her a lot of cereal and mac and cheese. Adorable Jonathon could easily get used to this star treatment. And your daughter is very beautiful. BTW, thanks for the shout out about the coal scuttle. If you buy it, please please please paint it.

  7. I'm booking my room now! Good thing my son and his girlfriend didn't see this, they'd want a redo. I guess I need to step it up for the next visit. It all looks amazing! That Danish with the strawberries is call my name this morning. The menu on the door is the sweetest ~ what a great dad.


  8. OMG! When is he available? I will "take him off your hands for a bit"! A true Renaissance man:) I am sooo impressed, I cannot imagine having a husband capable of putting out those kinds of meals, amazing!! I was hungry before I came here but now I am REALLY hungry!!
    Jonathan is adorable...laughed when you referred to his "cute little VV shirt"...as if when we say cute little it makes them more innocent, hum.....(I do the same things) Your daughter is darling and they I must say look really good together!
    Thanks for sharing the highlights.....

  9. Can I come live at your house? My mouth is watering just looking at that appetizer. Noticed #1's shirt colors complimented boyfriend's shirt...must be meant to be!!

  10. I'm catching the next flight out. See you for breakfast :)

    P.S. Daughter and Boyfriend are both adorable.

  11. So I know that I have asked this before but I have to ask just one more time...will make me a member of your family? Pretty please!!!

  12. As a former restaurant owner and caterer......the Mister ROCKS...wouldn't change a thing on his menus. What were the wine pairings?

  13. Oh and WHY did you need ideas for appetizers for your going away party>>> you had a living cookbook in your house!!!!!


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