Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

Frisco Mercantile - Part 1

Unbeknownst to me, a little gem hides in (where else?) Frisco, Texas. This treasure is better known as the Frisco Mercantile. My #2 and I had the time of our lives walking around this craft/antique/knick-knack extravaganza of bountiful booths!  It is fairly new to the area, but chock full of interesting things for the person who has everything.

This booth begins my voyage of the land of wonderful things.

I love the old weathered flower pots.  Picked up a few at a great price.

I would replace the "water" with wine and the "compliments" with Homegoods! 

If only this were true... I would be the skinniest broad in town! 

Loads of very reasonably-priced silver plated serving pieces.

Texas has become known for its abundant supply of Mexican hand-painted pottery; something that adds interest to any outdoor space or house. Bonus: the Merc carries them at even better prices!

For all my friends that love blue and white.

Anybody need some straws? Every color of the rainbow.

If blogging doesn't work out for me, I could always try the horn!?!

Aren't these light fixtures great?

So cute!

 These books look familiar!

My #2 told me that she wants to come back to this booth before she moves into her house Junior year.

So, if you're ever in the area, stop by Frisco Mercantile.  But only stop by if you have a lot of time on your hands - because once you're there, you won't want to leave!

I took enough pictures for another post.  Part 2 will be posted some time this week.

Hope y'all have a wonderful Monday!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Definitely full of treasures! Markets and shops like this one are my favorite places to find treasures....in addition to Homegoods of course! I love the bed in the second to the last picture...I am ALL OVER THE PLACE as to what to do in my MBR. 😳

  2. What a fabulous find! Loads of eye candy!!!

  3. That looks like a great shop - I could find a lot of things!
    (And I would be skinny too!)

  4. That is QUITE the shop, Katie! Wow- I LOVE the burning calories sign! xo Diana

  5. It's one of my favorite places to shop but I always do a lot of $$ damage when there!

  6. What a great shop! I would go nuts in there.....anywhere that has straws of every color AND blue and white is a place I would indeed love. Love the sign about burning calories...if that were true, I swear I would be a size 0 (and my kids and husband would attest to this) lol.

  7. I'm heading to McKinney TX on Wednesday to visit my sister. We might just have to stop in this place because I don't think it's too far away. Yeah!

  8. Oh how fun- I could spend hours I think- totally fun place to hang out and gather ideas! Definitely have a thing for blue and white- loved the dishes!

  9. Katie, next time you're in Frisco go over to the thrift shop on the way to the little downtown. I think you will enjoy it to...great prices.


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