Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Weekend with friends

Hello dear friends.  I hope that you all are enjoying your weekend.  My weekend started a little early.  The Mister took Friday off so we decided to go to the movies.  There's not a lot to do around here with a couple of feet of snow on the ground.

As I have mentioned before, it has been slim pickins in the movie theaters.  We decided on McFarland, USA.  It had the whole sports angle for the Mister, and Kevin Costner for me.  
Two Kevin Costner movies in a month!  

This is a wonderful feel-good movie.  A great film to bring your kids that carries the message of the importance of persistence and hard work.  It is based on a true story and you can't help but walk out with a big ol' smile on your face.

I met the author of this book, Janice Berte, in a store this weekend.  Great lady.  Janice wrote this children's book centering around the tender subjects of childhood obesity as well as bullying.  If you know someone who can benefit from this insightful book, you can order it on Amazon here.


On Saturday, I met two of the Sudbury Sweethearts, Mary and Kathy, and my blogger buddy, Mo from Mocadeaux for lunch.  I was so excited to have lunch with these wonderful girls.  It was the first time that Mary and Kathy met Mo.  

Small world - Kathy and Mo went to the same university but they didn't know each other.

We met at a lovely restaurant in Wellesley called The Cottage.  The ambiance has a Nantucket flavor to it and the food and service were outstanding. 

Mary & Me

Kathy & Mo

But the sweetest part of the lunch was the company. 

I have received several letters from readers who are considering the task of writing a blog.  I have encouraged every one of them to do so for one reason.  It is a great opportunity to meet fabulous people and make life long friends. And for that, I am truly grateful.

I've got to run because my make up artist is here to get me ready for the big night. 

Who's your Oscar pick?

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Always fun to meet up with new friends and that restaurant is so charming....yes very excited about tonight. I will be looking for you on the red carpet:)

  2. How fun to meet up with some new friends. I love it. I'll look for you on the red carpet. I have not seen many of the movies but I hope Julianne Moore wins for Still Alice. As much for the message it sends as anything. Enjoy the Oscars! xo Diana

  3. Isn't meeting up with other bloggers the best?!? I hope to come up before Mo leaves so I can finally meet her and naturally was hoping you could join us! Hope you had a little thaw today and the damn ice dams have improved (we have them too..no fun at all!) Hugs to you, my dear!!

  4. PS..we saw "Still Alice"...I loved the book and the movie. Julianne Moore was excellent!

  5. Oh my. I can't believe you aren't dressed yet for the big night. Looks like you had a lot of fun with your blogging friends. xo Laura

  6. I am currently wearing my best Victoria Secrets flannel PJS for this evening's event...so glad you dug yourself out for some fun this weekend...and you were the one who encouraged me to write a blog so meeting new and connecting with the old friends is the best.

  7. Yes, blogging friends are the BEST for sure! Wish I could have joined you all. :o)) Happy new week!

  8. Looking forward to your recap of the Oscars and accompanying fashions! You never disappoint!

  9. Well, my pic did not win (as usual!) but there were plenty of things to enjoy about the Oscars! Looks like you had a fun weekend despite the snow. I agree with Paige, can't wait to see your Oscar review. Have a great week.

  10. Sounds like we had pretty much the same experience and perspective, how awkward were Melanie and Dakota? And don't get me started on John. T...creepy!

    This was the first year I literally felt like a deflated balloon, it was so well...anticlimactic and agree about Birdman! What is up with thee hoopla over it when you have movies like Imitation Game, Theory of Everything, Boyhood and American Sniper!

    Thought Kerry looked great too and put her on my best dressed list. However I think NPH coming out in his underwear was a new low for the academy, totally unnecessary and sadly very awkward for not only him but the audience. It ain't what it used to be:)

    Lets hope for better next year otherwise I am going to copy you...and watch DA! Oh and how about the "experts" on the E panel? Are you kidding???? Kelly with the purple hair, the skinny broad with string blonde unbrushed hair, a Kardashian (yuck) and Guiliana who needs to eat a big burger...not feeling the group and hardly can think of them as serious credible experts. No thanks.

  11. Lunch was wonderful! I was so happy to see you again and to meet the Sudbury Sweethearts! The Cottage is one of my favorite places to eat and now you know why! Thanks so much for making this lunch happen!! Here's to many more!


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