Talbots Spring Essentials

Lands' End Favorites

Sunday, February 8, 2015

In the News

Hello dear friends.  I refuse to bore you with the latest snow totals.  Instead, I would like to cover the news.  The real hard-hitting stuff that is only found on TMZ.  I have also taken the liberty to offer some unsolicited advice.  

Fasten your seatbelts, people, this is groundbreaking.

Just the facts, Ma'am

Rosie quit "The View" and split up with her wife of three years.  She claims that she wants to spend more time with her children.  But sources say that she clashed with Whoopie because she wanted to be at the helm of the sinking ship, otherwise known as "The View."

Hey Rosie... remember when you used to have your own show?  Remember how everybody called you "the queen of nice?"  If you can't remember, you're not alone.  You've managed to single-handedly run your good-natured image into the ground.

My advice

Rosie, get back on your meds, stay out of the limelight, take care of your kids, and keep your head down and your powder dry.  And don't get married again.


Just the facts, Ma'am

Brian Williams admitted to misleading the public with a harrowing tale of a forced helicopter landing in Iraq.

Hey Brian.  I admit it.  I should recuse myself from this prestigious editorial piece due to the fact that I have a super huge crush on you.  I have an even bigger crush on your ties.  I think you do an outstanding job as the anchor of the NBC Nightly News.  In my expert opinion, the only one who comes close to your superb reporting skills is Ron Burgundy.  

Brian, did you really have to lie?  You were on top of the world.  We would have loved you even if you hadn't been shot down in a helicopter.  As a matter of a fact, I would have fallen more in love with you if you announced that you would not be travelling overseas because it would ruin your hair.

My Advice

I think you are smart to remove yourself from the air for awhile.  When you come back, you should go on Jimmy Fallon and do your usual rap song schtick.  And if you could take a stab at some self-depreciating humor, all the better.  After that, I'm sure all will be forgotten.  That is until someone reads your Wikipedia bio.


And now I present my favorite news story of the week.

What a prince.

My Advice to his wife.

2 words:
Dump him.

What's your favorite news story?

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Have not seen the View since Rosie was on it the first time so while I wished the best for her this time around...it seems she ended up right where she started ...out on her derrière. As for Brian Williams now I know who he has been seeing on the side besides me...we should compare notes. The story embellishment breaks my heart...he is so funny when I have seen him on Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers...hopefully this too shall pass. Finally, good advice to the wife.

  2. Ahhh the revolving doors of television. I'm amazed The View is still on. xo Laura

  3. Too funny...and all too true!! Stay warm...soon we will be complaining about how HOT it is!! xoxo

  4. PS...Brian Williams' daughter went to the same school as my daughter so I have seen him a bunch of times. He isn't as cute "in real life". :)

  5. Rosie, in my humble opinion, is pitiful! Brian, bet he's really sorry he got caught. And, the last guy, well, what do you say to something like that. Have a great week!

  6. I do remember the Queen of Nice and was heartbroken when she wasn't on anymore. And now as the Queen oh Notsonice, she should follow your unsolicited advice.
    Brian, WHY? We don't expect you to be Superman! Again, follow Katie's advice,
    Lastly, the Loser of the Week - he didn't discuss it with his wife??? What the ....!? Will add to your advice with 'take him for all he's worth'. What a moron!

    1. I love that last piece of advice, Denise. Don't get too much sun!! heehee

  7. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I guess you should also include news reporter in your repertoire along with trophy wife!!!....for you have NAILED IT on the above reports. I hope someone tells rosie to read your blog.....so she can see in black and white that she needs to be a better person... then better things will happen to her. AMEN!
    Good Job ms preppy newswoman!!

  8. I'm a little sad about the Brian Williams story. I have a feeling more exagerations will surface before this blows over. I was really surprised about it!

  9. No, do not speak to me when my boyfriend Brian Williams is on TV with the Nightly News. Yes, his conservative ties are sharp. No, I do not understand why a man who makes his living communicating factual information would lie/exaggerate on national TV. Yes, I am very surprised and disappointed by his extremely poor judgment.
    The man who bulldozed his home and all the possessions inside - without first consulting his wife - said, "She's aware of it now; we're good." She's good? Really?? You're sure???

    1. For some reason, I think the guy's idea of "good" and his wife's idea of "good" are two different things. I think Brian is going to make it thru this and when he does,we can share him.

  10. I have to bring myself up to date on the whole Brian Williams saga, hope hes not being a scapegoat for what could be common practice in the world of media, just a guess. He seems like medias golden child, I always really liked him. Rosie on the other hand not so much, just not my cup of tea and it sounds like her ex's might feel the same...haha. Good luck battling the next round of snow!

  11. Didn't know that Rosie had quit, but will have to learn more about that one. Like you, I love Brian Williams and hope he can put this behind him and stay on the news…and the video, I don't even know what to say…wow…hoping you can stay indoors by a warm fire this week and eat yummy snacks - that's always my snow plan…

  12. All well said Katie. I don't know what happened to Rosie...she exudes such angry feelings...The View went very, very wrong somehow. If they just get rid of two more, perhaps they can recreate some class and intelligence!!!!! News reporting has become entertainment, rather than fact stating news. Wonder what effect this will have on Brian William's daughter and her rising career? Let's hope for better days....see y'all are having more snow...oye vey!

  13. It's not my favorite, but did you see the story about the couple who set up a fundraising page on the FundMe sight for their new pool? Apparently the old one cracked, it's expensive to fix, and they want people to help. Hubs showed it to me today. I have to wonder if it is possibly true, and if it is then I feel like I might need to go to AZ, look this woman up, and give her a good talking to. Rosie-eons ago I was a fan, but haven't been in a long time. Brian Williams-a shame, and so unnecessary as you say. But I think he's lost crediblity in the role of news anchor, so a break is most definitely in order.

  14. Well Rosie has made quite a splash here in Fargo, since last week. She saw a tweet from one of our radio station hosts- and tweeted her back. Then Rosie asked for the phone number to call in and talked, live, for the next 30 mins. She then invited the hosts to a taping of the View today. Amanda and Jessie took tons of pics and Amanda, whose mom has ovarian cancer, got to go with- all because of Rosie who took care of everything. That is the Rosie I remember- I don't watch now either and only wish her well :)

  15. I saw that story about the man bulldozing his estranged wife's house and thought surely I was missing some important part of the story. But apparently I was not. The guy is just a grade A loser.
    I love Brian Williams and am so sad about the kerfuffel he finds himself in. Smart to sit out until the dust settles...I sure hope everything works out for him!


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