Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, February 7, 2015

Name Calling

Hello dear friends.  Although the weather was grey and cold, the Mister and I managed to have a great day.  We refused to think about  the "weather event" on its way.

We went out to lunch at one of my favorite spots, Rustic Kitchen.  As always, it did not disappoint.

The Mister texting one of his buds bragging about being out with his supermodel, trophy wife.

I don't usually take pictures of food when we go out, but I think I was so excited to be out of the house, I couldn't help myself.

We then did some shopping and went home and played with Chowdah and Chili.  

Nobody loves snow more than these two.  

Chow getting ready to play his favorite game.

"I'm the King of the World!"

Chili hates this game.


The Washington Post reported that a French court rejected a couples' decision to name their child "Nutella."  

The court's decision stated "that it is contrary to the child's interest to be wearing a name like that can only lead to teasing and disparaging thoughts."  

Not to mention overactive salivary glands, which would be true in my case

Because of this earth-shattering legal decision, I highly recommend these poor kids to say "non, merci"  to a future trip to France.

Gwyneth Paltrow & Chris Martin's daughter 

Jason Bateman and his sweet girl

and we certainly can't forget 

Frank's poor daughter
Diva Thin Muffin Pigeen Zappa

And when it comes to "teasing and disparaging thoughts," let's not forget about these poor kids.

Kim & Kanye's kid
If I were him, I would change my name to Tom Smith.

Jason Lee's son
Pilot Inspektor

Just think about that lucky girl that marries this kid and has to introduce him to her parents.  

Alicia Keyes and

Forest Whitaker and
Sonnett, True, and Autumn.

The fourth child, Ocean, was with his lawyer filing papers to get his name changed.

Michael Jackson's trio
Prince Michael II, Blanket, and Paris

As you can tell from his facial expression, Blanket is wondering how he got stuck with his name.  His brother is royalty and his sister is named after one of the most beautiful cities in the world.  And he's named after bedding.  He should call Ocean and ask for his lawyer's number.

And my favorite of all time...

  Rob Morrow and his darling daughter

Happy Weekend!

Jen & Ben's pooch
Martha Stewart
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy a yummy lunch. Chili and Chowdah don't seem to be minding the snow much. Surprisingly, our little Cairn thought it was the best day ever last year when we experienced Snowpocalypse!! ROFL about the names. Just praying Tu doesn't marry a fellow with the last name of SOON. LOL

  2. I a so glad you took pictures of that beautiful lunch! Divine! Sure don't miss that snow! But those pups...they sure have a ball, don't they? Glad you got some retail therapy in too! Hugs Katie!

  3. POOR THINGS!I DON"T GET IT........does that mean I"M OLD???!!!

  4. The dogs are so cute. Your lunch looked delish...I am speechless as to the names given to the rich and famous offspring...my mother would have said, "More money than sense!"

  5. Glad you got out and the lunch looks delish! The dogs are their usual cute selves. And, why on earth do parents do such to their offspring. Crazy! Happy weekend!

  6. Wow! So much snow! Glad you and the Mister got out of the house for a bit. Don't hate us in NC but it is supposed to be near 70 here tomorrow! Jean

  7. I can always count on you to make my day over here…too, too funny!!

  8. Good morning......I even like the name, Rustic Kitchen so the foods gotta be good:) The pooches are so cute do they know how famous they are? And these names, OMG! I am kind of still stuck on Pilot Inspektor???? Huh? Really? Please tell me your kidding, not that North, Apple, Blanket are any better. And if Ocean and Pilot Inspektor somehow end up marrying, lord help them if they don't love traveling the world yonder:)

  9. I had an ex sister-in-law who named her son Israel. I never quite understood it, and I'm not sure that he did either. The pooches look absolutely thrilled to be out in the snow LOL

  10. Looks like your driveway is all cleaned off, ready to welcome the next batch of snow! At least the puppies will be happy. Love the picture of Martha Stewart!

  11. All of the sudden, I am really delighted with my offsprings ordinary names.
    I just think a name says it all and some names say much more than others.


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