Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Hello dear friends.  Hope everyone is staying warm.  It seems like the cold front is sweeping the country.

Thank you to all that left a comment on my Oscar post.  The comments had me in stitches!  I got the biggest kick reading them.

You know the drill.  If it's Wednesday, it's time for Hodgepodge. 

1.  Did you watch The Oscars?  How many of the Best Picture nominees have you seen?  

I look forward to the Oscars every year.  I was a little disappointed with the show this year.  NPH and Gaga were stand-outs, though.

Very good movie.  A little gory, though.  I would have liked to see less of the blood and guts and more of Brad's blue eyes.

Did not see it because everyone I know who saw it couldn't say a good word about it.  

Loved it.  
I was so thrilled that Eddie won the Oscar.

Didn't think that I would like it but I ended up enjoying it.  
A bit on the long side, though.

I had high hopes for this one, but it fell short. 

Have not seen this yet but on our "must see" list.

Not my favorite.  
Felt like the movie went on for 12 years.

Did not see this one.  But looking forward to watching it On Demand.

Do you think actors should use their acceptance speeches as an opportunity to promote their political and/or social agenda?  Does that sort of speech make you more or less inclined to change the channel?

Although I agree with both messages of these Oscar acceptance speeches, I believe there is a time and a place for everything.  In my opinion, this was neither the time nor the place.

2.  Speaking of the movies... are you comfortable going to a movie alone?  How about dinner in a restaurant (not fast food, but an actual restaurant)?  The second half of this question was posed by Carrie who blogs over at It's Not Easy Being Queen.  Thanks Carrie.

I would have no problem going to a movie alone, but I probably would not have the need to.  Any movie that the Mister doesn't want to see (sad ones) usually is shown On Demand or on Netflix and I can watch them while he is working travelling.  

It wouldn't bother me at all to go to a nice restaurant solo.

I would just place this little sign on the table to ward off any perspective suitors.

3.  What's the last home repair or home improvement project you had to pay someone to complete?  In hindsight, was this project one that you could have done yourself?

We had to pay a king's ransom to have six gentlemen shovel our roof and chop up all the ice dams.

No, for some reason, I don't see the Mister and me attempting this bone chilling task.

4.  Have you ever had Indian food?  Like it or no?  If you are a fan, what is your favorite dish?  Have you ever prepared this yourself at home?  Is there an Indian restaurant in your current home town?

I have only had Indian food a few times in my life and enjoyed it.  No, we don't have an Indian restaurant in our little town.  We're lucky to have a McDonalds. 

5.  A song that reminds you of your parents?

Anything and everything by Ol' Blue Eyes.

6.  The 26th of February is National Tell A Fairy Tale Day.  What's your favorite, or one of your favorite fairy tales?

February 26th is Tell A Fairy Tale Day?  It's no wonder.  It also happens to be the birthday of  the princess all fairy tales, my Sista!
  If I told you how old she is going to be, there wouldn't be a happily ever after ending for me.  Happy Birthday, Sista!

This would probably be my favorite fairy tale because my little girls would watch this tape over and over again.  It reminds me of such a precious time in my life.  I know every word to every song.

7.  What's a problem that you solved yesterday?

Sorry this is a really bad picture of me.

I went to the hair salon and got my roots done.

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I know that in most cases, it is necessary, but I hate the whole password/username process.  For me, it never goes smoothly.  Either the first 18 usernames that I choose are taken, or the password must have so many uppercase letters and numbers.

And it makes me crazy when a site sends me an email about a sale, and they have a button to go to the sale, and before I know it I am being asked for my password just to check out their sale. 
I wanna scream YOU emailed ME!

Happy Hump Day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Had a typo.....Found myself shaking my head to so many of these...I lost track. I go crazy with the whole username/'password, it rarely works and I change them as often as I brush my teeth, ridiculous!!! Stay warm!

  3. Oh, the picture of that dog!!!
    I hadn't even heard of a couple of the movies that were up. I must be getting old!

  4. Oh the roof-ugh! We're kind of right there with you, although our roof is steep so not in danger of caving. The gutters are another matter. Hoping all this ice melts gradually. I love the dog!! : )

  5. I love your hodge podge- and can relate to so many things.....and my b-day is coming up too!
    We can celebrate that and SPRING and watching sad movies while our Misters travel.....

  6. Thankfully we didn't have to pay anyone to remove snow from our roof. We have had really, really cold, but snow accumulation never surpassed 15 inches.

  7. - Love Cinderella. I Had a crush on Michael Nouri for many years.
    - The only restaurant at which I would eat alone (quickly) would be an order-at-the-counter one.
    - I enjoy Indian food occasionally, but I prefer dishes that have a lot of crunchy vegetables, like Thai, Korean or Chinese.
    - I know it's for my own benefit, but it's annoying when a website asks me to change my long-standing password to a longer more secure one that I can't remember.

  8. Happy fairy tale birthday to your sister . Glad you chose a happy ever after ending by not giving up her age. You are a wise sister. What a roof you have with ALL THAT SNOW. I would gladly pay someone if we had that. Can't imagine the insurance premiums their company pays for that kind of work, though!!!

    Passwords/smashwords. To quote Eeyore, "Oh, bother!"

  9. You're so funny and not one bit stuffy like so many blogs!!!! Highlight of my day reading yours!!!

    1. Thanks Dad!! Only kidding - thank you Anonymous for your sweet comment. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  10. I also am not a fan of Oscar winners promoting their political/social agendas in acceptance speeches. I only give them slack when the reason they are getting the award is for work that features their political/social agenda. Nah..I take that back. I only watch the Oscars to see what they are wearing and see clips of movies. I really prefer that none of them speak at all.

  11. "It seemed like it went on for 12 years.' BAHhhahahahahaha! Totally hilarious and true!

    I may have mentioned this to you before, but since I'm losing my mind lately, just listen again if I have . . . Finding Vivian Myer was a great documentary. I was interested because of the photography theme, but there's so much more to this fascinating tale. It was nominated in some category, and I need to check it out to see if it won anything.

    Great Hodgepodge.

  12. Katie,
    Thanks for another fun post. I was surprised to read that you did not like Boyhood. It was one of our favorites. Is it warming up any in Boston? The sun is shining and it is in the 30's in NJ. Almost feels tropical.

  13. Katie,
    Thanks for another fun post. I was surprised to read that you did not like Boyhood. It was one of our favorites. Is it warming up any in Boston? The sun is shining and it is in the 30's in NJ. Almost feels tropical.

    1. Actually it was a great day today. I can take the cold so much better when the sun is out. It might have been that I watched Boyhood at home and we had a few interruptions. Many of my friends liked it a lot. Have a wonderful rest of the week and stay warm!!

  14. I need to write this in little tiny letters and then whisper it. I don't watch the oscars and I haven't seen any of the movies. Yes, I know that I used to work in Hollywood. (really did) but I think I must have gotten completely burned out on the whole celebrity thing. Tell me we can still be friends :)

  15. Would I eat alone in a nice restaurant?? In a heartbeat! When I backpacked thru Italy alone a few yrs ago, there was no other choice. But loved it because I love sitting back and watching people and trying to figure out their stories! And usually always wound up meeting people and enjoying another meal with new friends.
    So...when I came home, I naturally never thought a thing about eating out alone. Still do and enjoy it immensely. Same thing with movies. I love going by myself and losing my thoughts of everyday life to the screen! AND eating the whole bag of popcorn all by myself!!

  16. I am thinking that when I finally make my way to Boston to visit the Family Matriarch you and I can sing a version of Be Our Guest from Beauty and the Beast...my sons also were fans of this movie and watched it endlessly as todddlers.

  17. The picture of that dog is just the cutest! The only snow we've had is only a couple of inches. I can't imagine having anyone having to shovel it off our roof!

  18. Beauty and the Beast was a favorite at our house too! Such sweet memories, indeed!

  19. I dont even know where to start you are too funny!! I saw birdman and it left me extremely uncomfortable. I left the oscars for Downton Abbey sorry to say! I dont go to movies by myself but will eat dinner by myself no problem. With 3 girls Beauty and the Beast was a staple in our house and we saw the broadway performance as well. Barbar Streisand and THe Way we Were truly reminds me of my Mother! SHe love Robert Redford and we all had to leave her in peace to watch that movie when it was on television.

  20. Good call, hiring someone to clear off your roof. You are so entertaining with your answers, brought a smile to my face and a chuckle. Happy midweek!

  21. Love it all! Thanks for the chuckle!! Have a great weekend, my dear!! xoxo

  22. YOU are a HOOT!There are too many QUESTIONS to respond to this AM as I'm suppose to be out of my Pj's by now..........but I'm with you on the USER NAME stuff.......and the password I put in NEVER WORKS!IT;s the only one I use!!!
    No,the ACADEMY AWARDS isNOT the PLACE to make a STATEMENT.................they lose points with me!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your SISTER.................she looks YOUNG!
    As far as paying 6 men to shovel............they have us cornered!!!NO WAY would I attempt that but then my HUSBAND WOULD so I do not have to pay for ANY FIX IT THINGS!!!!!!!!!!MY mother constantly reminded me how much money I would save!!!!MY FATHER couldn't put a nail in the wall!!!!!!!!XOXO

  23. Too funny Katie! Love your lipstick dog! I guess in a way with the surgery recovery and then pneumonia I am fortunate that I have not seen anything from the Oscar lineup. so much to look forward to. I have heard good and not so good reviews on several; however I know which ones I am excited to see (Netflix?!)

    The Arts by Karena

  24. Ay Carumba!! That snow! And those darn dams! I hope the trials and tribulations of the winter are behind you!
    My kids introduced me to Indian food and I like it. The problem is, I can only have it with them because I never remember which dishes I like!

  25. Love all these questions and wish we had time to answer each and every one of them. No, we haven't seen all the Oscar movies yet and while we don't think an acceptance speech should be a platform for a political or social agenda, these statements do make the speeches more interesting (without them, they would just be thank you's!)
    C + C


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