Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day Trip in Naples with Dude

Hello dear friends.  Hope you are staying warm during this very frigid week!  Today, I have a treat for you.  My buddy, Dude, who is my special correspondent specializing in fashion, star sightings, and scape styling has written a post about one of her favorite places - the Farmers Market in sunny, warm, Naples, Florida.


When I visit Naples Fla, I always make a point of going to the Third Street farmers market. It's  Saturday mornings from 7:30-11:30 (in season).  This is my favorite of all the local farmers markets...it's packed and full of great vendors.....

Here's a sampling of the fun things they have to offer.



The Crepe Lady


Top off your healthy juice with a kronut

Beignet Stand

Kettle Corn

The Guacamole & Salsa Guy

My FAVORITE bread (gluten free!)

 New York Bagel (with lots of gluten)

And now...
for the best part of the Farmers Market
Fire & Rice Paella Guys!

And there's always something for all the dogs who visit the market.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Rather than pick up my #2 from the airport, guess where I'll be Saturday morning! Looks fabulous!

  2. Hey Dude...you didn't let us down, you found us weary northern friends a place to live vicariously through the fabulous photos...of what we used to call spring/summer. Wish I was there!

  3. Oh- I love it! I have a special connection to Naples that goes back many,many years...back to when it was small town stuff! xo Daina

  4. I love a good farmers market! That picture of the puppy in the back carrier is hilarious. Told hubby we need one for Kylee.

  5. Did I just see sunshine, people wearing shorts and flip-flops, flower pots adorning the sidewalks and lamp posts, fresh vegetables from the garden, and trays of cronuts.... it must be a mirage after the New England winter we are experiencing.
    Excellent out-in-the-trenches reporting once again from Dude. I hope that she still has her bottle of Giff to accompany the paella.

  6. Are you kidding me? Paella, kronuts and beignets all in one farmers market????? I better plan a trip to Naples sooner than later. Wow. Just seeing all those people under the warm Florida sun made me jealous as I contemplate how many layers I will need today, ugh!
    Hope you have a great weekend, many thanks for sharing!

  7. How enticing! I love a farmer's market and this one looks really special. That paella! Enjoy your day Katie!

  8. I adore farmer's markets! Portland had a lovely market in the square during spring and summer. This was a lovely, fun post. Now I'm starving! Just beautiful....enjoy your weekend Katie. We are going to be rather cold and dreary!

  9. Holy guacamole! And kronuts and beignets! I think it's cute to see all the Floridians in their long sleeve shirts and sweaters to ward off the "cold" temperatures. Thanks, Dude, for sharing your report on this incredible farmer's market!

  10. ARE you GLUTEN FREE?
    ME TOO!!!!!!!!!


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