Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Preparing for the B-word

Good morning, dear friends.  I don't have to tell you what's on its way to my neck of the woods.  It ain't gonna be pretty.  According to the weather people, I will be smack dab in the middle of it.

  And speaking of  the weather peeps, I don't know what I'm not looking forward to the most - the actual storm or the monotonous drone of the weather peeps trying to scare the bejeezus out of us.  They are now calling it a Nor'beaster.   The weather peeps have the nerve to take over all the major networks and preempt all my favorite shows.  Why can't they all meet over at the Weather Channel and talk about it over there?  How can I face the worst storm in history without my Kathie Lee and Hoda?   Or my news sources Access Hollywood and Inside Edition? 

And if you live on the South Sho-wah and need to go to the grocery sto-wah,  you are safe to go today.  We were at Stop&Shop yesterday with a hundred thousand other hysterical people buying up every battery and water bottle in sight.

That's it for now.  I will report in tomorrow (hopefully).  In the meantime, hope this brings a smile to your face.

Stay Safe!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Praying for you! Hopefully you will keep power, and have a warm home to hunker down in.

  2. Your store shelves look like our Piggly Wiggly when a hurricane is on the way! Hope you are prepared and cozied up for the duration!

  3. Oh, I do feel for you! We lived, for 25 years, in the Hudson Valley and saw/endured many a snow storm. My sister lives in Boston and is gearing up right now. Ah yes, well, we live in Chapel Hill NC now and, I have to say, the weather is one of the huge reasons we moved. Just came over from Pam's blog and am going to look around: I've seen your name in many comment lists, I think!

  4. Its the snowpocalypse! I went to the store last night not because of the snow but because well frankly I was out of food! Well the shelves were bare it was crazy!! Get the shovel ready my friend xo K

  5. Winter didn't seem so bad until Juno showed up <>
    I wonder how cold a house would be without power/heat in January in New England?? I hope that I'm still just wondering by the end of the week...

    1. I hope I am too. Our heat is set to go down during the nite but not tonite! Good luck, Paige.

  6. We are in the path too and its going to be mayhem......I was in the market and you would have thought it was the end of the world! I was not going to get into a fist fight over the last package of pita bread lol. Glad I am home and not venturing out until it passes........stay safe and warm!

  7. Praying you stay safe, well-fed, and warm (especially if power is lost). The worst thing is power outages. The second worst thing is when your dog doesn't have a way to get outside and do his "bidness" because the snow is piled too high at the door. Keep us posted.

    1. Yikes....Dee, never thought about the dog and his "bidness." This "snow" thing just gets better and better.

  8. Stay safe and warm my friend....hope it's not as bad as "they" say it's going to be....hope to hear from you soon!

  9. We're batting done the hatches and getting ready for the big storm... and praying that our power stays on! Stay safe and warm, Katie.
    C + C

  10. Hi there, Katie. I found you on Fairhope Supply Co's sidebar and am so glad I did. I was reading along, thinking what a cool writer your are and then I saw that cute little face at the bottom of your post. I have a shih-tzu, too! We must bond after the beast.

  11. That video is hilarious, Katie. Please stay safe. xo Laura

  12. Good luck...while we are not expecting the magnitude of mountainous snow you are expecting ..the weather peeps here are preaching a big one for us...as a survivor of the Blizzard of '78...no school for three weeks and a dog that had snow phobia...I wish the best for you.

  13. Hope you stay cozy and warm - we dodged the bullet with this one, but I'm sure we have one coming before winter ends :-)

  14. Stay safe and warm, I hope you got some healthy snacks to get you thru… (like popcorn and chocolate) I use the same sources for news as well as Radar Online. ;)

  15. My oh my the ONLY movie we have disagreed about. The Grand Budapest....I think you have to be in the mood.....not shut up in the snow. Anyhoo Just so you don't feel bad, my good friend just closed on the 3/4 of a MIL vacation condo in Naples.....all new everything and she is coming back to the storm. Can't you just DIE!!!!!! Well I guess some people have the worst luck....so she says.............sarcasm is my strong suit. Stay warm and safe....oh and drink Chardonnay water is for sissies. xoxo R

  16. Oh, hope you can keep your electricity so that you can keep us all updated on the weather. :o)) Stay cozy and warm!

  17. Wow, my number two son just sent me a photo of the weather on his way to work in Portland, ME. In his words, this storm is intense. Be safe and stay warm!

  18. Yes ..... stay put is right. People panic and the news/media can sometimes create hysteria. Hunker done and bake cookies;)


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