Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

A First Dance & Some Advice

Happy Thursday, dear friends!  My friend, Beansie, sent me this video and it was just too cute not to share.

Friends, I need your advice on suggestions for a gift for a 12 year old boy.  I am so fortunate to have the most beautiful family as our neighbors.  One of the boys just had surgery and will have some time at home recuperating.  He is like an old soul, very smart, and personable.  I am at a loss as to what I could get him that would get his mind off his recuperation.  I did message his Mom, but she has so much on her mind right now.  If you have any suggestions,  I would appreciate them greatly.   

Hope your weekend is filled with warm smiles!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Unfortunately can't offer any suggestions for your neighbor. Love that commercial. Certainly not what I expected.

  2. Having all girls is tough... I do have a 11 year old nephew and all he wants are sports related gifts so that what we have given him. Good luck!

  3. Our 9 grandsons (ages 6 to 15), ALL enjoy anything LEGO.

  4. My boys would be happy if I let them veg out in front of the TV or computer, but I would also encourage art supplies. A sketch pad and colored pencils with a "how to draw a . . ." book. You are a good neighbor!

  5. What a sweet video....the way children should look and behave....I loved seeing that....too precious! If he loves to read, perhaps a book series that he has not read. When our son was 12, he was very much into The Harry Potter books. That age is so into video games, spending time reading as he recovers would be enjoyable to him! I wish them well! Have a wonderful weekend Katie! Hugs!

  6. What a sweet video! Here are some of my kids' favorites:
    A game - favorites include Battleship, Clue-do, and Bounce Off
    A book - such as the latest in the Percy Jackson or Wimpy Kid series
    A book - such as Ripley Believe It or Not or Guiness World Records
    A puzzle book such as sudoko
    Hope this helps!

    1. Tanya... you're simply the best. Love all these suggestions. Love your blog!

  7. When my son was younger he loved building models of cars, airplanes, ships, etc. Maybe something along that line? You are a very kind neighbor as well as a fun one! Kim

    1. Great idea - bet the Mister would love to pick the building kit out. Thanks so much for your suggestion, Kim. Have a great weekend!

  8. Maybe a Kindle (or he could borrow one from you) so he could download a few books?

    1. Great idea!! And I think he has a kindle. Have a great weekend, Carol!

  9. You are so sweet and thoughtful, what a great neighbor. I have raised 4 boys (the youngest is 19) and now have a 11 year old girl so here are my suggestions:

    Lego's- you can't go wrong with Lego's

    Books - Harry Potter, Divergent series, Hunger games, Percy Jackson, The Hobbit (all ones my boys read (excepet Divergent...my daugter read it)

    I know kids spend a lot of time playing video games, but if he is recovering and supposed to be taking it easy a minecraft gift card would be nice....even my 27 year old who is a pilot enjoyed playing minecraft with his little sister.

    Nerf gun and target set (of course with a nerf gun anything/anyone can be a target)

    An Itunes gift card...all kids love Itunes gift cards.

    Have a great day! Jamie

    1. Jamie... thank you so much for the great suggestions! This is how much I know about boys.... I don't even know what minecraft is but I'm going to find out! Love the legos idea and fabulous idea about the Itunes gift card!! Now that my girls are older, I totally forgot about Itunes. You really helped me a lot Jamie!! Have a great weekend!

  10. First, as the mom of three sons, that is the sweetest video EVER!! takes me back to the day I taught my oldest some dance steps for that first sock hop....HIGHLARIOUS!!!
    My best friends son just had hip surgery. He's off his feet for awhile. In his recovery package, I sent walkie talkies with the note to use often on his mom and sister. Also some model cars with everything needed to put together and paint. He loved those. Also puzzles.
    Hey! go o my blog and check out my new granddaughter born on my Birthday!!!! The post was made on 1-13-15...she's unbelievably beautiful. Oh wait.....of course she is....she's mine!!!!! I'm a proud YaYa!!

    1. I had no idea you had a blog!!! I just was over there looking at gorgeous Josie! She's not going to be toooooo spoiled. Those gold boots are so cute. Thanks for your suggestions - love the walkie talkie!! I put you on my blogroll so I won't miss any of your posts!!!

  11. Love, love, love your blog!
    I have a 12 year old and he absolutely loves anything Lego's, the harder the better. Not sure if you have a Barnes and Noble in your area but they have some great architectural sets ( Big Ben, Empire State Building, etc. ).
    Take care and stay warm! Josie

    1. Josie .... thank you so much for the suggestions. Yes, we have a B&N - I will head over there this weekend!!

  12. So many great gift suggestions! I'm going to bookmark this so I can get ideas for my soon-to-be 12 year old nephews! I'd have to echo the Lego suggestion. Can't miss! How about a paper airplane book?
    As a nerd myself and the mom of nerds, I absolutely LOVED the video!

  13. Hi Katie,

    Is your old soul artistic at all? Maybe a book on origami and some paper? Drawing books on cars, motorcycles, monsters, dinosaurs or sci-fi?

    1. I'm not sure, but I think this clever boy could do anything! Thank you so much for your great suggestions! Have a great weekend!

  14. OMG I have tears in my eyes......sooo sweet! LOVE that video and will have to share it. Here is my idea- get a colorful box and fill with some DVD's, micro popcorn, some candy that kids like, throw in a few magazines (on a subject he likes like cars or sports) and maybe some small boxes of legos. Call it good old fashioned fun:)

  15. Love this video and wished our sons were so diligent about learning to dance. Both have been to formals recently and we cringe to think of their poor dates' toes! We'd agree hat Legos can cure any ailments as well as puzzle books if he's that kind of kid. And there's always Mad Libs that would a smile on any 12-year-old face.
    C + C

  16. My 5th grade boys go crazy for small LEGO kits...these will make a car or action type character...they love this when a prize in my prize box is LEGOS...always a winner and sought after...Good Luck!

  17. My boys loved a Rubik's Cube, especially the 5x5 one.

  18. How about a sports related throw that he can cover up with while he's recovering. I haven't bought for a 12 yr old boy in a very long time. :o)))

  19. Model kits were a great idea. Do they still make Mad Libs? Remember those? Kids that age loved those. :)

  20. you sure got some great suggestions so i don't know what i could add to them. my 10 year old grandson loves his Kindle and ipad (ipod? who knows what they are called?); books, movies, and of course miniature trucks. a gift card for the itunes sounds like a good idea too. i'm sure whatever you decide will be perfect! and it goes without saying "won't you be MY neighbor?"

  21. Love the video. My 12 year old grandson is into Anime books and Lego video games. :)

  22. Lots of great ideas here. Agree with the legos, my son (now 18) loved them. There are so many great kits of different legos to build and the box has the appropriate age on it. Also, a remote control helicopter! Target has them and also hobby shops. My son still flies his, loves to chase the dog with it!

  23. If HE is an OLD SOUL how about a TOP HAT!Maybe hard to fine...........or too pricey,but he could wear in bed and put THINGS inside.......and it would be a memory!

  24. Dear Katie, hope I am not too late. I asked my 12 years old son for any suggestions.
    good books - "Young Sherlock Holmes"
    - Percy Jackson"
    Does the boy loves soccer? FIFA 15 is a great game.
    My kids love playing minecraft too.
    Good luck for you and all the best to the boy!
    Blessings Eli

  25. When my son broke his leg he got a calligraphy set.


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