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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Happy 23rd, #1

Hello dear friends.  Today is my #1's twenty-third birthday.  It doesn't seem possible.  And I still waiting to lose my baby weight!

As many of you know, my # 1 is living in Texas.  She considers it home, since she spent more than half of her life there.  Today's post is dedicated to my #1 girl.   

Happy birthday to my #1 girl
Who's hair could never hold a curl.
But she's got a smile that could light up a room
She makes me happy when I'm caught up in gloom.

And oh how time flies!
Cause for me to shed some tears and some sighs.
Can't believe you're twenty-three
With a real job and bachelorette pad.
Can it be?

Dad and I are so proud
That much is true!
The other thing is that
We love you!


And now a letter to the birthday girl from her little sister.

Happy Birthday Mere, just wanted to remind you of a few of your more shining moments of your first 23 years… since you may’ve forgotten in your old age.

Remember when it was Halloween night, we were moving, and you were dressed up as a cheerleader? You were making a pyramid in the corner of the room and I thought, “How sweet, she wants to play horsey with me.” So, naturally, I hopped on. Seconds into my ride you bucked me off and I got stitches because of it – dad also got interrogated by the hospital about his parenting methods. Mom was at Homegoods.

Remember when we were sitting in the kitchen, both scarfing down surprise pieces of red velvet cake when you decided it would be fun and playful to stick your finger in my icing? Needless to say, someone ended up with more than just my icing but a boot and broken toe as well.

Remember when we started our own band? We had one hit: Avril Lavigne’s Sk8r Boi. I was the lead singer. We didn’t last long.

Remember when we were the queens of the cul-de-sac and got yelled at for making our own fort? We were trying to contort the branches and in the process deforested the small island in the middle of the street.

Remember when you triple dog dared me to dive head-first into the wave when vacationing in Mexico? Yeah, I did it. And I lost my glasses to the Gulf in the process. Note: I am near legally blind without glasses and they were my only pair. The rest is a bit of a blur.

Remember when you surprised the family with peanut butter balls? You used about 1 ¾ cups of Crisco to make them easier to work with. Our colons still carry those with us to this day.

Remember when we were staying at a hotel and you took control of the remote? Somehow we ended up watching people looking like they were hurting each other. Remember mom walking into the room because she heard moaning and the look on her face when she saw what we were watching? Classic.

Remember when we started our own club? The Cool Cat Club; I was voted President, you were my noble VP. All I remember is fearing assassination.

Remember when you played the flute and practiced it everyday? Yeah, me neither.

Well, the first twenty-three have been real, they’ve been fun, I can even venture to say they’ve been real fun on occasion. Keep setting the world on fire, Mere. I love you more than all these silly words. Let’s "play it by year" and stay "observetant" this 2015. Happy Birthday, Nugget. 

- #2

Happy January "tird" as my #1 used to say!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Adorable....Happy Birthday #1...loving all the photos of the girls...especially in animal print with the lead singer and her back up dancer...go girls!

  2. Happy birthday to your beautiful #1. As the 3rd of 4 girls, there is nothing quite like the lifetime friendship of sisters - happy 23rd!!

  3. Congratulations with your oldest,how fast are those years going isn,t it?
    I love.your blog!

  4. Bonjour Katie. I like this post. Your daughters are beautiful, the youngest seems to have your sense of humour (I'm sure the eldest too). I wish I could write a poem to my children as you did ... Even in French I couldn't!

  5. As the mother of two boys, I'm shocked to hear your girls didn't sit on cushions and play tea party all day long. I think you may have actually made more trips to the emergency room than me!
    Happy birthday to your beautiful girl. She looks just like you!

  6. Happy birthday to the pretty and successful 23 year old!

  7. beautiful girls and I certainly see "you" in them....loved all the memories and it made me stop and remember some of my two "babies" (now 38 and 40 respectively)! wow...how can that be?

  8. Happy Birthday to your sweet girl as well Katie. How did they get so old??????? I loved the throw back pics and comments from #2...so my girls. Some of the same outfits as well. Here's to a fabulous year for these 20 somethings!!

  9. Hi! New to your blog! You have beautiful daughters! My youngest turned 38 12/24, and I did a similar post. Here's to great daughters! :)

  10. How cute and love the one about daughter #2 losing her glasses. I sympathize because I've always been pretty much legally blind and life would be a blur if I had not had Lasik a few years ago. Fun post!

  11. Sweet tribute from #1, both beautiful girls. I laughed out loud when I saw "play it by year" and called my 16 year old to show him. He pumped his fist in victory, he wasn't the only one that thought that was the saying! He texted "play it by year" to me six months ago and we've laughed about it ever since. Happy Birthday!

    1. So funny! I told my daughter and she wants the new saying to go viral!! Have a great week!

  12. Happy birthday to your beautiful #1! She looks so much like you and has your flawless skin.

  13. What a sweet post. Happy birthday to your beautiful daughter. I love #2's sense of humor. On an unrelated note, I was searching etsy and came across bow ties for dogs. You need to check these out!

    1. So glad you mentioned it. I was on etsy today. I think I may be addicted. Will definitely look for the bow ties. Chowdah needs to step up his game!

  14. Happy Bday to #1! Your comments were sweet and #2 shared some dirt. She must get her sense of humor from her gorgeous Mom.

    1. Who's her gorgeous Mom? Are you in Florida yet? If you are, I am jealous!!!

  15. I think that #2 has a way with words... like her mom (whom she looks like IMO). Such cute photos.

  16. This is sweet and just so much fun! What amazing girls you have :)

  17. Happy Birthday to both of you! (I always feel like it is my job to celebrate all three of my children's birthdays as my own since I did all the work!) Your girls are adorable and #2s memories are delightful. Have a great Sunday!

  18. Wishing you sweet #1 a most happy birthday! What lovely daughters you have been blessed with! I am certain you are one proud Mom! Lovely way to feature such a beauty!

  19. Happy Birthday to your #1! Love the sweet letter from #2 and the pictures are precious!

  20. Katie,
    Happy Birthday to your gorgeous #1! What a fun look back from #2, loved the photos! Time flies by so fast, sometimes I just wish I could put the brakes on and slow it down! My oldest, Chris will be 29 on the 23rd of this month, I must be in denial because I can't seem to get him past being 25!

  21. Thank you Ellen. I hope you have a great new year!

  22. Katie! You don't even look as if you could have a 21 year old! Congratulations to all! Have a great new week! ANita

  23. How lovely to read your post just now, a very Happy Birthday to your darling girl Katie, a Capricorn just like me.....I hope she enjoys those special, wonderful years of her 20's ...and her beauty...I know where she gets it from !!
    Sending love and many happy returns across the pond
    Sally xxxx

  24. Happy birthday, #1! The letter from #2 showed 2 things: your daughters make a great team and your #2 has your gift for writing! "Mom was at Homegoods." Classic!

  25. I love this! Your girls are beautiful, inside and out.
    Wishing you a wonderfully creative and happy 2015 Katie!


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