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Friday, January 23, 2015

Kathie Lee & Dude

Hello dear friends.  Preppy Empty Nester celebrity correspondent/paparazzi, Dude, has a star-studded post for you today!


While on a visit to Naples, Florida I received an "emergency voicemail" from my "boss" aka Katie, "Dude, you've gotta get yourself over to Costco Saturday , Kathie Lee Gifford is going to be there selling her new wine and I need you to cover it for me."  Gee, when you get a direct order from your boss, I guess you've got to do it, even if it means standing on line  for an hour at Costco on a Saturday afternoon.......

Sooo, here goes.....

The line wrapped in and out of three aisles (Costco aisles are loong aisles.....)

I actually made friends along the way....

My new BFF's Nancy and Patty

And.. Christine, KLG's assistant... official photographer for the day.  Chatted it up with her as she went to college in my hometown.  Both KLG and Christine soo nice...

Finally...the wait is over.....KLG in the flesh......

Chattin' it up with KLG

Chardonnay from the queen of Chardonnay and.....with another queen of Chardonnay !! 

BTW... the wine is called GIFFT

Hope my boss is happy with my "breaking news" on location/on vacation report!!!!

Great job, Dude!  
You can hold on to your job for another week!


This adorable little boy was found running on the streets and they dropped him off at the aldine animal hosp, no micro chip. had a collar but no rage, not neutered and no one looking for him, he is just the sweetest little terrier he is approx 18 months and 14.5 lbs.. We named him ringo and ringo is looking for a really nice new home !!

Contact:  Shaggy Dog Rescues
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Is it wine o'clock yet! Perfect post for a Friday, Katie, and TGIF. Have a great weekend!
    C + C

  2. Fun.......well if I had to wait in line I think I would want you to be the person in front or back of me, I know you would keep me laughing and entertained! I had to do a doubletake as I literally did not recognize Kathie Lee!! Hope you have a great weekend.

  3. OMG! I could have met KLG AND DUDE at the same time! Going to have to have multiple drinks to get over this sadness.

  4. Since her boys are at school and all, I think Tina's Teddy needs a friend! I love chatting it up with people in line with me. But, I tend to operate on the theory of, "if we are not family yet, we soon will be."

  5. What fun! Your Nantucket trip also sounded like a great time. She is one of my favorite authors. Ringo was our dogs name growing up. Wish I could adopt him, so nice that you do this! Have a great weekend!!

  6. wow! i almost didn't recognize her w/o all the makeup they put on her for the Today....she looks much younger! soooo...did you buy some wine and how was it?

  7. Fun post but why in the world did Kathie Lee wear her hair slicked back like that? She didn't look at all to me but then she isn't seeking my approval either. :o)) Sounds like the waiting in line was quite entertaining!

  8. Oh my we could have had competing reports from Florida... The Family Matriarch is spending the month in Naples....unfortunately she won't work while resting...I am going to need a new staff or perhaps I need to start paying my staff.

  9. I have a love/hate relationship with KLG. As I age and mellow, it's more love. What a fun gig to be in Costco with a bunch of wine lovers. You hit the big time with this story!

  10. Once Dude takes one for the team and opens Kathie Lee's "stuff," she needs to report on the taste (and price). [KLG wasn't kidding when she said that she wasn't blowing out her hair while on vacation.]

  11. Oh how fun was this!! Wonder if her wine is good? I love Kathie Lee! That would have been a fun time I am sure! Hope little precious finds someone to care for him.

  12. I agree with several others about the hairdo but I suppose if she is on vacation and wants to relax without a blow dryer we will give her a break. Dude definitely needs to give a report on the wine after tasting it! I sure hope that cute little Ringo has been swept up already, he is adorable.

  13. How much fun was that! Lets see what the wine taste like now we need a review DUDE! I love that little puppy too...poor little guy!

  14. What fun Katie .. and great coverage Dude! It's fun seeing the celeb's in REGULAR mode;) I did not know she had a wine collection going so I'll be checking that out! Have a nice weekend ~ xxL

  15. I'm with Leslie Ann. In the past I've been sort of lukewarm on KLG but I love the combo of KLG and Hoda...in fact I've been missing her smiling face every morning on the Today Show! Excellent reporting by Dude. How smart of you, Katie to have your reporters spread out all over the country to cover breaking news like this!

  16. Thanks,Dude! KLG looks a bit different in person, doesn't she?? Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, my dear! xoxo

  17. Note to self: never have photos taken in Costco....good lighting is everything! I like that the new Walmart's are installing skylights. It helps to see what you're buying and what color it is! But, I must admit , Dude looks great! How does she do that ?

    Warmly, K


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