J. Crew Factory for Fall

Tuckernuck's styles for the new season

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Coming Up For Air

Hello dear friends.  Just checking in.  This storm is a real doozie!  Tons of wind mixed with sporadic snow clusters, and it is still going strong.  I don't think I got 10 minutes sleep last night due to the howling winds.

Not me but this is how I feel.  
I should look this good.

My sweet Chili was terrified of the storm so I let her sleep with me.  The Mister was out of town so I was grateful for the company.    It was the first time that I let her have a sleepover with me and she is actually a good little sleep buddy.  No snoring or moving around.  

Chowdah asked when it was his turn for a sleepover.   I didn't want to try to explain to him that there is a difference between sleeping with an 18 lb. dog and one that weighs 75 lbs.

We lost power during the night for about 6 hours.  When I got up, the power was off.  I craved a nice hot cup of joe.  As soon as my feet hit the floor, the power came back on.  I ran downstairs, turned the coffee maker on, and 4 minutes later the power went off again.  It was just enough time to brew a cup.   Praise the Lord!

The power is on and the house is just warming up now.  I have the TV on and all the major networks are on Operation Snow Watch Detail.  So glad to have the weather peeps filling me in that we are now experiencing snow and wind.

Stay warm!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Hope you keep power for the remainder of Snowmegedon! Also hope your wine supply holds out!!

    1. Me too. And don't forget to use your sunscreen , you lucky duck!!!!

  2. No power, no fun!! Praying you stay warm.

  3. Hope that the worst is over! I hate the howling scary NorEaster winds. They are frightening! Stay warm, be safe and lets pray that you keep your power!

  4. The picture of the weahterdude in all his glory cracks me up....they were practically salivating over this storm and I nearly choked when I saw the "in field reporters" brave trailblazers that they are creeping around the NYC streets in the get this.....the blizzardmobile. I have heard it all. Literally watching the weather people is a reality show in itself!!!

    Glad you are OK and hope the power stays on! We got about 16' not nearly as much wind as it sounds like you did......but staying put today, its very cold and still a ton of snow to dig out of. Good day to stay in and NOT be on a diet:)

    Stay warm and cozy!!

  5. The blizzard was a bust here in New Jersey. Not complaining though. Heard a couple of tips for coffee lovers during storms that have a risk of power outages. Someone suggested making a pot before the storm is expected to hit.. Assuming you have a gas stove, simply warm the coffee up on the stove in the morning. A few others said that have a french press they use when the power is out. So glad that you got your coffee. Also glad that you have Chili and Chowdah to help keep you warm and to keep you company.

    1. Love those suggestions about coffee.. I can live without many things; Coffee and wine are not two of them!! Chow and Chili are great company!!

  6. I hate it when my power is out. I can keep the house warm with a woodstove but no power means no cooking and no water, since I'm on a well and the pump needs hydro. We didn't get too much snow in Ontario. It was very cold, though.

  7. Oh we have been there. So cold! It is so very lovely to watch though! Glad the pups were snug as a bug AND that you were able to have morning coffee....that would be the worst! Stay safe!!

  8. Bonjour Katie. I think of you and hope everything will be all right. Bon courage!

    1. Thank you, dear Caroline... It's almost over... Hope you are doing well.

  9. Glad your power is back on...nothing worse than being home without power...our Maryland storm huffed and puffed, but didn't manage to snow anything down, but a dusting. I am feeling for all of you and worried for the Family Matriarch's house in Scituate...saw photos from Scituate today...her house is ocean front...fingers are crossed. Take Care.

  10. I knew you were going to get nailed when I saw that Jim Cantore was there. If Jim Cantore shows up within a 90-mile radius of where you live, it's probably best to evacuate. So glad your power is back!

    1. You are too funny. Dude and I always say the same thing. Great minds think alike!!

  11. The power going out is the worst...especially in the wintertime. Our power is pretty reliable here due to the ice storms we get in the winter and the tornadoes in the spring, but it is still a pain. But, it sounds like the important thing worked when you needed it: the coffee maker. Your photos of the weather guy crack me up! I need to find a way to get a clip of our weathermen when they care talking to the stormchasers in the middle of a bad spring storm and send it to you. They have become really good at not swearing on live television...which is why they do what they do, and I do what I do!

    1. I agree, power is very important. I can take anything as long as I have heat, hot coffee, and cold wine. Enjoy the rest of your week, Lori!

    2. KATIE..... geezzz, thank goodness the power came back on once those little toes of yours hit the floor!! We live in an area that looses power easily and so many of us have generators (yes, on the WEST coast;) Anyway, when you need it you need it so even if it's just once a year I'm glad we have one. Hang in there and under these circumstances bring out the cookie making supplies:) xxL

  12. I have been thinking about you all day!! I am so happy your power is back on. Stay warm!! xoxo

  13. So glad your power is back on. I hate that the most. So much in fact that we're getting a generator installed tomorrow. Here in Pennsylvania we only got an inch after they predicted a foot. I've been wondering how you are doing. Sending warm thoughts your way.

    1. Thank you dear Susie. Guess what I'm asking for Valentines Day? Hello Generator!! Never thought I'd give up jewelry for a generator!!!

    2. Get your generator request in early! Two years ago the power was off for a day in Feb. Six neighbors got generators as a result. Took months and months because of demand. Lol since then power hasn't been lost at all!

  14. Oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought all people who lived north of the Mason Dixon line had generators....you need one, girl!!!!!
    and I just heard on our news that the whole island of Nantucket lost power. That just makes my stomach churn for them.
    Stay bundled up and let those puppy babies huddle around you!!
    Just trying to imagine my sophiejane pooping in snow!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHA....she's such a princess she can hardly squat in leaves!!!!! Keep us updated on all things in SNOWY BAAAAAAUUUSSTIN!!

  15. OK.......just now seeing above comments about generators.......duh.

  16. Hi Katie, so glad you came by for a visit, and now I see you're in the middle of all the "fun"! glad you were able to grab that cup first thing. If I don't have my coffee...well, I won't go there. stay warm and cuddle those puppies!

  17. You were home ALONE right there on the coast where the storm was the worst - Yikes! Good thing Chili and Chowdah could provide a little company. Glad that you lost power for only 6 hours.

  18. Stay safe and warm my friend! I have been alone a few times during storms.. no fun! Thank goodness for the furry family members to stay by y our side!

  19. So glad you are safe & sound! Storm wasn't so bad in the Hudson Valley region but NYC was shut down. Hope Sista & her family are ok. Glad you had Chowdah & Chili with you. Stay warm my friend....xoxo, Dawn

  20. Glad to hear from you this morning and so happy that you got your cup of coffee. Hoping that the power stays on for you now that the worst of the storm is past.

  21. Glad you and the pups are doing ok. Poor Chili, she's not used to that crazy weather. Here's to the groundhog not seeing his shadow next week!!

  22. you might want to consider a stand-by generator. They're not cheap, but can be affordable also, and can be a God-send, let me tell you. It's peace of mind, especially if there are times you are there alone. Truly, look into it. Oh, and once you get it, the power will never go off again!! Such is life! :)

  23. SO happy to hear that you are doing okay, Katie. I have been thinking about you. xo Laura

  24. No discriminating against big dawgs! When my husband left yesterday for work and I settled back in bed to enjoy my snow day off, I had our 75 pound black lab and our TWO 50 pound black labs with me! : ) Give Chowdah a chance!

  25. Yikers!!! Hope you are ok. Just saw the news about the flooding near you. Stay safe!!

  26. Katie I hope you have made it through the worst of it! Coffee, so important to start MY day. Glad you had that window of opportunity!

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