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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

My Take on the Globes

Good morning, dear friends.  On Sunday night, while I was glued to the Globes, my #1 called me.  She likes to give me a hard time every once in awhile.  I told her that I was "working hard" taking notes on all of the dresses.  She then asked me what I was wearing.  I told her mismatched flannel jammies, my terry cloth blue robe speckled with "roots" dye,  and mismatched socks to match my jams.  She answered, "Yup, you sound like a style expert to me."  I'll take that as a compliment. 

Here's my take on the Globes.

I thought Tina and Amy did a fabulous job again this year.  I would have liked it if the whole Korean/Margaret Cho thing was scratched and replaced with some antics in the audience with Tina and Amy.

I was so happy that my shows The Missing was nominated, and The Affair won a couple of awards.   And as you know, I was truly rooting for Eddie Redmayne in The Theory of Everything and so delighted that he won.   I was also happy that Anna could go back to Downton with a Globe in her hand.  Bates is going to be so proud of her!

Why are all the talking heads on TV loving this dress?  This is a J-NOOOOOOO!! in my book.  Looks like she could guest star on Star Trek in this number.

Take my word for it... this dress should have been gone girl.

Every year I like Kate Beckinsale's dress.  I couldn't name anything that she's been in, but she always looks great.

If a fork and a feather boa got married, they would look like this dress.


The dress was pretty.
  Anna just needs to add a "smile" to her wardrobe.

So happy Eddie won!  What adorable newlyweds!!

Not crazy about Katherine as an actress, but loved her dress.

I thought Amy looked great and I'm glad she won the Globe.

This dress is a walking wardrobe malfunction waiting to happen.

I think Katie has better taste in clothes than men.  

Can you imagine how gorgeous their kids are going to be?!?

Definitely not the most fun-loving couple at the party.
Mr. & Mrs. We-take-ourselves-too-seriously

I'm normally not big on the color yellow but Naomi looked gorgeous in this dress.  Love the diamond-studded snake too!
Her arm candy ain't so bad either.

Another handsome couple.
Love her dress, probably because it reminds me of but-tah.

JLD rocks it every year.  Wish she won for Veep though.

And now for my awards...

 "I'll Have What She's Having" 

Do they look great or what?


Most Awkward Presenters 

I don't know whether their schtick was supposed to be funny.  To me, it appeared that Jen was a little miffed at Benedict for cutting off her line. 


Let Me Hide in the Bathroom 

Rumor has it that Kiera went running to the ladies room because of her pregnancy.  I think she caught a glance of her dress in the mirror and threw up.

 So much talent... so little taste.


This dress could cause a Scandal.

Does Anyone have the Number of a Good Stylist for Next Year?  


Who knew he was so popular? 


Too Bad He's So Unhappy

What was your favorite dress and/or moment of the night?

Hope your day is full of star power!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. We picked many of the same as favorites :-)
    I thought Kate Hudson looked amazing, but would never wear that dress in a million years, even if I was tall and statuesque like her.

  2. Love the recap! If I saw one more actress have to hike her dress up because she had no chest I was going to hurl. Next year, you might want to consider straps my friends.

  3. Fun post and funny how we are in total sync with our ideas, amazing always to me that these people have every possible person at their disposal to make them look their personal best and thats the best they can do! Some looked AMAZING while others totally underwhelmed. Love Eddie and so happy he won. Jane Fonda is unreal she is ageless! I think for me best of the night was Kate Beckingsale, such a classy elegant look, she always pulls it off beautifully.

    Love Tina and Amy but agree the whole Margaret Cho thing wasn't even that funny. Onto the Oscars........

  4. Agree with you 100%. Thought Amal was one of the most elegant women there.

  5. I have to say that I was really disappointed in the gowns this year! Who are their stylists and can I sign up because I think I might even be able to do a better job and I have no experience. Agreed with your picks and Amal looked like she wanted to be elsewhere!
    xo K

  6. Katie I love your take on the Golden Globe Awards and agree with you on almost all choices. How can these women with such misses have stylists that steer them so wrong!?! Yes, look in the mirror!

    Featuring "Inner Spaces"

  7. Kerry Washington's dress was a huge "NO". I think I'd like JLo's dress a bit more if it was a bit less - loose the whole cape thing, just makes the dress look heavy and unflattering. I thought Allison William's red dress was gorgeous! I didn't notice it on the Globes broadcast but E! News (which I watched for research purposes of course) had it as one of their Best Dressed.

  8. Pretty much agree with everything you said! I loved Kerry's dress color and style; I think it was the material that made it awful. Wrong material for the lines of the dress.

    I loved Naomi, the other yellow (buttah), and I've never seen a Kate Beckinsale movie either, but she's truly the prettiest woman in show business.

    What was up with Kate Hudson's eyebrows? What a disaster!

  9. Totally head over heels with Helen Mirren, dress, actress and hair ...I want my hair to blow dry like her hair. I may seriously bring a picture to my hair stylist next time. Something that bothered me throughout was the odd shade of tan for many...I suppose a spray tan, but I felt like toffee had been spilled on many. Anyway writing this while in my mismatch jammies so I guess that makes me an expert stylist as well.

  10. How on earth did you find that picture of me? So embarrassing! Seriously, I enjoyed and agreed with your take on things.

  11. Good gown recap! Favorite moment was seeing Jeffery Tambor win, had no idea what his new show was about but loved him in the Larry Sanders show (looooong time ago.) I checked out his Transparent show today, oh my, riveting...but adult content for sure. So many other movies I have not seen but now want to. Did not appreciate the Bill Cosby slam, it just wasn't funny to me.

  12. Good morning Katie my dear,
    Im a day late Im sorry...I did not see the ceremony so ...Im loving your golden globes commentary and I am in absolute agreement on the gowns. Kate Beckisnsale was for me, the most stunning....closely followed by the 'butah' yellow!!
    I liked Mrs Clooney's dress, but she doesn't look happy I must say....
    Well bless you my dear for all your support of the british shows and I hope you are enjoying Downton
    all love to you xxx

  13. So many great dresses on so many great bodies... but plenty of fashion misses IMO. With access to talented stylists and designers and seemingly unlimited funds, how can some women not look their best??
    Mrs. Clooney's outfit and persona were a bit too austere for me - probably better suited for the more serious Oscars - but a nice contrast to Kate Hudson and her sizzling white cut-out dress. Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Reese Witherspoon were my favorites.
    I would love the name of Jane Fonda's plastic surgeon - wow she looks good - and she looks like herself - unlike some other aging celebrities who have gone under the knife.

  14. Oh you are cracking me up over here and I agree with you 100%. Now I just have to get myself to the theater a lot before Oscar time. Have a great day!

  15. You are EXACTLY right in all of your comments! Just love you!


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