Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Movie Time!

Hello dear friends.  Brrrrr it's cold here in the Northeast!  But knock knock on wood - no snow to mention so I can't complain.

If you have been reading my blog for awhile, you know that the Mister and I love to go to movies.  We have been spoiled in Texas which offers gorgeous theaters and even some with waitstaff and a gourmet menu.  

Massachusetts has many treasures, especially during the seasons of  Spring, Summer and Fall.  But movie theaters are not one of them.  On the South Shore, we have about four theaters in reasonable driving distance.  These theaters don't usually get new releases for a few weeks, some longer.  We have been waiting for Foxcatcher to make the scene since the Fall.  And Steve Carrel even lives in the area!

One of the theaters houses one large auditorium and the rest of the cinema offers small rooms with about six rows of seats.  We were there last week and we all walked out with whiplash!  

Now that I good that ridiculous rant off my chest, here are my reviews. 

The four movies that we went to all have many similar characteristics.  They are all based on true stories.  The central character is courageous and faces challenges with patience and grace.

The first word that comes to mind when I think of this movie is "beautiful."  It is a love story as well as a tale of strength, courage, and perseverance.  Eddie Redmayne should be nominated for an Oscar for his role.  Throughout the movie he displays a twinkle in his eye  that characterizes his wry humor.    

I did not know what to expect from this film.  I like Amy Adams and usually enjoy her choices in films.  I remember all those stirring posters of the paintings of the sad little waifs with big eyes.  Amy Adams does a great job as a demure Margaret, but no question about it, Christopher Waltz owns his role as the narcissistic, ego-driven Walter.  The actors, as well as the screenplay, are a dynamic duo in making this a very enjoyable film.  

Obviously, it was the Mister's turn to choose the movie.  When I heard the words "math genius" and "Nazis" in the description of the film, I braced myself for a long two hours. 
I hate to admit when I am wrong, especially where the Mister is concerned.  I truly enjoyed this movie.  The story was captivating, even though it centers around cracking a code and a nerdy math prodigy.  It may have been twenty minutes too long, but all in all, it was definitely worth the price of the ticket.

Another one of the Mister's picks.  No question, the story is remarkable.  Louis was a very courageous man that faced many adversities with strength and humility.  But I've got to tell you.  It was very difficult to watch someone being starved, bullied, and tortured for two hours.  I walked out of the cinema positively exhausted. 

I long for a good romantic comedy with a pretty house and a great wardrobe!


While #2 was home, we watched a mini series ON Demand.   It has about 10 episodes.  It is British (go Sally!) and is packed with twists  and turns.  I highly recommend it for binge watching on a snowy day.

Any movie suggestions for me?

Hope your week is flying by! 

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. Woo-hoo...a snow day here in Maryland...since the school system was a bit late making the call I have been up for a while getting lots done. Saw Unbroken and felt the same as you...although I felt a bit guilty feeling that way as I didn't live it simply watched....all the other movies you mentioned are on our "to see" list. The Missing will definitely be flagged for the Hubster and myself. Thanks for all the leg work and excellent commentary...

  2. Hi there good to be back catching up with my blogging buddies!! I loved seeing all these trailers, you have me wanting to ditch my idea of staying in my pjs all day and not moving a muscle to head to the movies and watch each and every one! The ones I most want to see are The Theory of everything and Big Eyes though I will see the other two as well....such great acting!! Thank you for the rundown....I am very much behind in my movie watching and now that the holiday craziness is behind me, I plan to make up for lost time....enjoy your day, snow over here!

  3. NOT Exodus, that's for sure. I can't remember the last time I was so disappointed. We went for the CGI, thinking how awesome the Parting of the Red Sea would be in modern day CGI. Ummm, noe. It was merely, literally, 'now you see it now you don't...low tide.' HUGELY disappointing.

  4. Its snowing here in NJ! I saw into the woods and thought wow have fairy tales become very dark! I saw it becasus my daughter is an aspiring theater gal and sang a song from this play a few year ago but it really wasnt a warm and fuzzy movie at all! Would like to see the movie with Benedict Cumberbatch since he is my favorite SHERLOCK!

  5. I cannot tell you how many times I have said the exact thing - "Where are all of the movies with great houses, cute shops and regular people?" We usually are big movie goers, but only went to one movie over the holidays, Into the Woods. Don't bother with that one either. I am gonna check out The Missing.

    Wish we could have a snow day here in NC. I would sit and watch It's Complicated and Somethings Got to Give. Those two are my favorites!

  6. For some reason, I have become quite squeamish when it comes to violence and terror in movies. Unbroken is a story I would love to see since the main character came to Fairhope and spoke before he died. Actually, the crowd grew so large, I think our bookstore moved the event over to a larger venue in Mobile. Anyway, I just don't know if I could watch such a horrific tale. I would be a sobbing mess.

    The Amy Adams movie looks like one I would like. She is adorable. Great reviews!

  7. While living in Maine, everyone went to the movies! Everyone! Unless you liked winter sports, being inside with a good movie and popcorn was a favorite pastime! I cannot wait to see Unbroken! I am so glad you posted your thoughts! And oh my...just discovered The Missing.....chilling and suspensful to say the least! Thanks so much for sharing your views on these Katie!

  8. Hi Katie...I definitely need to see 'The Missing' now:)) ...it received great reviews here across the pond as well
    It is just so nice to stay warm inside with the tv or a good movie when it is snowing, and I cant wait for my favourites the Good Wife and Nashville to start again.
    Love to you xxx

  9. I saw Mark Wahlburg in The Gambler, and like the movie. I was sort of nervous through the whole thing but it kept moving along. Loved the book Unbroken, had not considered how uncomfortable it might be to watch (while scarfing down heavily buttered popcorn.) Which brings me to a question...do you partake in movie snacks as a general rule?

    1. We usually go out for lunch before a movie. Otherwise, I end up eating way too many snacks. The Mister is a popcorn guy and I prefer anything and everything chocolate.

  10. I was just saying I feel like I'm in school when watching this year's crop of award bound films. Thanks for "The Missing" tip! Good news: Nancy Meyers has a new film in post, The Intern. Bad news: Probably won't be released until next fall.
    HNY and hope you continue what you're doing! Your postings continue to be a favorite part of my day.

    1. Thank you so much Kiki! Hope your new year is the best ever!

  11. Some friends of ours saw Unbroken and said it was all torture and very, very little of the redemption part of Louie's life. I think I'll take a pass on that one but I'm anxious to see The Imitation Game. Did I tell you that we saw Birdman? We left the theater, looked at each other and said, "What just happened?!?!" I guess it was over our heads... Still, the popcorn almost always makes up for a bad movie!!

  12. I thought I had left a comment but hmmm. not to be seen!
    So, here goes, my son is our movie guide and he loves to go to movies with his friends.....I need to up my movie going self.
    Still taking down X-mas around here....needles everywhere!


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