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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Nantucket Day 2

Hello, dear friends.  If you missed my first post covering our weekend in Nantucket, you can find it here.

The sun woke us up in our beautiful room.  We enjoyed a delicious breakfast and walked to town.  We had a mission in mind.

When Sista was in college, she decided to head to Nantucket to find a summer job.  When we talk about it now, we can't believe our parents actually let her do it.  She did not know a soul on the island.  When she arrived, she got a waitress job at a hotel called The Harbor House.  She didn't last long.  On her first day, she slipped on a wet floor with a tray full of pancakes, waffles, and syrup and the job was history.

Sista bounced back, though.  She not only got a job at a gift store, but the lady that owned it rented her a room.  She enjoyed a wonderful summer.

So this day was designated to finding all of Sista's old haunts.  We found the gift shop in which she worked her fingers to the bone and it is now a scrimshaw shop.  The infamous hotel that lost the best employee they ever had moved, but most of the bars restaurants that were her hangouts were still alive and thriving.   

Although a lot of the shops were closed for the season, we found incredible buys in the ones that were open.  When we walked into a shop, the shopkeeper would often ask, "Are you here with Elin?"   Hmmm.. I thought we looked like natives.

Sista and I agreed that we both enjoyed being on the island off-season.  

The stores that were opened had incredible deals.  Fifty percent off and more!  As you can see, Sista hit the jackpot!

We worked up quite an appetite shopping.  We stopped into one of Sista's old watering holes for lunch.

Sista's thinking... if walls could talk...

We met this lovely group of Sistas in town..  We all agreed that The Blue Bistro was our favorite book.

We also met our new bff's, Amy and Cathy with a "C."  They had just gotten back from a tour of The Brewery in which they discovered a new love for beer.

Our bus tour with Elin started at 3.  She is a ball of energy in size double zero jeans.  She took us on a full tour of the island and pointed out many places that she referred to in her books.  We all ooohed and aaahed because of course, we all read all of her books.  We saw the restaurant that was her inspiration for The Blue Bistro, beaches, restaurants, and The Brewery that were frequently referred to in her books.

She encouraged us to ask her questions, which we took full advantage of.  Elin opened up and let us in on what it's like to lead the life of a famous writer living on one of the most romantic islands in the States.

Elin shared with us that she is divorced from her husband who is the GM of the Cliffside Beach Club Hotel.  It was there that The Blue Bistro was born.  I was kind of sad because she dedicated a couple of her books to him.  But I was happy to hear that they are good friends.

When working on a new novel, Elin writes seven to eight hours a day -- longhand on legal pads.   She then edits it while typing it on the computer.  She spends 6 weeks in February and March on a writing retreat in St. John.  Her ex takes care of her children.

I got this pic off of her FB page.

Her latest book, Winter Street is the first book in a trilogy.  The other two books will be released at Christmas time for the next two years.  I was delighted to hear that because I really enjoyed Winter Street and the family that it centers around.

   Elin's favorite book that she has written is The Blue Bistro and her favorite character is Margaret, who plays a CBS anchorwoman in Winter Street

Elin mentioned briefly that she had just gotten out of the hospital four days prior.  We learned more about that during the speech she made that evening at the dinner.

The bus tour and meeting Elin was another fabulous highlight of the weekend.

Along with everything else at Nantucket Hotel and Resort, the ballroom did not disappoint.  I loved the beams, lighting fixtures, and casual elegance of the room.  

The tables were set with a stack of Elin's books as the centerpiece and votives and seashells encircling them.  

Elin was so gracious with all of the guests.  
But between you and me, I think she liked Sista and me the best.  Just don't tell anyone.

"I think she really liked us.  I could tell she totally wanted to hang out with us."

Elin made an incredible speech.  She spoke of her recent battle with breast cancer.  She found a lump last February, during her annual writing retreat in St. John.  The irony is that her most recent best seller, The Matchmaker, centered around a woman who battled breast cancer.  

Elin ended up having a double mastectomy.  Soon after that, they discovered that she developed MRSA in her left breast.  Again, she was hospitalized and had surgery.  She joked that she was probably the only woman that has lost three breasts.  Four days before we arrived, Elin was released from the hospital from having reconstructive surgery.  You would never know it, she looked great and seemed to be full of energy.

Sista and I had fun talking with Wendy Hudson.  She is not only one of Elin's bestees, but she owns both bookstores on the island and co-owns The Brewery

Wendy is a Smith grad and loads of fun. 

Our table of new bffs.

The next day, Sista and I bid our beautiful home-away-from-home adieu.  

As Arnold would say... We'll be back...

Our line for the ferry.  That guy in his jammie bottoms had the right idea.  Why didn't I think of that?

Until next time, beautiful Nantucket.

Hotel.....    a few bucks
Shopping.....  a few more
   Sista Time.........  Priceless

Hope your Thursday feels like a Friday!


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I can tell by the look on Elin's face that she was smitten with the two of you...don't worry I won't tell anyone else. It seems I have some reading to do as a few of the books I missed. You made some wonderful memories in Nantucket.

  2. What a fav weekend. I need to pick up the book so I am not behind on the trilogy.

  3. Of course she liked you and sista the best. Why wouldn't she. :)

  4. Katie, as the only girl in my family after 3 boys, I have always envied women with sisters. Brothers are great in their own way, but it seems there is a uniquely intimate relationship between sisters. What a blessing each of you has in the other!
    My husband and I rented a home on Nantucket two summers in a row when our children were babies, and the memories we have of the island are so special. I'm told a visit in the weeks before Christmas is amazing too.
    BTW, I just finished The Good Girl and am a few pages into Everything I Never Told You. Your book recommendations have been spot on for me. Thanks so much. All always, my best regards,
    Cathy in NJ

  5. Katie,
    what an amazing weekend! Looked like you didn't miss a thing! Your photos make me wish I was back in New England with my sister, we had the best time ever! Spending time with your sister is the best! I have not read her, will have to start!

  6. Oh My.....so sad about elin's health issues. I had no idea. But ya know what? I bet that weekend was just as beneficial to her soul as it was to ya'll. Being able to "spill and talk" about her problems to kinda strangers had to be liberating. Man, oh man....I hope she's well.
    And duh!!!......of course, you two are prolly her new best friends.....she could spot FUN when she saw it. Ya'll are infectious!
    What a fun weekend you had. eating, shopping, drinking and laughing?? nothing better.
    My bestie from WA and I are meeting up in New Orleans for our getaway next month....you two should join us....we could definitely show you a good time!!!!

    1. New Orleans sounds like great fun!!! Wish I could go. Call me if you need bail $$$$!

  7. Laughter truly is the best medicine. Have a feeling Elin loved meeting you and you and Sista must have given her a big laugh! Almost wish I could have shared the experience.

    1. Wish you should of too, Denise. Hope you're having a great time in FL!

  8. I am inspired to read an Elin Hilderbrand book - probably The Blue Bistro.
    Stuff happens to stuff - and that's why memories and experiences are priceless, like a special weekend with your sister.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. How totally fun!! I can imagine what a great weekend it was....were you able to dodge YOUR fans without drawing too much attention away from Elin:)
    Looks like such fun and I completely agree sista time is the best...love when me and my sis do our little trips. I need to read The Blue Bistro have read many of her books (which I love them all as they have that "take me away" quality) but cannot believe i have not read it. Ordering it NOW!

  11. Elin sounds like an incredible lady! What a fabulous trip for both you and your sister...making memories and remembering younger days. Love the story of her waitress job, even though short-lived! Y'all are too cute together! Thank you for sharing with us all Katie!

  12. She did like you two the best. And can I say I am so jealous (in a good way) - wish we had something like that here with the friends included.

  13. I LOVED THAT TOUR!NEVER been past MANHATTAN!The book tour looked like GREAT FUN.........I do not know HER books but will LOOK for them!The BEST was your last bit about SISTA TIME being PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!LOVED THAT!

  14. I hope this trip was expensed as a "Blogging and Writing" inspiration.
    What fun you two have. Priceless is right.

  15. Oh I hope to visit Nantucket some day after reading your last 2 posts! Can you tell me if Elin Hilderbrand's books are in any kind of story order or can I just pick any one up to start reading. She looks delightful! (as do you and Sista!) Thanks! Jean

    1. Jean... they are all separate stories so there is no order to them except the Winter Street book which is the first in a trilogy. Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and make a comment! Have a great weekend!

  16. I've got real tears in my eyes because I don't have a sister. Only a brother who would not fit into this crowd at ALL!!!!

    What a fabulous trip, and I'm so very intrigued with Elin's books! I think I'll check into them tomorrow. I've needed to schedule a get-away to do some writing, and the photo of the fireplace with a notepad is what started my misty-eyed gooeyness. Thanks for the tour, and double thanks for the inspiration!

  17. I have no doubt that you and Sista were Elin's favorites! And God bless her for being such a champ during the weekend just days after getting out of the hospital. What a fabulous weekend!

  18. Hi Katie, what an amazing trip with your sister! Elin is truly a fascinating and also brilliant woman. I am putting her books on my Kindle list and can't wait to start reading them! These are memories you will have forever!

    The Arts by Karena

  19. I'm so glad you linked back in this from today's post -- I hadn't discovered your blog back when this was written. Fun to see Nantucket, your wonderful hotel (other post) and all the fun of your great weekend. I'd love to do that, too!

  20. Love this! How exciting to meet her in person :-) Love all the photos and totally awesome you got to spend it with your sista!! :-) I'd love to do that with my sister one day. Thanks for sharing!


  21. I'm ordering her books tonight. Thanks for sharing this fun event. I'm so craving a trip to Nantucket.


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