Talbots Sweater Weather

Tuckernuck's Fall Fashions

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Pin Whim of the Week

Hello dear friends.  We woke up to a blanket of fresh snow covering our newly shoveled driveway.  We are expecting another 8 to 14 inches tomorrow night.   Oh Lawd!!!

By the way, our plow guy didn't go on vacation after all, although after visiting my house, I bet he wish he had.  He got stuck and had to get towed.  Just another day in Paradise in Preppy Empty Nesterville.

In an effort to capture a "Calgon Take Me Away" moment, I have pinned these very pretty pictures.  I wish someone would invent a way to climb into these photos so I could live there until Spring.

Knight Moves

Isn't this headboard pretty?  Adore the piping!


Cute idea.

Decor Design Review

I would love to take a nap on this bed and dream of warm sunshine.   

Wendy Posard

Great looking.

apartment therapy

I am positively smitten with checks.  Any size, any color.

My Lovely Things

I'd like to check in, please.  

The Nichols

I've got to have t-shirts made up of these! 

Style at Home

If I could pick one photo to live in, this would be it!

Modern Magazine

What I'm longing for...

Pop Sugar
Mushroom & Goat Cheese Queso

Looks like a Superbowl must have to me.


Love everything about this pic.


Hey Mister, I want a potting shed just like this one for my birthday.


Never met a window seat that I didn't like. 

I can deal with almost anything if I have a good night's sleep and a couple of laughs.

Hope your team wins!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Some Cold Advice

Greetings dear friends from snowbound central!  One of the best parts of having a blog is receiving comments and advice from fellow bloggers and readers.  When I wrote about this week's Nor'beaster, many of you were kind enough to share your winter wisdom with me.  Being a born again virgin where snow is concerned, I found your kind words and tips very helpful.

To my dismay, we are expecting more white stuff this weekend.  This post will cover some valuable advice that I have received from my blog friends.

Mary and Kathy, two of the Sudbury Sweethearts, checked in on me and e-mailed me some great advice.

 Keep the heat in the house higher than usual to avoid frozen roof lines. 

Our thermostat automatically goes down during the night so I re-programmed it so it would be nice and toasty in the house.  It stayed pretty warm for those 6 hours that the electricity went out, thanks to my buddies who gave me this tip.

Make sure dryer and other vents are uncovered and free of snow.

Rather than face the blizzard and checking the vent, I avoided laundry and other household chores as well.

Keep laptops, phones, etc. charged.

The Mister bought me two of these trusty batteries that have enough power to charge an IPhone twice.  Very lucky that I never needed it but at least I have them for next time.  That is, if I can remember where I put them.

 If you are wondering if this is me,
it is.

Keep plenty of gas in the car.  

I haven't been in my car for so long, I probably forgot how to drive.

Mary, an ICU nurse, also recommended keeping a small path shoveled for the doggies and in the event of an emergency.

I wish I could say that I did this.  I let Chowdah and Chili out the back patio door.  And I am ashamed to admit it, I never touched a shovel.  I had to stay in the house to make sure our cable tv service didn't go out.

Melissa sent me 2 great ideas about making sure that I have coffee in the morning if the power goes out.  Don't forget, coffee and wine are my two favorite food groups.

Make coffee before the storm gets bad and warm it up on the gas stove.  


Buy a french press.

This is a great idea because Sista uses one of these and her coffee is nice and strong.  Same way I like my men.

What are your favorite storm watch tips?

The only one in the family that actually loves snow.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Room Reveal: Den

Hello, dear friends.  I am still snowbound and it is a balmy 16 degrees here.  I have yet to hear the sound of a snow plow this morning.  I called our own plow guy and his recording referred me to a forwarding number.  Not a good sign. 

 He's probably on vacation.

The only one who really enjoys the snow around here is Chowdah.  His favorite activity is taking Chili's most treasured squeaky toy outside and burying it in the snow.  Chili lost her sense of humor when the first flake hit the ground.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!

Chow forgets where he buries Chili's treasures, so she has to help him find them. 

Mom, please tell him to stop taking my stuff!!
Reminds me of the old days, when my girls were home.

When I added a few pics on my Massachusetts Home Tour, I realized that I had forgotten to do a post on my den.  So since I've had plenty of time on my hands the past couple of days, I decided to write one.

These are photos of the den when the previous owners lived in the house.

We painted the room a darker color.

The glass door leads to the sunroom.

The room previously had dark stained woodwork.  We decided to lighten it up by painting it white.

I picked this pillow up in a consignment shop in Texas.

When we had the bookcases painted white, we also had doors made for them.  Cuts down on the dusting.  Who wants to burn precious calories dusting when you could be laying on the couch watching Real Housewives?!

Hope your hump day goes smoothly!

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