Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween Fail!

Happy Halloween, everybody!  Mom kind of forgot to get us costumes this year so she ran to Petco (or Crack-co, as we call it) yesterday afternoon.  I'm sure you are not surprised to hear that there wasn't much left and all the good get-ups were gone to all the cool kids.  

Mom settled on two Eeyore costumes (insert eye roll).  She didn't seem to care that one was too small and the other was too big.  We'll let you figure out which is which.  

Enough is enough, Mom!

Hope you get lots of treats and your Mom doesn't make you wear a dumb costume!


Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

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  1. This is too funny how idi you know I needed a laugh this morning!! Give those dogs a big hug from me!! xo K

  2. I stuck my puppy in a big pile of leaves for a photo yesterday and she was not happy. Good thing they love us!

  3. Just too darn cute.......they were at least sports to ham it up for the camera...HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

  4. And the girls are adorable!

  5. This is so cute! Happy Halloween Katie!

  6. Just stopping by to say Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your girls were so cute.

  7. I've always wanted to dress my pets up for Halloween, but have never had a single one cooperate! The girl's photos are so adorable! Have fun eating Halloween candy!

  8. All your babies are so cute! Happy Halloween!

  9. What's a busy Mom to do...looks like fun.

  10. Happy Halloween Katie....sorry I am a bit late :) I was drinking wine dyed green and eating spooky cupcakes with friends till late in the evening...hmm not sure my costume was much better than Chili and Chowdah's but it was all good fun

  11. Love the pictures of the girls! And I must say that Eeyore is my favorite character from Winnie the Pooh so I would ignore the eye rolls and say well done on Chili and Chowdah's costumes!


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