Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Monday, October 20, 2014

#2's Favorite Things & 1 of Mine

Hello dear friends.  I am excited to have my #2 as my guest blogger today.  She agreed to do a post on some of her favorite things. 

Etsy is the new Forever 21. You need to go in/on with patience, diligence, and a strategy. Forever 21 is easily the most overwhelming store in the mall. Just walking past makes my blood pressure rise just a little. I'd say it's due to the hoards of clothes piled on every single surface. Etsy is similar, but it differs in that it sustains organized chaos. You are able to sift through your favorite store's "favorite items/shops," discovering your own as you hunt. I only navigate over to Etsy when I am in the right mindset. And when I have a semblance of an idea of what I am looking for. 

Kantha Throw, Indigo Blue , Made By Artisians Of India

In case you couldn't tell, the whole "blue-and-white" thing kinda runs in the family. It's safe to say it's graduated to an obsession. These are two "Kantha Quilts" that I found. Handmade in India and surprising well priced considering the color and detail. 

White Elephant Designs is a monogramming company that specializes in monogramming acrylic pieces. Great grad gift.

This is one of my personal favorite stores; it's called Mally Claire Jewelry. Mally is not only an incredible entreprenuer with an eye for color and design, but she is also a full-time college student. One more thing, she is also my childhood best friend. Could not be prouder of her.

I've been in love with this store for a long, long time. Ljc designs is a Bali-based company specializing in bright summer clothing and accessories. The bag on the left is actually an iPad case. Ljc also makes a ton of shorts and rompers, pictured right. 

Thank you, #2, for a great job.  The check is in the mail.

And now I would like to add one of my latest favorite things.

This is one of the best books that I have read this year.  The characters are believable and the plot is loaded with twists and turns.  It kept me enraptured until the very last word of the epilogue.  Many are comparing this book to Gone Girl.  I disagree.  I think it is better.

Hope your Monday feels like a Friday!

Guess which pooch loves the rain and which one doesn't.

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Fun post...and I have to agree it is easy to get lost in Etsy..so many amazing finds!! You really do need to enter with some degree of restraint:)
    Can't wait to begin reading The Good Girl, just about done with Big Little Lies..which I also really liked. The dogs are soooo cute!

  2. I need a new book - adding it to my amazon wish list right now! Happy Monday :-)

  3. Oh my goodness, parallel lives, I was just in Forever 21 last night with my 15 year old and managed to get out alive and all under $25. I keep telling her "quality" over "quantity" and maybe one day she'll surprise me. She does love etsy as do I and have found some amazing finds. I need to up my own etsy shop game.
    Thanks for the "good" book tip too. Your pups sure look the odd couple!

  4. Always love #2s posts. The pups are precious!!

  5. I've never shopped on Etsy, but maybe it's time I take a closer look! Thanks for the tips.

  6. I love everything! I am going to have to recommend these favorites to my daughter! I am totally in love with deer heads recently and just ordered one for our office, in fact....just faux however..not the real ones! Also want to read the book! Now...how do you keep ahead of those muddy paws dear Katie???

  7. Simply marvelous seems to run in the family also...love your picks.

  8. Oh, I love Etsy as well and so easy to navigate through it. I have to be in the right mindset as well.

    Wishing you a happy week!

  9. What fun! I am going to pass this along to Caroline...great ideas for her for Christmas. And, thank you for the book rec...I am going to get it for my plane ride (s). Have a fabulous week!!!

  10. It's always interesting to see what shops others (such as your daughter) like on Etsy. Coincidentally today on Etsy I ordered handmade Halloween cards, monogrammed wine bags (10/$17.50!), and a framed print of Boston's Chinatown (gift). The best site for unique, thoughtful gifts *if* you have a good idea of what you want.

    1. Anonymous... sounds like you made a great haul! Love the monogrammed wine bags idea. I wanna go shopping with you!!

    2. Katie - You are welcome to cyber shop with me. I do it after midnight (around the time your blog pops up in my Inbox). For the Etsy wine bags, search "personalized wine bags 12" sold by LittleBeaneBoutique. I plan to use them to give a (hostess) gift of wine. Etsy is great for unique handmade gifts. For example, my son vacationed in Olympic National Park this summer. I searched "Olympic Park" on Etsy and found a great 9x12" decal for his frig. Ex 2: My daughter studied in Rome, so on Etsy I found her a great print of Rome and had it framed for her first apt. Great personalized baby dinnerware & bibs. ETC. ETC. ~Paige


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