Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Saturday, October 11, 2014

Road Trip! Concord, MA

Hello dear friends.  It's been kind of crazy around here.  I've had major computer problems and my email account has been hacked.  I think George Clooney's "wife" may have had something to do with it, but that's my own opinion.  I think it's going to be awhile before everything is totally straightened out.  

Here are some pics from the home

Our Chili is going "leashless" today.  We have been practicing with the invisible fence red flag boundaries and today is the big day.
It will be a lot easier on me.  Chili loves to play ball so when she chases a ball I have to run along with her on the leash.  In the process, Chowdah gets tangled up with the leash and before we know it, we need the jaws of life to undo our mess.  Between you and me, I think my neighbors are may be shooting youtube videos.  But then again, that's my own opinion.  

Chowdah loves Chili.  Maybe a little too much.  He has to be within a foot of her at any given moment.  This includes times when she would appreciate privacy outside during those delicate moments.

For the most part, Chili is very patient with her brother.  When she's had enough, she gives him a sharp bark to straighten him out.  His feelings get hurt and he pouts for awhile.  And before I know it, he is back in sister's personal space.


A couple of weekends ago, the Mister and I spent the day in Concord.  Or as they say Concud.  It is a picturesque town - every inch filled with rich American history.  This beautiful place was the scene of the first battle of the American Revolutionary War.  Concord is considered the birthplace of our nation. "The shot heard around the world" took place there.  Enough with the history lesson.  There will be a test later.

Concord is also famous for being the home of great literary talent such as:  Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Nathaniel Hawthorne.

The morning of our drive, the leaves were just beginning to turn.  No question about it, this is a beautiful part of the country.

As expected, the town is chock full of New England charm.

Sista was in Concord about 6 months ago.  She raved about The Grasshopper Shop.  As a matter of a fact, she liked it so much she left her phone there.  My number was the last dialed so the sweet owner called to tell me.  Sista didn't mind at all.  When she went back to pick it up, she walked out holding two more shopping bags!  I bought two scarves that were marked down to half price.  What a way to start the day!  I love to save the Mister some money.

Cute shops.

Darling antique stores, as well.  I picked up some plates in here.

I tried to start a conversation with this lady, but she was kind of quiet.

Love this!

The Mister couldn't get into this store fast enough.  When he discovered there were no "big boy" toys he left with a pout.

We enjoyed a wonderful lunch at Bondir.  It is a farm-to-table restaurant.  The ambiance is eclectic with an impressive presentation.  The waitstaff was a little uppity, though.  Our waiter was a dead ringer for Robert Downey Jr.  I asked him if anyone else told him that and he gave me the first eye roll of the day, and told me that he hears it about 20 times a week.  When I asked him for a diet coke, I got another eye roll from him and with pain staking patience, faux RDJr. explained to me that they only carry house made and organic items.  Since when is diet coke not organic? I asked him.  He answered me with - what else... a classic Robert Downey Jr. eye roll.  He tried to talk me into some ginger pear stuff, but I declined, with an eye roll.

Not only is the the downtown of Concord enchanting, the residential homes are stunning, as well. 

I am going to be out-of-pocket for a few days.  I will be back mid-week full of vim and vigor. 

Hope you're enjoying a great weekend!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh how glorious Katie! Bless your heart for caring for two dogs....they are both precious! Concord must have been very quaint with lots of nooks and crannys to explore! When ordering a "coke" in Maine, the response was always...."is Pepsi ok?" We knew at that point, we were no longer in the south! Such a "yankee thing!" Happy weekend!!

  2. Laughed reading about Chowdah and Chili. I'm going to put visiting Concord on my list of things to do the next time we visit my hubby's brothers in the Boston area. Fall in New England is so pretty.

    1. It's a great town! Hope you're having a great weekend.

  3. Boys will be boys! Fortunately Chili seems to have a maturity Chowdah might never attain.
    So glad you visited my old neck of the woods. Beauty, history, and charm at every turn. Too bad about your 'server'. Hope the rest of your dining experience offset him.

    1. The rest of the experience was lovely, Denise. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  4. Eye roll, I don't like uppity staff and my family has the odd tradition of all leaning in after the waiter takes our order, to discuss if we like them, and compliment and criticize their comments. We would have given your guy thumbs down for sure. Glad the new kids are getting along! Enjoy your weekend.

  5. So glad you liked Concord and that sweet owner of the Grasshopper is my sister in law! We bought our first house in Concord back in.... well a long time ago, sold it and moved out to the country, I miss living in Concord, btw we pronounce it Concurd ;-)

    1. Please tell your sis-in-law that I LOVE her shop. Sista called me after she read my post and said that she is coming for a visit so we can go shopping at the Grasshopper shop again! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  6. Ok....just gotta say....those puppies are the cutest thing EVAH!!!!!!!! I think I'd have to say they'd BOTH be sleeping in my bed with me!!
    and loverly town....all those NE towns are just the cutest...would love to own a shop there if I could ever think I could handle the weather....
    I would have been a basket case with that silverware....my DIL is a lil hippie type and instead of registering for sterling when she married, she decided she wanted to collect it instead. Her table is a hodgepodge of different pieces and I gotta say....very special and cute. So anytime I go anywhere....I'm always on the lookout for interesting pieces. I would have been there for hours digging thru that stuff!!! Her "collection" has become my "hobby'!!!!
    Enjoy your days off..............what fun things will you be doing??

    1. Hi Janie.. I love to see tables set in the non-traditional way. Adds so much charm and casual elegance. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  7. Lovely looking town. Your old stomping grounds, McKinney, is changing Sauce On The Square to a farm to table type place. Looking forward to experiencing everything but the eye rolls.

  8. What a beautiful town. I miss the New England coast this time of year. We always went to the apple orchards and pumpkins farms. And, the foliage was spectacular. Looks like Chowdah and Chili are going to get along "infamously". LOL Kylee is anxiously awaiting her cousin Kiyah's visit this afternoon, so they can route on the bears together!! I heard they were playing some purple team with a very unusual amphibian of a mascot! LOL

  9. I'm so glad that the sibs are getting along so well. I hope that Chili didn't have too many encounters with the invisible fence! Your area is just chock-a-block full of day trip destinations. I've not been to Concord but it looks beautiful - quintessential New England! Have a great week. See you in a few days!

  10. I just LOVE hearing about all of your adventures...Chowdah and Chili AND your travels! Looking forward it seeing you next week!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!! xoxo

  11. What gorgeous glimpses of fall and those dogs, they are the cutest for sure! See you when you return!

  12. Great photos of Concord. Before I begin my wandering and shopping, I always stop in Priscilla's Candies and buy a small bag of my favorite chocolates.

    1. I saw that shop. Next time, Priscilla's will be our first stop!

  13. What a great trip I had if only to have gone with you! lol And now two dogs! You're crazy wonderful.

  14. Katie,
    there's nothing more beautiful then New England in the fall, love it! Looks like a fun trip with some great shopping! Nothing better then that! Chili and Chowdah are adorable! Chili looks just like a dog we adopted years ago when we lived in Concord NC. My husband found her wandering around a huge truck stop all greasy and dirty. "Samantha" was the best girl!

  15. Oh how I love those dogs!!! I would love to see more of Mass. I seriously need to take a road trip!! See you tomorrow xo K

  16. Your photos are lovely! What a wonderful day trip to make- filled with Autumnal colors and fun, and interesting shops and sights. Your photos are wonderful and make me feel like I am with you!

  17. Great Trip...brings back many Sunday drive memories.

  18. What great photos! I would love to visit New England one day! Good luck with the underground fence!


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