Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Celebrity Kitchens

Hello, dear friends.  Didn't sleep too much last night due to the mother of a storm that arrived on the South Sho-wah.  We lived through a hurricane in Houston and it was not nearly as bad as this Nor'easter.  You know it's going to be a good day when you wake up to this little pretty in your driveway.  I can't complain though, because at least my Internet is working.  It would be a really long day if it wasn't.

Chowdah inspecting the damage.

No thanks, Mom, I can see fine from here.

Everyone who knows me can testify that I adore celebrities.  Real celebs that actually possess talent, not the Kartrashians.  Ask the Mister how cranky I get when my People magazine doesn't arrive on time. My fetish  has prompted me to begin a new series covering celebrity homes.  Awhile ago I did a post on kitchens and here is an updated post of some more celebrity cuisines.  Some of the celebs have moved since the photo was taken.  For instance, Ellen and Portia seem to move every six months.  The next few weeks will cover bedrooms, bathrooms, closets, and whatever else I can find on line.

So clean and pretty. 

Emma Stone

Cool and sleek, just like him.

Justin Timberlake

I'm surprised that her island isn't tatooed.

Lena Dunham

Love the warmth of this room.

Ellen and Portia

Looks like an NYC pad.

Hillary Swank

I don't care for her facelift, but adore her kitchen.

Meg Ryan

Speaking of facelifts...

Renee Zellweger

Seems to fit his commitment-phobic personality. 

John Mayer

"Pub" inspired kitchen.  Bet it's going on the market soon, if it isn't already.

Lance Armstrong

Yup, looks like her.

SJP and Matthew Broderick

Not my favorite.

Cameron Diaz

This, by far, is my favorite kitchen.  

Tom Brady and his gorgeous model wife, whatshername.

Where's the best part?  
What's Patrick's kitchen without Patrick?

Patrick Dempsey

George... quit trying to sneak into my blog.  
It's over!

Hope your weekend is star studded!

Bosley may not be a celeb, but his dashing good looks could lead him to becoming one.  He is a "whoodle" - wheaton and poodle.  He is 18 lbs, two years old, and a sweetheart of a pup.  If you are interested in becoming Bosley's forever Mom or Dad, contact Kathy at Shaggy Dog Rescue.   
Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Glad the storm didn't cause any expensive damage. Someday I hope to have the kitchen of my dreams like the photos you have included in your post.

  2. Glad the damage wasn't worse. Saw some awful pictures on the news. What a fun new feature. Love Portia and Ellen's and Meg's...would not have thought the green belonged to Cameron.

  3. Okay - hate that you had a storm, glad you are safe. Love the kitchens. But back up a second . . . the FACELIFT! Wow! She looks wonderful, but WHY??? She was so adorable and beautiful like she was!
    Thanks, I've been waiting all day to say that.

  4. Well, I have decided that you and I should be neighbors...........

    1 - I have been through several hurricanes here in Raleigh...and lived without electricty for ten days....and cooked the contents of two freezers on my grill all in one day. I have battened down the hatches at our beach house several times, but in the four years we have owned it, all of the hurricanes have fizzled out before hitting us or moved up your way.
    2- I have two doodles.
    3- I want Tom Brady..............I mean I want Tom Brady's kitchen.
    4- Love Lance's kitchen (unfortunately) and also Meg's.
    5- Funny how Renee's is nice and clean without a lot of clutter. (Think about it.)
    6- I want Bosley too.

  5. Hello Katie dear
    Well you have ( as always) given me my best laugh of the day.. the Kartrashians !! Its funny that they wont need any costumes a week next Friday....;))
    Love all the kitchens. I wish Renee were photographed in hers, rehearsing Bridget Jones. I know you love books can you remember reading Bridget for the first time ? I was up all the night, laughing
    Have a lovely weekend, and be safe in the wind xx

  6. I love the kitchen you do - so beautiful. And SJP - has a big kitchen for someone who looks like she never eats!

  7. What? You didn't include my kitchen?

  8. Welcome to New England and our famous Nor'Easters...glad the damage wasn't too bad. LOVE the kitchens. Bosley is a cutie...darn, am I ever tempted! xoxo

  9. Katie, you must follow Lainey Gossip, it's the BEST, most sarcastic celebrity gossip blog around. I laugh out loud at her comments on everyone. And, those kitchens, I would take any one of them (mine is big but has NO light & is so out of date I hate it). Really good post, my friend.

  10. I cannot believe that you did not share your own celebrity kitchen? Mister must be miffed?
    Glad you and all your four legged people weathered the storm. Love to know what sort of provisions are in your pantry if the power had happened to shut you down?
    Do tell?

  11. Fun post my fave here must be Meg Ryans, love the feeling...but agree not such a fan of her facelift! And Tom Bradys is also gorgeous.....I wonder if it sold!
    Hope you have a great weekend, and that sun is shining...we had some nasty weather too and its coooooold but hopefully the sun will make its debut:)

  12. So wish we had room for one more four legged friend - Bosley would fit right in with our brood. What a great round up of celebrity kitchens... too bad none of them really cook in them! :) We agree with Tina that Meg Ryan's gets our vote and we heard her pad was on the market. Perhaps we could put that kitchen to good use. Have a great weekend!
    C + C

  13. Katie,
    so glad you had no major damage during that storm! Weathered a few hurricanes while living in NC. Hugo came pretty close back in the 80's. (Oh so long ago)! Love all the kitchens, like others, Meg's is my favorite along with Tom's.
    PS. How did you get that photo of George in my kitchen, it was supposed to be out secret......

  14. Oh, those Nor'Easter storms....the wind doth blow doesn't it? Glad you did not suffer much damage! Oh, the front of your home is so gorgeous! I believe my favorite kitchen is Ellen's! I would almost believe they actually use it! And now we are to believe Kris Jenner actually cooks and bakes for all that strange brood she has....as she peddles her new cookbook! Please! Poor George continues to be smitten...you are too funny Katie girl!


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