Talbots Spring Essentials

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Lands' End Favorites

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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

We've Got A Winner!!

Hello dear friends.  I am happy to announce the winner of the address stamp that Bella Snail Mail was kind enough to give away.

Karolyn from The Relished Roost

I am feeling a lot better about the recent turn of events in the news.  My friend, Barbara, from the great state of Texas, sent me these pics that she came across on line.  She also included the quotes that were discreetly spoken by you-know-who.

Katie, if you hurry we can still tie the KNOT!

Katie, I'M SORRY!!! You were already taken!

Yeah, sure George, nice try.

Thanks Barbara for bringing my attention to them.

Here's the lowdown on a new show as well a couple of returning shows for the Fall. 

Love this show!!  Tea Leoni knocks it out of the park with her portrayal of a Secretary of State.  Tim Daly is also very cute convincing as her Georgetown professor husband.  Very clever writing as well.

No question about it, James Spader carries this show with his chilling/endearing portrayal of Red.  Season 2 started with a bang and I am hooked on it once again.

I didn't expect much from the new cast of The View.  I didn't get much either.  The show is boring and I think the producers know it because they staged some fight in the press between Rosie and Whoopie to create some interest in the show.  Not working for me.  I'll stick with Kathie Lee and Hoda, thank you very much.

This show is smooth sailing as far as I am concerned.  The cast is darling and every chartered group gets crazier.  I can't get enough of this show.

The Mister and I went to see The Equalizer last weekend.  Guess who chose it.  I had to let him have his choice because I am counting the minutes until the opening of Gone Girl this weekend.  It's gotten great reviews so far.

As far as The Equalizer goes, the only saving grace was Denzel Washington.  I warn you, though, if you go to see it, get ready for some gory scenes.  The minute you see the first fist raised, cover your eyes.  Those knuckle sandwiches lead to lots of blood and guts. 

Happy Hump Day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. I love the new Madam Secretary...going to try to catch up on below deck...thanks for the update. George...it is a bit late to beg.

  2. YAY me!!! I am so excited thank you so much!! Now my letters and such will look sophisticated you are the best!!

  3. PS that photo of George making that funny face he looks just like my Dad in that picture that I had to have my daughter come look at it!! Too Funny!!!

  4. Really? Can I have your Dad's number? :)

  5. Your friend Barbara is a hoot! In time George will see the error of his ways and come crawling back - to no avail I'm sure.

  6. Know what's really crazy about Below Deck? I was there, at Nanny Cay marina in the BVI'S, while they were filming the show! Yep, that was our base marina this yr for our sailing cruise and we watched all of their schenanigans when they were hanging out at the bar and restaurant! They are some c-r-a-z-y kids, that bunch!

    right now, I am beaching it. Literally. Had to run from the insanity of 5 grandkids, under the age of 5, so I grabbed 2 gal pals and we took off for Navarre Beach Florida. Found a swank penthouse condo and I have not done one thing today but read....beach walk....collect shells....and play in the Gulf. LOVING IT!!!

  7. Congrats to Karolyn! I love your friends, they are real winners to have you.
    I must get better about staying up to date on TV and give-aways. I must have been asleep at the blog.

  8. I love Below Deck too, especially because the women are real - not over-dressed or over made-up or augmented like the women on most of the other Bravo shows.

  9. Katie! You are a girl after my own heart.....I totally am with you on all of the shows! Love the pictures of "your George!" You always make me laugh....I adore that! I am so dissapointed in The View also....I was just thinking they are loud, crude and the conversation is boring. What were the producers thinking???? Below Deck is THE only Bravo show my husband will watch and will probably kill me that I have now announced this! Happy October to you!!!! Thank you for keeping us laughing!

  10. Congrats to Karolyn....funny commentary with the pictures, George's loss!
    I think Below Deck is a hoot, what a cast of characters! Caught one episode of The View, did not like it and will not tune in again.....always fun to see whats on your radar, since you are always in the know with whats big on TV and with "George"!

  11. Katie, love this blog and love all your choices of shows. They are all my favorites, except Below Deck which I have never seen, I must look for it. Also share your view on the View, no longer watching it - all my favorite people are gone on it. Want to see both movies you listed, I use to love Denzel and know the movie is very violent but still hope to get to see it, hubbie will love it I am sure. Two somewhat Boston themed movies, how can you beat them? Sorry about George and you. You will heal in time!!!

  12. Hi Marilyn... Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and commenting. Denzel is wonderful in the movie. If it weren't for him I would probably hate the movie. Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. Now that I am back in the same city as my DVR (at least for a little while) I must get my recordings set. So you like Madame Secretary? OK that's going on my list!
    Absolutely love the pictures showing Mr. Clooney as he realizes the error of his ways!

  14. Oh my goodness Katie! Your commentary is perfect with G. Clooney.. so funny:) Can't wait to see Gone Girl I haven't seen Madame Secretary.. will tune in. I agree about the View. It's been so long since I've watched and I didn't realize Rosie was back on. Anyway, I'm not a fan. Great overall review Katie! Happy Friday! xxleslie


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