Talbots Spring Essentials

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Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Need Some Costume Ideas?

Good Morning, dear friends.  It is a windy, rainy day here in Massachusetts.  This is Chowdah's favorite kind of weather.  The ground is nice and soft so he can get a lot more digging done.


Nine days until Halloween!  Have you thought about your costume yet?  Never fear... Katie is here - with some ideas that you probably have never thought of.  With a little help from google, I have put together some suggestions. 

You and your hubby will be the talk of your 'hood if you show up at a party in this get-up.

Huffington  Post

I doubt these two will be going to any parties together this year.

Hollywood Insider

Who wouldn't want to live next door to this fun family?

Mad at the hubby?  Make him wear this outfit to a party.  Then stay within earshot and listen to all the wise cracks.

P8 Fashion

Not so sure about this one.

P8 Fashion

Best looking babe at her water aerobics class.

No words.

runt of the web

This poor kid.


A costume and a teaching moment wrapped into one!

Another poor kid.

A smorgasbord of outfits!

Bet their neighbors are happy that they're moving.

There is something so wrong about this photo.

And speaking of wrong...
poor Grandma.

I'm going to make the Mister wear this if he drags me to another war movie.  I don't care if it stars Brad Pitt.

And last but not least...

a glimmer of the Mister and me last Halloween.

Happy Hump Day!

Preppy Empty Nester
Preppy Empty Nester

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Feel free to contact me through comments and email. I love to hear from my readers!


  1. Oh my goodness...I was laughing so hard I spit out my coffee!! Thanks for always brightening my dear!! xoxo

    1. Oh Katie!! .. you and the Hubs are looking in such great shape these days;) These costumes have me laughing out loud but I must say that first one is crazy! ..so funny!

    2. My computer is spacing out and I think I just commented .. sorry Sandy!

  2. looked like those pictures "the people of Walmart". Some you think..what were they thinking! Chowdah has a great face

  3. Some people have nerve and a really good sense of wicked humor.

  4. Hilarious! Always amazed by some of the costumes and things people are willing to wear.

  5. Oh, please let them all come to my house for candy. I need to see these people up close- in person!

  6. I needed this today - loved it. And you and hubs - ooh la la!

  7. It is no wonder you and the Mister are a power couple...all the horns in the right places. Loved the other costumes as well. We used to live next door to a Dan and Roseanne (ala Roseanne Show of the 1990's)...grave markers in the front yard...more spider webs than actual spiders could produce, skulls and fake caskets on the front lawn...thank goodness this decorating started only on October 1 and ended Nov .1 ...we sold our house on Sept. 29, 15 years ago...whew dodged that Halloween bullet.

    Loved this ...thanks.

  8. Thank goodness our dressing up days are over! Having been to Comic Con in NYC and seen what adults do to themselves, we're happy with a Venetian mask. Some of these outfits are hysterical and we don't know how you'll surpass last year's costume.
    C + C

  9. I've seen variations of that baby-in-a-lobster-pot costume and was just horrified by it. Really?!?! Excellent, excellent use of the RHONJ photo, my friend. A+!


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